

時間:2022-02-02 17:36:15 事件類英語作文 我要投稿





  In May 2nd, our family and my dear uncles, aunts, and my little partners went to the ploughing house together.

  There, I and my good friend Zhang Sifan chatted up, after a while, his father said: "you take the cup to catch crabs!" we are by common consent replied: "good!" so we get two cups on the sea to catch crabs, I have while looking for crabs she said to me: "put up the stone, to find the crab." So I opened a big stone, a look, a pair of purple pliers, green shell, a pair of big eyes, holding its claws, waving, as if to clip like us, so I took it out, it suddenly caught my hand. My hand was a lot of blood flow, then my good friend Zhang Sifan put one of its legs caught, put into the cup, then she took me back to the hotel for a band aid, but, surprisingly, when back to the hotel, my foot is not on the heart of small partners in the mud, down pull out up, I said: "your feet slowly forced to lift up." After a while her feet finally broke out, but the shoes are still inside, "I can help you!" I said, so I took a tremendous effort to put her shoes out, then the two of US helped each other back to the hotel, we had a rest and went down. I took a stone, saw a small crab, but ran very fast, I quickly grabbed one of its legs, put into the cup, and I told her and caught a lot of crabs, mudskippers, and a strange crab.

  It's so funny. I feel a little sorry, because I only stayed there for a day, and I didn't have enough to go home, so next time I will go there to play.


  Last holiday, I went to the rural grandmother's home with my sisters for a holiday. The sky in the country is more lovely than the city, the air is so fresh, the sky is so bright, and the people are happy. We followed my brothers on the hillsides to find wild mushrooms and to catch wild chicken... We have left footprints all over the mountains and plains, although scanty harvest, but very happy.

  One morning, my aunt said to us, "let's go and dig the sweet potatoes today." As soon as I heard it, I jumped three feet high and shouted, "great, so good!" We're starting out. At this time, the sun just came out, and put a golden color on the crops in the distance. It was golden and sparkling. It's beautiful. It's a composition of two grade, "memorable vacation". I am intoxicated in this beautiful scenery. The elder sister walked by and said, "go quickly, or you will fall off." I had to follow them. It took about half an hour to go to the sweet potato. There is nothing else in the sweet potato field except for some sparse and sparse withered rattan. My aunt began to dig the sweet potatoes. The sweet potatoes she dug were bigger than one. I really loved it in my hands. In a moment, the aunt dug out a lot of sweet potatoes. I asked my aunt in puzzles, "how did you dig so many sweet potatoes?" Auntie pointed to a withered sweet potato rattan, and said, "there are sweet potatoes, you dig and dig!" I dug the root of sweet potato vine, he was lying in a big sweet potato, I was very happy, hurriedly holding the results of their labor dance together, making everyone laugh. After a while, aunt under cut Zhucao, we dig on sweet potato. Dig dug, I slipped and rolled down from above, just rolled into the basket aunt, aunt hurried from the basket to pull me out. The sisters saw, laughing, said: "you really are a snake, was so slippery." I angrily said: "you have the humanity is good, I fell down, you not only don't comfort me, but schadenfreude." The elder sister said, "it's not that we don't have mercy, but the action you fall down is so funny." In the afternoon, we returned home with our own sweet potatoes, which we had dug with our own hands.

  A holiday soon ended, and we left it unwillingly. Though it has been in the past few months, it reminds us every time.


  Because Dad brought me and my little brother back to my hometown, Tongcheng, Anhui. There are my beloved grandparents, and many of my best children. I miss them very much.

  May 1st morning, I got up very early, dress up, ready to give good gifts to friends, I painted five paintings to the station by car. The car was flying on the road, and my heart had long been flying to my hometown and the children to play together.

  The car drove more than 3 hours, to get off to go home, the road on both sides of yellow rapeseed flowers, can be beautiful, in Nanjing can not see, I pestered my father to take a picture of me. Both grandparents and grandmothers greeted us at the door. I rushed to the grandmother's arms and kissed my grandmother. My grandmother was unhappy. She hugged her brother in one hand and hugged me in the face, and kissed me on my little face. My little partner, Yao Yao and Tingting, came, and hastened to give them my present.

  At home I play tiaopijin and partners, and they also climb the mountain together, I also teach them to dance, play happy, until late in the morning of the second day, she and I went to the tea garden tea, tea grandma I and my little brother in the tea play in digging earthworm play, get we like a gray mouse. This afternoon I and grandma went to the side of the ridge mining wormwood (a wild herbs) home can eat wormwood incense, cake, I have not eaten for two years, grandma good evening, I just ate 3, Xiao Duzi bulked up until.

