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  生命的英語作文 篇1

  Trees, cut off branches, can regenerate; grass, burning can grow again. Seed, you can hit it overturned stones, strong upward growth, these are to live their lives, we have to give up his own life?

  Life is a normally open unbeaten flowers.

  Happy life, there will be pain. Some people can face the setbacks, relieve the pain, and some people often exaggerate the frustration, magnify the pain. Not the same choice, not the same life journey, but to let the heart of the Gobi wasteland full of flowers, only face to face setbacks, not magnify pain.

  It takes a lifetime for a shell to transform countless grains of sand into an irregular pearl. After the rain, the rainbow is blooming, and the beauty of the instant is to accumulate countless water vapor. If they are seen as a setback again and again, it is a setback that makes the pearls of glory and the beautiful rainbow.

  Bing Xin said: "the success of flowers, people only envy the beauty. It had bud soaked with tears of struggle, sacrifice." If you encounter setbacks, still able to struggle against the heroic, then life is brilliant.

  In the bright and bright moonlight, I often can not help asking myself, what is life? I think, if life is a tree, I will take the tree into the depths of the earth with one heart and one heart. Even if the foot is a hard rock, have perseverance will source your life roots drilling crevice. If life is grass, I want to combine all of the same, ungrudgingly dedication to the world of their own star light green, the earth will therefore be full of youthful vitality. If life is a flower, flowers are beautiful, and flowers are beautiful when they fall. I want to spread the petals of life on the journey of life...

  Life is limited, time is money, money to buy that inch of time. The old man never gives more time. Therefore, we must cherish time and cherish life. Everyone's life is precious. Nothing can be exchanged for it. We should cherish every minute and every second, and make every minute and every second to do the best.

  In life, I want to cherish my life more, love more of my life, and use my life well. Strive for the infinite value of the limited life.

  生命的英語作文 篇2

  Compared to the universe, our lives are really short, just like a meter. But the meaning of life doesn’t depend on its length but contributions. For example, Marie Curie, in order to find the radium, she devoted her whole life to the research. Though the radioactive element had shorter her life, she never gave up her mind to serve the world. According to her story, I conclude that the first meaning of life is contribution. The standard of judging a life isn’t how much he asks for but how much he gives away.

  The second meaning of life is struggling for our goals. Each of us has goals, such as longing for position, hoping for wealth and looking forward to be loved. However, the path leading to them isn’t filled with roses. But no matter how tough to accomplish our dream we should never say die. If you really want to achieve them, please keep diligent and patient just like an English motto goes;“No pains ,no gains.”

  The third meaning of life is happiness. Not only should we keep happy, but also bring enjoyment to others .For example, we can have an optimistic attitude which can affect the people in our surroundings. Besides, we are supposed to be ready to help others, because in this way we can make both us and them happy .I consider it an unchangeable truth that ‘Helping others creates happiness.’

  just want to say, the lives for us are limited, but we are able to make efforts to make it shine out .Believe it, though our lives are rather short, we can also make a hit .If we try our best, our lives will be meaningful as well.

  生命的英語作文 篇3

  however mean your life is, meet it and live it,do not shun it and call it hard names. it is not so bad as you are. it looks poorest when you are richest. the fault-finder will find faults in paradise. love your life, poor as it is. you may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house.

  the setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. i do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace. the town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any. may be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving. most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, which should be more disreputable.

  cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends, turn the old, return to them. things do not change; we change. sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.

  生命的英語作文 篇4

  Money and the Meaning of Life Recently,a professor of philosophy in theUnited States has written a book called Money and the Meanlng of Life. He hasdiscovered that how we deal with money in our day-to-day life has more meaningthan we usually think. One of the exercises he asked his students to do is tokeep a record of every penny they spend for a week. From the way they spendtheir money, they can see what they really value in life. He says our relationwith others often becomes clearly defined when money enters the picture. Youmight have a wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are verygood friends. But you will know him only when you ask him to lend you somemoney. If he does, it brings something to the relationship that seems strongerthan ever before. Or it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesnt. Thisperson may say that he has a certain feeling, but if it is not carried out inthe money world, there is something lereal about it.

