

時間:2021-06-01 09:31:29 事件類英語作文 我要投稿





  Some people believe that the Earth is beingharmed(damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activitymakesthe Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion?Usespecific reasons and examples to supportyouranswer.

  People have been living on the Earth for thousands of years.Humanactivity influences the Earth. Some people believe that theEarth isbeing harmed by human activity. Others feel that humanactivitymakes the Earth a better place to live. In my opinion, theearth isbeing damaged by human activity. There are manystatementssupporting my opinion.

  Human activity has damaged natural environment and almostexaustednatural resources. Modern industry needs more and moreresources,including minerals, fuels and water. So we confront ofthe seriousproblems such as the lack of fuels and water.Ecological balance isdamaged because factories occupy many placeswhere animals andplants live. More and more buildings areconstructed and forestsbecome less and less. If we cannotrecognize these problems andsolve them soon, we would finally losethe environment suitable forour living.

  An other serious problem is the green-house effect.Humanactivity decreases forests and increases the usage of fuels sothatthe gas of carbon dioxide is output more and more and there arenotenough plants to absorb it. The green-house effect is moreobviousand more sensible these years. Due to the effect, icebergsin thesouth polar and north polar melt and the sea level becomeshigherthan before. I am worried about the cities nearby the sea andhopescientists find an effective method to eliminate thegreen-houseeffect.

  Although we have advanced machines and our life seemsmorecomfortable than before, we have less chances to approachnaturesand less spaces to act. The cities become bigger and if wewant tohave a picnic with our friends, we have to drive a longdistance tofind a natural place. In fact, the spaces of humanactivity arebeing damaged by the skyscrapers and factories.

  From the above statements, we can conclude that humanactivitybrings the Earth many damages. Fortunately people haverecognizedthe point and I believe that the Earth will become abetter placeto live with our ceaseless efforts.


  The environment has been polluted badly today and the nature punishes the human being by all kinds of disasters, such as the heavy haze in Beijing, which damages people’s health. World Environment Day is on June 5th. It pays attention to call for the public to make an effort to bring the world a clean environment.



  Look at the pollution around us, which exists everywhere. The cars release the gas which pollutes the air and the rubbish can be found in every corner of the street. All of these daily incidents hurts the world we live. Especially the factories, they release the heavy smoke and make the sky becomes dark. What’s more, the wasted water flows to the clean river.


  Though the government has made some action to punish the businessmen for releasing the polluted sources, they still dare to take the risk of earning the biggest profit. If we hurt the environment, it will hurt ourselves, because we live together. The polluted environment threatens our health. If we want to live the comfortable life, then the only way is to be nice to the environment.



  Do a small guard, environmental protection is depends on the world each compatriots common propaganda protecting the environment, starts from me. I saw some people began to use environmental protection bags near to us, but some people still unconcerned, misuse of chemicals, some people are still in the master factory make the lake water is not clean, the fish was a good and prosperous life in the lake, swimming freely, now they abuse of chemicals and make the fish are homeless, and came out, and walked with an umbrella. And the worst thing is the bird could have a good and prosperous life in the big tree, carefree life, but as long as the birds out looking for food, when I come back, is constantly looking for our home, searching for the way they heard the noise of the big chain saw, the hits the sky tree cruelly cut down and worse and the people littering, everywhere can see read: environmental protection four jinwen characters, dont they know the four Chinese characters? This four characters even in a grade of primary school children will, with difficult they will? No, but their quality is too low.

  I hope I can make a small guards of the propaganda people environmental protection, to use my action to promote every people in the world, the in the mind is to remember that protect the environment, everyone duty, I believe that as long as we can hand in hand to the theme of environmental protection is sure to move peoples hearts, believe us! Judging from these things, how I wish I could be a small guards to protect the environment.


  做一位環(huán)保小衛(wèi)士,是要靠世界上的每一位同胞共同宣傳保護環(huán)境,從我做起。 我看見我們附近有些人開始使用環(huán)保袋,但是有些人依然無動于衷,有些人還在大工廠里濫用化學(xué)品,弄得湖里的水不干凈,魚兒本來是在湖里安居樂業(yè),自由自在地游來游去,現(xiàn)在他們?yōu)E用化學(xué)品,使魚兒無家可歸,而且出來的時候,還要撐著一把保護傘。還有最可惡的是小鳥原本可以在大樹上安居樂業(yè),無憂無慮地生活,但是只要小鳥們出來找食物,回來的時候,就不停地尋找自己的家園,在尋找的路上他們還聽到刺耳的大電鋸,把一棵棵蒼天大樹殘忍地砍下來,更可惡的還有人們亂扔垃圾,到處都可以看見牌上寫著保護環(huán)境四個金文大字,難道他們不懂得這四個大字嗎?這四個大字連初中一年級的初中生都會,難帶他們不會嗎?不是,而是他們的品質(zhì)太低了。



  World Environment Day is started from 1972, which is established by the United Nations General Assembly for raising global awareness to take actions to protect the Nature. The establishment of World Environment Day shows people’s the cognition and the attitude to the environmental problem, and expresses our human beings’ desire of pursuing the better environment. Every year the United Nations Environment Program proposes a theme, and the 2014 theme of this day will focus on ‘Small Island and Climate change’ and the slogan is “Raise Your Voice Not the Sea Level”.


