

時(shí)間:2022-09-27 21:35:15 續(xù)寫 我要投稿
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  After drinking the wine, Kong Yiji walked slowly in the laughter of others. A group of children came up on the way and sang happily around him: "Kong Yiji, a poor scholar, can't break his leg to steal books; Kong Yiji, a thief of books!" Kong Yiji's face turned red, and blue tendons appeared: "no thief, no thief Stealing books is not stealing, not stealing... "


  Fleeing the hotel, I met the children's ridicule again. Kong Yiji, full of shame, escaped from the group of children. Now he is homeless and living in the street. He thought, "is there any sense of street for scholars?" Then he climbed up the mountain with difficulty. The sky was grey and covered with drizzle. Kong Yiji was hurt and said: "the sky is like my heart, the rain is like my tears No matter how meaningless I am in the world, if I die, I will die. If I die, I will die. If I die, I will die. If I don't have a husband, I will die. " Say, move toward cliff edge. Suddenly, he stopped and said, "no, no, I haven't reached my wish, I can't die, I can't die. I'll take part in the imperial examination again and get a scholar's reputation back." So he went back.

  孔乙己多天沒來了。人們確信他真的死了。店里沒有快活的氣氛了,人們無聊地喝酒,沒人提到孔乙己。掌柜翻看了舊賬本,又念叨著孔乙己欠十九個(gè)錢的事:“這賊書生,死也不把錢還清,扮什么清高。 边@時(shí)店外有對(duì)話聲:“聽說孔乙己中舉了,這次還真撈個(gè)秀才回來,他正在回鎮(zhèn)的路上,大班人馬護(hù)送他呢!”“真的么?他不是死了么?”這下店里都開了話題,大家對(duì)孔乙己中舉的事充滿懷疑。掌柜撇著嘴笑道:“怎么可能,賊當(dāng)上秀才,笑話……”一會(huì)兒人各自散了。

  Kong Yiji has not come for many days. People are convinced that he is really dead. There was no happy atmosphere in the shop. People drank in boredom. No one mentioned Kong Yiji. The shopkeeper looked through the old account book and said that Kong Yiji owed 19 money: "this thief scholar, he will not pay back the money even if he dies, so what a high-ranking person he is!" At this time, there was a conversation outside the shop: "I heard that Kong Yiji had been selected. This time, he really got a scholar back. He is on his way back to the town, and a large group of people escorted him!" "Really? Isn't he dead? " Now the shop has opened a topic, and everyone is full of doubts about what Kong Yiji recommended. The shopkeeper chuckled: "how could it be that thieves become scholars, jokes..." After a while, the people separated.


  A few hours later, the sound of gongs and drums came from afar, and it was getting closer to the hotel. Everyone's out to watch! I saw a large group of people coming, the reporter shouted: "let's go back home!" The people stopped at the door of the store. A well-dressed and clean man strode towards the store, with more than ten attendants behind him. Hey, it was Kong Yiji, who was dressed dirty and shabby and ignorant, who really won the scholar! The shopkeeper was shocked. Kong Yiji took twenty coins out of his sleeve and tossed them on the table: "look, there's no shortage of yours, there's still one more!" The shopkeeper was at a loss: "yes, yes! Thank you very much, Lord Kong! Will master Kong have something to drink? "

  這時(shí),丁舉人來了,一進(jìn)酒店就向孔乙己跪下:“孔大人,孔老爺!小的諸多不是,請(qǐng)?jiān),您大的不不?jì)小的過,我已派人給您筑了套房子,小的陪你去看看,如何?”“好吧!”孔乙己向外走去。“來人,保護(hù)孔老爺!”丁舉人像只小狗跟在后頭。掌柜說:“孔老爺慢走。 

  At this time, Ding Ju came and knelt down to Kong Yiji as soon as he entered the hotel: "Master Kong, Master Kong! I have sent someone to build a house for you. I will accompany you to have a look. How about that? " "All right!" Kong Yiji went out. "Come and protect Master Kong!" Dingju people follow like a dog. The shopkeeper said, "Master Kong, take a walk!"


  Next, people kept running to Kong Yiji's house, sending pigs, eggs, geese, gold and silver jewelry. In order to please Kong Yiji, the shopkeeper also asked me to write a book about how to write the word "anise" in anise beans