  People just have an idea of ma-ki-ng more and more money, but what is itfor? How much do I need for any given purposes in my life7 In his book, theprofessor uncovered an important need in modern society: to bring back the ideathat money is an instrument rather than the end. IMoney plays an important rolein the material world, but expecting money to give happinemay be missing themeaning of life.

  生命的英語作文 篇5

  Meaning of Life Life is important to anyone in the world. But what the lifemean is not clear to anyone on the earth.

  What is the meaning of life? Someone thinks that life is working andworking. They think that they dont need to know anything outside the field oftheir specializations, so they dont care about many things such as sports,entertainment, music...

  Life is more than working. Of course working is important to our life,because it supports oppotunity to get money, and make our life better. However,working is not enough to life. As a human in todays society, he or she shouldknow much more knowledge than his or her own field. The knowledge outside onesspecialization can help him or her build up the moral sense.

  The meaning of life is difficult to explain. No one can give the clearidentification of it. But the life is not difficult. The meaning of life is todevote. If anyone in the world is ready to devote, the life of the world will bemore beautiful.

  生命的英語作文 篇6

  I have been shocked many times by some accidents in my life through which I find Human's life is like a delicate vase that will break into pieces for some unexpected incidents.

  One day in the summer of last year,Wang,my friend,was watching a football match with his father.The match was too exciting for his father's heart to bear so he suddenly fell down to the ground for the heart attack. 120 was soon dialed but Wang's father passed away at last. It was too cruel for Wang to see his father die in front of him,and also too difficult for me to accept the fact,because just several hours before his death,he picked Wang and me up at Pu Dong Airport and sent us back home. At that time,he was so healthy that no one would expect that he would die a few hours later.

  A few days later,I found something wrong with my body.It was a cyst as big as a coin found under my cheek. I felt very worried because,as I know,a cyst in that place was very dangerous. I was put into hospital after the doctor decided to remove it. After I entered the room of patients,I was jaw dropping because the looks of the patients were frightening,one person has a lump as big as a baseball on his face; another patient's eyes were bruised too badly to be seen and an old man's teeth had been all knocked off because the doctor would do an operation in his throat. I felt lucky and was even satisfied with my illness in this situation.

  Life is really precious and delicate.Some people are bornblind or deaf. Some pass away in a minute. Some live in great pain even they are alive. We have no qualification to complain about some little unfairness in our life if we are healthy.We should care for our lives and make use of it as plentifully as possible.

  生命的英語作文 篇7

  sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.

  you never know who these people may be - a roommate, a neighbor, a professor, a friend, a lover, or even a complete stranger - but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart.

  illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved straight flat road to nowhere. it would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless.

  the people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become. even the bad experiences can be learned from. in fact, they are sometimes the most important ones.if someone loves you, give love back to them in whatever way you can, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.

  if someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.make every day count. appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again. talk to people that you have never talked to before, and listen to what they have to say.

  let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high. hold your head up because you have every right to. tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don"t believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you.

  you can make anything you wish of your life. create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.

  and if you love someone tell them, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store.