  World Environment Day can be celebrated in lots of ways, for instances, planting trees, doing some recycling, participating the clean-up campaigns and so on. Certainly people can also do something simple, like going to work by bus instead of private cars. I believe if everyone takes environmental actions as a habit, we are doing a big difference for the better environment.慶祝世界環(huán)境日的方式多種多樣,例如植樹,對廢物進行循環(huán)利用,參加清潔行動等等。



  The earth is the common home of human beings and other species. However, the speed of species extinction on the earth is greatly accelerated because human beings often adopt such undesirable development methods as deforestation and fishing. The trend of biodiversity loss is leading the ecosystem to an irrecoverable critical point. If the earths ecosystem eventually deteriorates irretrievably, the relatively stable environmental conditions on which human civilization depends will no longer exist.

  At this time, the United Nations has designated June 5 as world environment day, which reflects the understanding and attitude of people all over the world towards environmental issues and expresses human yearning and pursuit for a better environment. This years theme is "practice green life". Low carbon life is a very environmentally friendly and civilized way of life. Water saving, electricity saving, oil saving, solar term, low carbon should start from little things.

  The low-carbon era has arrived and is changing our lives“ "Low carbon" is all around us.

  Here I want to tell you a few tips: in summer, when we are in the home air conditioner, dont leave it on for a long time. After a few hours, turn it off and turn on the electric fan. This will save 50% of the electricity; When putting food in the refrigerator, the amount of food should account for 80% of the volume. The plastic box is used to hold water to make ice and then put it into the refrigerator. In this way, the downtime can be prolonged, the startup time can be reduced, and the electricity can be saved; When using microwave oven to process food, it is better to add a layer of non-toxic plastic film or cover the food, so that the moisture of processed food is not easy to evaporate, the food tastes good and saves electricity; When driving, try to avoid sudden gear change, choose the right gear, avoid low gear running at high speed, change the oil regularly, tire pressure properly and turn on the air conditioner less. When the computer is not used for a short time, the "sleep" mode is enabled, and the energy consumption can be reduced to less than 50%; Turn off unused programs and peripherals such as speakers and printers; Hard disk, floppy disk and CD should not work at the same time; Reduce the brightness of the display properly.

  Low carbon life tips actually start from little things.


  We say that we love the environment every day. So, have we done it? Take the simplest "dont litter" to say it! Friend, what is protecting the environment? It is not spitting everywhere, it is not litter, or trampling on the lawn, it is from small things, from around, from now on

  If there is only 600000 cubic meters of water per person in the world, then if a battery falls in, then ones life is over

  Well, if everyone throws a battery, isnt it that humans are going to die out? I often see a garbage can next to a lot of garbage, always confused: so close to the garbage can, why not throw in? Once I asked my sister, who was a teacher, she said angrily, "these people are really poor in quality. They can be thrown into the trash can in a few seconds. Why should we save this time? Although time is money, but also to protect the environment! Now the earth environment is very poor, why should we save this time and destroy the earth environment Yes, a small distance, but not willing to throw away, is really "civilization is only a small step" ah! Take a small step, let "civilization is only a little step" this situation disappear!

  By the way, if you dont say pollution, you will have to face the problem - if you throw rubbish and throw it on someone else accidentally, you will be angry and embarrassed.


  June 5 this year is the 40th World Environment Day. We should advocate environmental protection and conservation, green and low-carbon life.

  Now, almost every family has a car. Car exhaust will emit a lot of carbon dioxide, so that our air is no longer so fresh, no longer so clean, no longer do that, 4000 greeting cards to cut a tree, how many greeting cards our country to make a year, then how many trees to cut a year! This long-term accumulation, trees will be less and less, less and less oxygen in the air, without oxygen, human beings can not survive! Without big trees, sandstorms will easily invade our homes; Without big trees, many animals will disappear. Big trees are the foundation for our survival, and animals are our good friends. Without birds, our crops will be eaten up by pests. Without food, human beings cant survive. There are internal relations among these cases. So we should take good care of all the plants and animals in the world, and use the electric environment-friendly vehicles, our world will become more beautiful!

