
冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文

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冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文(通用27篇)

  無論在學(xué)習(xí)、工作或是生活中,大家都有寫作文的經(jīng)歷,對作文很是熟悉吧,作文根據(jù)體裁的不同可以分為記敘文、說明文、應(yīng)用文、議論文。你所見過的作文是什么樣的呢?下面是小編幫大家整理的冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文,希望對大家有所幫助。

冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文(通用27篇)

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇1

  icebergs are among nature's most spectacular creations, and yet mostpeople have never seen one. a vague air of mystery envelops them. theycome into being ----- somewhere ------in faraway, frigid waters, amidthunderous noise and splashing turbulence, which in most cases no onehears or sees. they exist only a short time and then slowly waste awayjust as unnoticed.

  objects of sheerest beauty they have beencalled. appearing in an endless variety of shapes, they may bedazzlingly white, or they may be glassy blue, green or purple, tintedfaintly of in darker hues. they are graceful, stately, inspiring -----in calm, sunlight seas.but they are also called frightening anddangerous, and that they are ---- in the night, in the fog, and instorms. even in clear weather one is wise to stay a safe distance awayfrom them. most of their bulk is hidden below the water, so theirunderwater parts may extend out far beyond the visible top. also, theymay roll over unexpectedly, churning the waters around them.

  icebergsare parts of glaciers that break off, drift into the water, float aboutawhile, and finally melt. icebergs afloat today are made of snowflakesthat have fallen over long ages of time. they embody snows that drifteddown hundreds, or many thousands, or in some cases maybe a millionyears ago. the snows fell in polar regions and on cold mountains, wherethey melted only a little or not at all, and so collected to greatdepths over the years and centuries.

  as each year's snowaccumulation lay on the surface, evaporation and melting caused thesnowflakes slowly to lose their feathery points and become tiny grainsof ice. when new snow fell on top of the old, it too turned to icygrains. so blankets of snow and ice grains mounted layer upon layer andwere of such great thickness that the weight of the upper layerscompressed the lower ones. with time and pressure from above, the manysmall ice grains joined and changed to larger crystals, and eventuallythe deeper crystals merged into a solid mass of ice.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇2

  the concept of obtaining fresh water from icebergs that are towed to populated areas and arid regions of the world was once treated as a joke more appropriate to cartoons than real life. but now it is being considered quite seriously by many nations, especially since scientists have warned that the human race will outgrow its fresh water supply faster than it runs out of food.

  glaciers are a possible source of fresh water that has been overlooked until recently. three-quarters of the earths fresh water supply is still tied up in glacial ice, a reservoir of untapped fresh water so immense that it could sustain all the rivers of the world for 1,000 years. floating on the oceans every year are 7,659 trillion metric tons of ice encased in 10000 icebergs that break away from the polar ice caps, more than ninety percent of them from antarctica.

  huge glaciers that stretch over the shallow continental shelf give birth to icebergs throughout the year. icebergs are not like sea ice, which is formed when the sea itself freezes, rather, they are formed entirely on land, breaking off when glaciers spread over the sea. as they drift away from the polar region, icebergs sometimes move mysteriously in a direction opposite to the wind, pulled by subsurface currents. because they melt more slowly than smaller pieces of ice, icebergs have been known to drift as far north as 35 degrees south of the equator in the atlantic ocean. to corral them and steer them to parts of the world where they are needed would not be too difficult.

  the difficulty arises in other technical matters, such as the prevention of rapid melting in warmer climates and the funneling of fresh water to shore in great volume. but even if the icebergs lost half of their volume in towing, the water they could provide would be far cheaper than that produced by desalinization, or removing salt from water。