  生命的英語作文 篇8

  my teammates on the united states disabled ski team used to tease me about the size of my chest, joking that my greatest handicap wasn't my missing leg but my missing cleavage. little did they know how true that would become. this past year, i found out that for the second time in my life i had cancer, this time in both breasts. i had bilateral mastectomies.

  when i heard i'd need the surgery, i didn't think it would be a big deal. i even told my friends playfully, "i'll keep you abreast of the situation." after all, i had lost my leg to my first go-round with cancer at age 12, then gone on to become a world champion ski racer. all of us on the disabled ski team were missing one set of body parts or another.i saw that a man in a wheelchair can be utterly sexy. that a woman who has no hands can appear not to be missing anything. that wholeness has nothing to do with missing parts and everything to do with spirit. yet although i knew this, i was surprised to discover how difficult it was to adjust to my new scars.when they brought me back to consciousness after the surgery, i started to sob and hyperventilate.

  suddenly i found that i didn't want to face the loss of more of my body. i didn't want chemotherapy again. i didn't want to be brave and tough and put on a perpetual smiling face. i didn't ever want to wake up again. my breathing grew so shaky that the anesthesiologist gave me oxygen and then, thankfully, put me back to sleep. when i was doing hill sprints to prepare for my ski racing - my heart and lungs and leg muscles all on fire - i'd often be hit by the sensation that there were no resources left inside me with which to keep going.then i'd think about the races ahead - my dream of pushing my potential as far as it could go, the satisfaction of breaking through my own barriers - and that would get me through the sprints. the same tenacity that served me so well in ski racing helped me survive my second bout with cancer.

  after the mastectomies, i knew that one way to get myself going would be to start exercising again, so i headed for the local pool.in the communal shower, i found myself noticing other women's breasts for the first time in my life. size-d breasts and size-a breasts, sagging breasts and perky breasts. suddenly and for the first time, after all these years of missing a leg, i felt acutely self-conscious. i couldn't bring myself to undress.i decided it was time to confront myself. that night at home, i took off all my clothes and had a long look at the woman in the mirror. she was androgynous.

  take my face - without makeup, it was a cute young boy's face. my shoulder muscles, arms and hands were powerful and muscular from the crutches. i had no breasts; instead, there were two prominent scars on my chest. i had a sexy flat stomach, a bubble butt and a well-developed thigh from years of ski racing. my right leg ended in another long scar just above the knee.i discovered that i liked my androgynous body.

  it fit my personality - my aggressive male side that loves getting dressed in a helmet, arm guards and shin protectors to do battle with the slalom gates, and my gentle female side that longs to have children one day and wants to dress up in a beautiful silk dress, go out to dinner with a lover and then lie back and be slowly undressed by him.i found that the scars on my chest and my leg were a big deal. they were my marks of life. all of us are scarred by life; it's just that some of those scars show more clearly than others. our scars do matter. they tell us that we have lived, that we haven't hidden from life. when we see our scars plainly, we can find in them, as i did that day, our own unique beauty.

  the next time i went to the pool i showered naked.

  生命的英語作文 篇9

  Days ago, in a biology class, our teacher told us something about the gene project and some experiments done on the animals. He was talking about it in a proud tone, but I felt really upset when I heard that. I think it unfair to treat the animals like this.

  Yes, nowadays, we do often hear about new discoveries brought by this kind of experiments. But when we humans are proud of how clever and great we are, does anyone of us think how miserable it is for those animals that sacrifice in the experiments? We inject viruses and bacteria into their bodies to observe their reaction, in this way, we can know more about the illnesses that we can’t cure at present and we may get rid of them in the future. But since we ourselves don’t want to suffer from them, why do we torture the animals? We are all creatures on the same planet, and we are equal. Human beings, although being the most intelligent, have no right to treat the others like this. I have to admit that we do benefit a lot from those experiments and I know it’s unreasonable to stop the advancing of science and technology. But I hope we can find a balance point between the two.

  Nothing can I change, but wonder whether we all lives share the same rights; nothing can I change, but wonder whether science should control everything; nothing can I change, but wonder whether the perfection of technology can achieve the perfection of humanity; nothing can I do, but appeal: Please respect all the creatures, because we are all connected in the great circle of life!

  生命的英語作文 篇10

  Being depressed has been the obvious illness for some people nowadays. It has been noticed by the public. The news reported that some people got suicide because they had been suffered from depression for a long time. We felt so pity for the loss of these young lives, and they deserved living a better life if they had not passed away.