  I remember one night, I finished my homework and was packing. Suddenly, because of the book squeeze, a small book on the desk. Its not crooked. It just hit me on the head. I was startled by this thing coming down from the sky. I picked up the book and opened it. There was a piece of paper with cartoon characters in it. I thought it was not a sticker, but I played with it several times. It turned out that it was a big sticker! I finally tore it off and pasted it on another piece of paper. I tore off the paper with the sticker. When I was about to throw it into the garbage can, I suddenly thought that this paper could be used as waste. So I retracted my hand and thought: what can this paper do? Oh, I have an idea: you can stick some pictures on the front and not slide on the back. You can use it to stick some small paper and write some information on it. Ha ha, I cant help but feel proud of my brainstorming. Do what you say, and Im on the move. After a while, I made a small invention. I showed my mother the little invention, and my mother praised me repeatedly: you are so smart! hey. I touched my head with a smile. I wrote down the characters I met in the extra-curricular books on that piece of paper, ready to check the information when I have time. My little invention came in handy. This little invention is quite practical. Sometimes when my mother is not at home and wants to do dictation homework, she can first write the required words on the paper on the back, and finally write the dictation content on the notebook

  I have another suggestion: if we all try to walk more and ride less in our future life, it will not only exercise our body, but also reduce the pollution of automobile exhaust to the environment. Isnt it a good thing to have the best of both worlds?

  We have only one earth, everyone should love her! From me, from everyone, let our environment light up, let our world better!

  Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment!


  "Protect the environment, care for home" is the responsibility and obligation of every citizen. Today, environmental protection is imminent, environmental problems have been plagued by people, how to make the environment better? Due to human wantonly destroy the environment: deforestation, littering... Lead to a variety of diseases, disasters, harm to health. Isnt it stupid for human beings to harm themselves?

  For example, the recent sandstorm, sweeping across China, is filled with dust everywhere. The soil in the air is inhaled into the body, causing great harm and causing many diseases, such as tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumoconiosis. However, the cause of this disaster is human deforestation. We should plant more trees, trees can block the wind and sand, and even control debris flow, soil erosion and other phenomena.

  March 12 is the tree planting day. But now, most people dont plant trees. They think its not bad for their own trees. But if people all over the country think so, its 1.3 billion trees. If people all over the world think so, its 6 billion trees. What an amazing number. If everyone plants trees and no one cuts them, then a few years later, are you afraid that the environment will not be good?

  We should appeal to people to protect the environment, care for our home, let the earth mother no longer cry, start from the small things around: use less disposable items, try to take the bus... Only protect the earth, protect their homes, can we live a healthy and happy life. For ourselves and for others, we should protect the environment and our home.

  The Zhugong river next to my home used to be a stinky ditch. People always make a detour here. Now, its not so smelly. Although the water is still very dirty, its much cleaner than before. Occasionally, fish and shrimp will swim freely. This shows that as long as people are willing to protect the environment, it is not too late to mend.

  Protect the environment, from me. How important is the environment. We have suffered a lot for the environment. Do we want our children to suffer?


  The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of the damage to the environment. Bird flu and Sars are two typical examples. The damage to the environment may endanger ones life. In addition, forest destruction, water and air pollution lead to the reduction of planting land and unpleasant weather.

  Serious problems, it seems, we can come up with some measures to deal with it. First of all, the policy that the authorities should adopt is "sustainable development". The law and related environmental protection work should be put into practice, and the law enforcement is not strict, just as our government has been doing.

  Besides, every citizen should understand the seriousness of the problem and work together to protect our environment. In addition, planting trees is conducive to improving and beautifying the environment.


  Around us, there are some scenes like this: garbage is thrown everywhere on the road; In rivers, waste water is seen every day; In the air, all kinds of "black dragon" wantonly emissions, stink... To our lives brought great harm! When the trees are cut down, as long as the rainstorm comes, the water and sediment will form a huge debris flow, and the consequences will be unimaginable“ "Black dragon" pollutes the blue sky and makes people unable to breathe normally; When someone drinks the waste water in the river, it leads to water poisoning... Isnt this thought-provoking? In todays increasingly serious environmental pollution, what can we do? How many people can think that they have destroyed themselves when they throw rubbish and waste water into the river?

  Therefore, it is imperative to protect the environment! We must control ourselves. If we dont litter, we can get less pollution; A variety of trees, more green; One more waste water filter will be installed to make it clean and healthy; Reduce emissions, return us a blue sky... Let our home clean! Students, lets take action to be a little guard of environmental protection!