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇3

  Today, my parents and I went to Luya Mountain for a tour. We came to the Malan grassland, commonly known as huangcaoliang, 60 kilometers southwest of Pianguan county. The altitude is 2118m. It is one of the great subalpine meadows in North China, and it is the base for the emperors to feed and domesticate their horses. It is divided into the front beam and the back beam, which can hold thousands of horses. Houliang is only 2 li away from Luya Mountain of ancient pilufo Taoist field. In ancient times, it was an important part of pilufo Daochang, and it was a golden place for tourism from the source of Fenhe River to the top of Buddha in Luya Mountain. There are ruins of the great wall of the Northern Qi Dynasty on the mountain ridge, and more than 100 Buddhist temples in the Tang and Song Dynasties under the mountain ridge. Unfortunately, they were destroyed in the late Ming Dynasty. When we climbed up to the top of the mountain, we saw a car at the bottom of the mountain creeping slowly like a small insect. It was surrounded by strange peaks, strange rocks, wonderful springs and waterfalls. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. It was unforgettable.We had a good time.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇4

  The alpine behind the family, look at it, just like a green giant standing there.On the mountain, you can see a large piece of orange tree.Whenever the spring blossoms, when living is vibrant, the branches of the orange tree grow up.Summer is inflammatory.The orange tree is full of dark green leaves.When I arrived in the golden autumn, the fruit was tired, and the orange tree grew a marmarant of lanterns.

  The winter, the snow, the snow, the snow is like a white coat gives the orange tree.How much is the people in the hometown of oranges?Next to the mountainside, the stone step in the section, the stone is sticking to the stick, the stone step is slippery, and it may slip on a step.It is difficult to walk on the stone steps.Next, there is no one bit of a lot of rogue, standing straight trees ... also have channels that flow from the sky.On the top of the mountain, many dishes are planted.Here, cold, it is still floating from time to time, like a beautiful Wonderland.Here, this mountain, this country, they are my home, I love them.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇5

  Early in the morning, I opened my computer and read the news.

  There was the news about a driver had the heart disease attack when he was driving the bus, there were more than 40 people in the bus.

  The driver stopped the bus off the road and then stopped his breath.

  I was so touched by the driver, in the emergency situation, he considered the passengers’ lives in the first place.

  It is his sense of responsibility that makes him to do it. The driver sets the good example to the public, he shows the importance of responsibility.

  No matter what we do, we should not forget about taking our responsibility. If people don’t take their own responsibility, then things will be out of order, the world will be in the mess. Responsibility always comes first.




  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇6


  This morning, Miss Liu took us to Liuling mountain to have a look.


  We lined up to the top of the mountain and saw a monument. The monument, like a rocket ready to launch, stands on the hillside. It is engraved with the words "memorial to the soldiers and men killed in the Anti Japanese War". Surrounded by green pines, it looks very dignified.


  We continue to walk up to a vacant lot, only to see the surrounding ancient trees towering, camphor trees, locust trees, tall and strong, leafy.


  Standing at the top of the mountain, you can see a lot of tall buildings springing up.


  Liuling mountain is one of the ten scenic spots in our hometown. Let's linger.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇7

  mount wutai is located in the northeastern part of shanxi province. 為什么它要叫做“五臺”呢?原來,it has five main peaks. 而且有趣的是,這五個主峰的山頂都很平緩,planes can land on them. 果然是五座“臺”啊!

  the five peaks are all beautiful and each has its own special feature. 東臺望海峰是看日出云海的好地方。南臺錦繡峰是花的海洋。it's extremely beautiful in summer! 西臺掛月峰是賞月的好地方。the moon looks just like a mirror over the peak. 清涼的月光別有一番韻味。北臺葉斗峰是五臺山的最高峰。it is 3,085m high.它被稱作“華北屋脊”。even in summer, it might snow here. 這也是五臺山又被叫做“清涼山”的原因。中臺翠巖峰則是一座雄偉的.山峰,有很多天造奇觀,像“熱融湖”啦、“冰脹丘”啦、“石海石川”、“龍翻石”、“寫字崖”、“佛母洞”等等等等。

  mount wutai is not only famous for its beautiful scenery. 它還是一座佛教名山。這里年代最久遠(yuǎn)的寺院叫做顯通寺。it was built during the east han dynasty. 傳說五臺山是文殊菩薩的道場。there are fifty-eight temples now. there used to be more than 300 hundred temples here! 所以有人形容五臺山“遍地寺廟,滿山香火”。這里鐘聲清幽,確是讓人暫時擺脫煩惱和盛夏之苦的好地方。


  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇8

  My father is born in the countryside, there is a quiet, fresh, won like a quiet mountain, and the villagers call it Hongzhu Mountain.