  When we saw the loss of young lives from the news, we felt sad and pity. The young people got suicide for many reasons, such as they got dumped by their girlfriends or boyfriends. Some children chose the extreme way to punish their parents after they had arguments. All of these reasons seemed can be solved in other people's eyes, there was no need to say goodbye to the world and miss the beautiful life.

  Life is short, we should cherish it and spend time on the things that can bring us happiness. Thinking about our parents and friends, they support us all the time. Love and care from these lovely people can help us get over all kinds of difficulties.

  生命的英語作文 篇11

  In recent years, the news about saving others' lives at the cost of one's own are frequently reported. Some people praise the people who save others, becuase it's traditional virtue in China to help those who are in need. However, some other people argue that it's not worth to save others lives at the cost of one's own and it should not be encouraged.

  As far as I am concerned, the spirit of self-sacrifice is worthy for us to learn, but we should find amore appropriate way to avoid accident as well.

  First, every life is precious and respected. Whenever somebody is in danger, we will certainly give them a hand to rescue the lifeif we could. It's our nature. However, it's unwise to take action without any considerations. For instance,somebody is drowning, if you are good at swimming, you could jump into the water to save the life; but if you can't swim, the best way for you is not jump into the water but shout loudly and ask others for help.

  Secondly, some extra accidents can be avoided if we think carefully. There are too many stories about young and promising people sacrifice their own lives to save other but lost their own lives. It's quite debated about these cases. They all have their persuasive reasons and it's difficult for us to tell right or wrong between them.

  In conclusion, we should study the noble spirit and action of those who sacrifice themselves to save lives. However, we should also try our best to find the best way to rescue others at the lowest cost. Anyway, all lives are precious, unique and respected and we don't want to see anybody lose their lives.

  生命的英語作文 篇12

  "Want to have life only, meet hopeful. " so we should have deep love for life. Cody is an unfortunate child, be delivered of have a kind of infrequent sacrum depauperate disease. Cody when 15 months are big, doctor length besides the part under his knee, installed artificial limb for him, he learns to rely on artificial limb to walk.

  He is lively good the little boy that move. Cody breaks out crank, false leg also is a leg, why cannot walk fast in that way like normal person? To realize this dream, cody gave the effort of hardships, artificial limb often puerile skin worn-out, blood dripping wet. Later, cody has attended to be held for the disabled internationally contest -- games of do all one can. Cody and parents had played marathon game. After Kedixi hopes he is grown, can attend incomplete abstruse meeting match. In 5.12 earths epicenter, the heroes of seismic disaster area are ad cool-headed before disaster save oneself bravely each other is saved, compose the paean of life of a music.

  After him Lin Hao flees for his life, dash ahead without thinking his safety again with respect to the classmate, ma Jian sacrificed to help a fellow student oneself, still have Tan swing, teacher of Li Jia equality held off Azrael with his life, let barely escape one's life of how many child. . . . . . Had read Cody's story, hear heroic story, we are valueing life more, because encounter a bit setback,do not want abandonment, abandon life. We should have deep love for life, life is brief, the life that we should let us sends out a multicoloured ray.

  生命的英語作文 篇13

  Today the Five-Star Red Flag is flown at half-mast and the whole nation mourns for quake victims.

  From Wenchuan to Yushu earthquake, the consensus that life must be respected has been reached by the nation. A national day of mourning held in the name of the whole country not only shows the respect for life, but also manifests the toughness and turns grief into strength.

  Rescue efforts are still going on in Yushu. Love envelops the quake zone. From mushroomed relief tents to children's voices resounding through classrooms in the mobile panel house; from the continuous flow of aid to the pledge of “new campuses and new homes,” all of these displays the national responsibility and strength, which just stem from citizens’ supreme respect for the value of civilian lives.