  Time flies, we have to go back to Nanjing, but also with my buddies separated, they all go to send me, I almost cry, on the train, Grandpa and grandma has sent us on the train, in the car, my father and I said: "Dad: after my holiday but back home".


  The summer vacation arrived, and went to the village to visit Grandpa. Seeing a few lovely chickens in the chicken shed, I said, "these chickens are so cute. Let me feed them for a few days." Mom said, chickens are responsible! It's very hard. I nodded and thought, "I'm sure I can feed the chicken. You can rest assured." So my day as a chicken mother started??

  The first day of chickens, my interest is quite thick. I held the feed in my hand, and chicks scrambled for fear of catching food. They pecked at the feed with strong force, and pecked at my hand, which was also painful and itchy. I gently stroked their hair, they are happy to call several voice ran away, I looked at the negative Pidianpidian figure can not help can't help laughing.

  One day, I want to add some nutrition for chickens, it caught a few grasshopper to feed the chickens. Who knows there is a king of chicken, it has a mouth and then ran the grasshopper. When it ran away, it began to eat one mouth and a mouth. After eating, the neck is planed with its claws. It is very satisfied. But other chicks do not want, Ji Ji Ji Ji is called a non-stop, protest. The roosters stared at them ferocious and rushed away, and the other chickens were scared away. The size of the chicken is obviously larger than the other chicks. His hair colorgloss, a valiantly dash look. It's obviously like a Mafia old man.

  I stood in the yard and saw some black clouds coming over the horizon. I thought: it's best not to rain at night, and don't wet the chicken. But the weather, in the middle of the night I dream, a clap of thunder woke me, I immediately stand up, rushed to the chicken shed, and chicken outside huddled together, they haven't seen a confound.

  It's raining, so it's very scared, shivering all over, these silly chickens! I don't know how to take shelter from the rain, and it's been raining all the time. I hastened them to a shelter from the rain and went back to sleep. The second day I get up and see, the chicken died one, I am very sad, I feel sorry for the chicken, it should be more careful to take care of the chicken. I buried the chicken in the soil with an apology.

  My day as a chicken mother is over. I have to think for them every day and eat the chicken before I eat them. I feel very hard. I thought, for a few days the chicken is so tired, the mother put up our work as can be imagined. I have a sincere respect for my mother in my heart.








  有一天早上,嬸嬸對我們說:“今天我們?nèi)ネ诩t薯吧!”我一聽,興奮地一蹦三尺高,大聲嚷著:“太好了,太好了!”我們開始出發(fā)了。這時,太陽剛出來,給遠(yuǎn)處地里的莊稼抹上了一層金子般的顏色,金光閃閃,美麗極了,小學(xué)二年級作文《作文 -難忘的假期》。我正陶醉在這美麗的景色里。大姐走過來說:“快走吧,不然你就掉隊了!”我只好跟著她們走了。走了大概半個小時,就到了紅薯地。紅薯地里除了一些稀稀疏疏的枯藤外,其它什么也沒見著。嬸嬸開始挖紅薯了,她挖到的紅薯一個比一個大,我拿在手里真是愛不釋手。一會兒的功夫,嬸嬸就挖出了很多紅薯。我迷惑不解地問嬸嬸:“您是怎么挖到這么多紅薯的.呢?”嬸嬸指著一根枯黃的紅薯藤,說?“這里有紅薯,你挖挖看吧!”我挖開了這根紅薯藤,里面果然躺著一個大大的紅薯,我高興極了,連忙捧著自己的勞動成果,手舞足蹈起來,逗得大家哈哈大笑。過了一會兒,嬸嬸在下面割豬草,我們就在上面挖紅薯。挖著挖著,我腳下一滑,從上面滾了下來,正好滾進(jìn)嬸嬸的背簍里,嬸嬸急忙從背簍把我拉了出來。姐姐們看見了,笑得前俯后仰,說:“你還真是屬蛇的,身子都這么滑!蔽覛夂艉舻恼f:“你們有點仁慈心好不好,我摔倒了,你們不但不安慰我,反而幸災(zāi)樂禍!贝蠼阏f:“不是我們沒有仁慈心,而是你摔倒的動作太滑稽了!钡搅讼挛,我們背著自己親手挖的紅薯,高高興興地回家了。