  No awe of life, no respect for human beings; no mourning for the deceased, no appreciation of life. Giving first priority to ordinary people’s lives and dignity is not only a rational return to the value of life, but also the application of government's "people oriented" policy.

  Now we hope that the national attitude to respect people and their lives could really evolve into an institutional public action. We cannot escape from bigger disasters in the future, but the dignity of life and the progress of human beings could be refined into a civilized institution.

  Let's mourn today and remain tough tomorrow.

  生命的英語作文 篇14

  Everyone may encounter a scene when he or she wonders what the meaning and purpose of life is. Answers to this question vary from person to person. As for me, I agree with the view that the meaning of life is to discover your gift and the purpose of life is to make the best of it.

  On one hand, one's gift could be the source of his inner happiness, providing spiritual impetus and correct orientation. Take the world-renowned Chinese pianist Lang Lang as an example. His gift was noticed before he was 3 years old, which laid the foundation of his glorious life. On the other hand, proper use of talent helps people to realize their value in a positive way, thus making contribution to the society as a whole. For instance, Isaac Newton made a universally amazing discovery by digging into his gift and finding the Newton's law of gravitation.

  In conclusion, let's search for our true gift and utilize it to the fullest to achieve a happy and valuable life.

  生命的英語作文 篇15

  Nowadays, the biggest problem in our world is the environment is broken. The environment around us gets worse and worse, and the environment pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world. Many lakes and rivers are seriously polluted and much water is polluted by factories.

  Many trees are cut down, and the animals don’t have home to go. The earth is our home and it is our duty to take care of it for ourselves and our future generations. Good environment can make people feel happy and fit. And the bad environment will bring illness to people. To protect the environment means to improve our life. As a middle school student, we must do our bit towards protecting the environment. It is our duty to do that. But what can we do for our Mother Earth?

  In my opinion, I think protecting the environment should from ourselves. We shouldn’t throw the rubbish everywhere. And we should also tell others not to do that. We should put the trash into their own houses—trash bins. Whenever and wherever we see litter on the ground, we should pick it up and throw it into trash bins. Never spit in public. And don’t draw on public walls. As we know, water is the limited resources, and it is very important for human beings, we can’t live without water. But some people don’t care about it, and many cities need water now. So we shouldn’t waste the water.

  How to save the water? I have some my own idea. First, we can use some water which we have used again. For example, we can use the water we wash rice to water the flowers. Second, we should turn off the tap when we leave. We should try to protect the water resource. To protect trees, we can go to plan as many trees as we can. We can use cloth bag instead of plastic bag while we are shopping.

  And I think we should tell others to protect environment, too. We should stop the people who throw the trash on the ground, and tell them it’s wrong to do this. We can also write to the boss of factories which discharge the pollutant. We can call our friends to plant more flowers and trees together. We should let people realize the seriousness of the environment pollution.

  生命的英語作文 篇16

  Grass is the most common green plant in our life, and it is also the food of herbivores.

  After the winter, spring came, and everything that had slept for a long time woke up. Green grass came out of the ground, colorful flowers were blooming, swallows flew back to the north from the South The earth is full of life. I like the sunny spring and the green grass.

  There is a lawn in the east of our community. I often go there to play. The children in the community also praise it. It's green in spring and summer, and it rains heavily from time to time in autumn. After a downpour, I went to see the grass. I saw the grass drooping his head, as if dying, some have been lying on the ground, but a few hours later, the grass even straightened his back.

  "Leave the grass, one year old and one wither. The wildfire will not burn out, and the spring wind will blow again. " This is people's praise of grass. I love this ordinary and tenacious Grass.

  生命的英語作文 篇18

  On May 12, 2008, Wenchuan, Sichuan, took a 80-level earthquake. The Wenchuan earthquake is a ruthlessness of fragile life. It is also a "witness to strong will ... Many citizens are brave enough to have a strong will. Honest. When the uncle and armed police uncle and the disaster were fighting, many touching pictures were poured.

  During the period, there was such a lens: a young soldier hugged the five-month-old child who was rescued by him. At that time, his face was full of brilliant smiles. The kind of smile made him full of spirit and confidence. Because he rescued is not only a child, the rescue is the hope of the future of the motherland. Because the child is the flowers of the motherland, the future hope, the child rescued by the warrior, he has experienced such a hardship in such a small time, as the saying goes: "Dachang is not dead, there must be a blessing".

  I think this child will definitely be the talents of the pillars of the motherland, becoming a useful person. If he knows that this uncle saved himself, he must be very grateful to him. Because this uncle gave him the second life. There are many lives under the ruins, and these life can get the second rebirth, because rescuers do not give up any life, whether it is the old man who has flowers or very young babies, they all strive Round their lives. In front of this disaster, there will be so many life rebirth, not only the responsibility of rescuers to life, but also the hope of citizens do not abandon their life! They rely on strong perseverance in front of difficulties, so that life is reborn. They were saved in front of this huge disaster, and they should not be painful, but should report to be grateful smile! Because our lives have been saved, if they are saved, they are still in pain, then those who struggled to die, should it be? Because there is this beautiful smile, you can move countless people and encourage countless people. This smile tells us that life should be smile in strong middle! earthquake! This devastating destruction makes us lose a lot, but it has also got a lot.

  I lost my loved ones, my homes, lost their warm home; but at the same time, we also got unity, love, and strong! Because of this disaster, the Chinese people are more united, knowing that the unity is our faculty, the most stable, and most reliable China is slowly developing some people lose love, how precious love is not understanding! But in this disaster, people have retrieved love. People know that love is not only happy, but also makes people who love the love feel warm. From the impact of this disaster, we also know the precious life! So people also saved their own heart while saving others!

  生命的英語作文 篇19

  In our world, green dominates everything.

  In spring, everything recovers. It is the first to report spring to people. It's a little bit green, which makes people feel that new life is starting again. More and more green, more and more spring color, and the whole world is full of vitality. People use "vitality" to describe everything in spring. Indeed, spring is full of hope under the green decoration.

  In summer, the shade blocks out the sun for people. It's such a thick green. The green is so lovely that people feel stronger vitality is playing a role. People use "warm" and "exuberant" to describe everything in summer. It's true that summer under the domination of green is really a powerful force.

  Autumn, autumn, everything has matured. Some people say that autumn is a golden world, but who would have thought that gold appears after green. Without a solid foundation laid by green, how can gold produce the fruits of life? People use "maturity" and "harvest" to describe autumn. In fact, the golden fruits are the crystallization of green life.

  In winter, the earth sleeps, everything is so quiet. Some people say that winter is a silver world, but who can think that under the silver cover, green is pregnant with new life? Even on the silver, there are still some green embellishments in the world. You can see that Holly is so full of vitality, adding a bit of new green to winter. People often use "quiet" and "deep sleep" to describe winter. In fact, green life is accumulating more and stronger vitality.

  Green, dominates everything in the world, because green is the color of life.

  Traffic lights. Is the most common, red stop, green line, why? Because green makes people feel a soft sense of security. This kind of security is for people's lives. Traffic accidents often take people's lives. And the green light is trying to stop it. Therefore, in a sense, green is connected with life.

  Green, a symbol of peace. "World Green Peace Organization" is an organization that protects peace and life. Peace means that life can survive and continue. Peace guarantees life and security. All life development cannot be separated from a peaceful environment. Why does green symbolize peace? Maybe green is the color of life!

  There is no lack of green in the battlefield filled with gunpowder. There are green troops. The military uniform is green. Soldiers wear military uniforms to protect the country and people's lives. Military uniforms have become the symbol of soldiers and the goal of people's trust. Here, although green is linked with war, it is just to save many lives. Therefore, green is always closely related to life, green is permanent, and life is permanent.

  Green is everywhere in our world, because green is the color of life.

  Whether it is the hope of spring, the power of summer, the harvest of autumn, the breeding of winter, or life and peace, there is nothing but the creation and contribution of green. The power of green is great, and the power of life is unstoppable. Because, green, the color of life.

  生命的英語作文 篇20

  The weather beaten old man behind my house died. His existence is the burden of his family; his actions are the laughingstock that the children in the neighborhood try to imitate; his life is the topic that the neighbors don’t want to reach. Every time I saw him, I was running around in the yard, shouting loudly and shouting loudly. I was followed by my wife who was the same old age. She was chasing and beating him. “ Ten years of hard work together, and a hundred years of hard work together. ”I don‘t know why the fate of hard work is ruined by this pursuit. What’s more ridiculous is that his family didn‘t know when he died, and his son was feeding fish in the fish pond at that time. No children were reluctant to part with him when he died.At that time, his son was feeding fish in the fish pond. At the time of his dying, no children would not give up their eyes to see him off, and some might only be the wailing of summer insects outside the window. He didn’t even say anything about it. In fact, what he wanted to say was that I was sure that there was only the suffocating air in the room. He‘s really quite old. Even his granddaughter has children. It’s time to leave the world, but the way to leave is a bit cruel.

  I have always been full of hopes for this world, but reality has shattered my hopes. I can‘t see through the world and the people who live in it. At this time, his family has already set up the ashram, “monks” are also blowing and beating over there, and there are even throbbing cries in the hall. What the dead do is impossible to hold back the steps of the dead. I was bullied by my family when I was alive, but I was grieved by my family after I died. It’s a great joke from heaven.

  Life should not be valued after death. But as people often say, “it‘s only when it’s lost that we can understand its value.” So we should forgive his family. After all, man is not a God with high moral integrity. His attitude will change with the change of circumstances, which is beyond reproach. And his relatives, with a sad look, attend his funeral, but they think that their business is not looked after, is it OK? Their children are good at home, and the boss will not be angry if they don‘t work today, which is beyond reproach.Because of the old man’s death, there is only one relative missing for them. Besides, he is still a relative who has nothing to rely on. It‘s human enough to attend the funeral. The purest truth that settles in the bottom of my heart has been tempered by life. Everyone can do this, just the difference between early and late.

  I’m a kid, and adults always say that. But I look at the world in such a real way, at the people in the world who are busy playing various roles. As four-dimensional said in “carved happy time”: the whole city crawls under my feet, watching all people‘s joys and sorrows mixed with the noise of the world rush up to the high sky together, watching the sun straight down, hollowing out all people’s bodies and souls. “ I also seem to see the bodies and souls hollowed out by sunlight, and see the weight of life in people‘s hearts.

  Perhaps treat their own lives, everyone is so spare no effort to care for. But what about others? Indifference. Use cold eyes to look at the life about to be annihilated or just born. With a heart, to care for the people around us, this may be what we should do, at least this can make the balance of life in our hearts slightly balanced, so that our hearts are not so tired.

  生命的英語作文 篇21

  Think of the weirdest creatures you’ve even seen in a sci-fi film. Now think of this: there are far stranger, albeit smaller, critters living in your own home. And Rob Dunn at North Carolina State University wants you to go on safari to find them.

  Research has been done on the diversity of bacteria, fungi and other organisms that live on our skin, in our guts, even in our belly buttons.

  But there are other entire ecosystems that surround us. And scientists want to understand how they differ based on how and where we live. What’s the tiny life like on a doorframe in Brooklyn compared with that in Des Moines? Or how do fridge microbes of an urban singleton stack up with those of a suburban family?

  The research team seeks ten volunteers from each state, five urban and five rural. Each volunteer will get a kit of vials and swabs, along with instructions about where and how to swipe – such as door frames, couch cushions, refrigerators, even yourself. The samples will be analyzed, to uncover the secrets of our microscopic companions. To find out more, go to robdunnlab.com

  生命的英語作文 篇22

  Maple leaves seem to be a good thing, it represents love. But one of my friends told me that maple leaves are actually very miserable, and its life has experienced germination, green, to the red transformation, and then gave his life's roots through the cold winter day, then dropped, ending life. I didn't think so, but I found myself wrong, I missed the meaning of this better thing. As he said, Maple leaf has experienced germination, green, and reddog, walking through the winter, and then falling, but this is its life, it is its fate, after these, this life is enough for it.

  Because it understands this is that it must experience a life, there should be no complaints; because it knows this is its fate, there should be no dissatisfaction; more because it knows that life is only once, as long as it is well, it is worthy of it. So, no matter how your own fate is worth it, this is only beautiful. I think my friend only saw the tragic side of Maple Leaf, and it should be said that he looks at life from pessimistic angles, and does not see the beauty of life. In fact, I didn't take life very precious, I will always ask: What is precious? Why do some people value it so much, and even willing to sell everything for it, give up everything? I really didn't understand the time, always think that life is like everyone's toys, when you don't want to play, you will lose it to one side, no longer pay, no longer have to ask.

  It is not that, it is not that, it is the most important thing for everyone, it is the most beautiful thing in the world. Grandma has told me that every star represents a person in the vast sky. Every moment, the stars are glowing, representing this person living in this world; when the star of the stars stopped, it represents this person will leave this world. I think everyone will feel afraid after listening, I will silently pray that my stars will always be bright, no matter what price to pay, but this might? It is impossible, like the blooming flower will always drop, no matter how bright stars will always have disappeared day, all everything, even in the universe, the globe is living in such a long time, and will eventually usher in the moment of death.

  Compared with the living time of the Earth, it is too small, it's too short, and this life is a life-saving period, like the stars, it has shining before the fall, it makes people have a brilliant in this world. It makes people glow, fever like the stars in the past few decades. Despite short, although it is the only chance to have life, it is enough. Because the life is only a short period of decades, only the only one, but has experienced a lot of favor, hate, joy, sorrow, setback, success, failure, just like maple leaf life, there is no regret. There is a saying: Losing is not important, it is important to see if you have had it. Indeed, no matter when we will leave this world, then we have had lived life, even if it lost, it will not be reluctant. Because we have had it, it has made us beautiful and becomeDazzling, as for the length of the time, no need to be more than the need.

  We have a life, so we are the most beautiful, most dazzling in this period of this life, just like maple leaves in a certain period of its life is the most fascinating, let us everyone become maple leaf, experience we have to experience, Silently tell yourself: life once, beautiful!

  生命的英語作文 篇23

  however mean your life is, meet it and live it,do not shun it and call it hard names. it is not so bad as you are. it looks poorest when you are richest. the fault-finder will find faults in paradise. love your life, poor as it is. you may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house.

  the setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. i do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace. the town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any. may be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving. most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, which should be more disreputable.

  cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends, turn the old, return to them. things do not change; we change. sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.

  生命的英語作文 篇24

  Recently, a professor of philosophy in the United States has written a book called Money and the Meanlng of Life. He has discovered that how we deal with money in our day-to-day life has more meaning than we usually think. One of the exercises he asked his students to do is to keep a record of every penny they spend for a week.From the way they spend their money, they can see what they really value in life.

  He says our relation with others often becomes clearly defined when money enters the picture. You might have a wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends. But you will know him only when you ask him to lend you some money. If he does, it brings something to the relationship that seems stronger than ever before. Or it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesn't. This person may say that he has a certain feeling, but if it is not carried out in the money world, there is something less real about it.

  People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it for? How much do I need for any given purposes in my life7 In his book, the professor uncovered an important need in modern society: to bring back the idea that money is an instrument rather than the end. Money plays an important role in the material world, but expecting money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.