  Hong Zhu Mountain is over the four seasons of evergreen pine, and Xuncheng walks into the lush forest, just like in the green ocean, the waves are green, the birds have become a multicolored boat, freelyLinhai flying.In the morning, I walked alone in the woods, breathing fresh air, listening to the sound of the stream, chasing the lively and cute little animals, I suddenly found that I have been integrated with nature, my mind is gotPurify, all the sorrows and troubles all sweep.The sun quietly climbed out and explored a honest face and vied to the secret of nature.The sun sprinkles through the woods, weaves a golden yellow net in the forest road, which is really a feeling like a fairy mirror.

  I love this Red Zhu Mountain. This mountain not only gave my aura, gave me gain, and gave me wisdom, gave me happiness.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇9


  Tianmen Mountain is a place with beautiful scenery. This mountain is close to the Yangtze River, just like the words "half city mountain, half city water".


  There are trees and flowers everywhere. They are so attractive. People who play there should take photos and be nostalgic. I am no exception.


  Tianmen Mountain is beautiful and fun, don't you believe it? Just go and play!

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇10

  文房四寶中有一樣是硯臺,大家知不知道哪里出產(chǎn)的硯臺最有名呢?對了,就是廣東肇慶的端硯。zhaoqing is famous for its beautiful scenery, too. 今天,呱呱就帶大家去嶺南四大名山之一——肇慶的鼎湖山去看看。

  there is a lake on the top of mount dinghu. 所以人們就把它叫做頂湖山。據(jù)說黃帝曾經(jīng)在這里鑄鼎,鼎鑄成以后,黃帝就成了仙。于是人們又叫它鼎湖山。

  鼎湖山有三多,一是植物多。there are more than 2,000 kinds of plants on the mountain. most of them are rare ones. 有些是在別的`地方已經(jīng)滅絕了的,還有一些是非常高壽的古樹。no wonder it is called the museum of nature.

  這第二多就是寺廟多。鼎湖山也是一個佛教圣地。there are many temples here. 看來和尚道士們都喜歡到風(fēng)光壯美的山里修行啊。這里有慶云寺,白云寺,臥龍庵,蓮花庵,其中慶云寺是嶺南四大名剎之一,有非常多的文物古跡。many tourists visit it every year.


  鼎湖山有非常清新的自然環(huán)境,是一個巨大的“氧吧”。if you get tired of life in the city, come here and enjoy the beauty of nature.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇11

  My hometown is in Shuangyashan, which is a beautiful mountain city, but I still like Cuifeng Mountain in the mountains. In spring, I am walking on the road of Cuifeng Mountain. I found that the trees took a tender bud, and the grass quietly drilled out of the dirt, looking around, the snow mutant on the branches, the snow drops drip directly from the branches. The air becomes fresh and humid. The spring girl puts a green clothes to Cuifeng Mountain. In the summer, the Xia girl wrapped in colorful clothes to my hometown. From the distance to see the beautiful mountains, the flowers were spread like the stars, and the flowers were opened on the Cuifeng Mountain. The butterfly danced in the flowers, enjoy the aroma of the flowers, the hardworking bees took honey in the flowers, busy, the trees were in a hurry, tall tall, people walking on the mountain, slowly walk on the road, there are Said that there is a laugh, the summer of the summer is the most beautiful in the year. The autumn wind in Sitse blows, seeing a yellow in the Cuifeng Mountain from the distance, a red, the middle of the stars and the green, that is the color of the pine, beautiful. Walking on the road in Cuifeng Mountain, the leaves have fallen, and people walked on the dead leaves to issue sound, very interesting. Lingxia's cold wind whisped, and the snow will fall from the air from the air. The snow stopped, and the Cuifeng Mountain became a snow-capped snowy mountain. People go up on the mountains, and the children will fight snow in the mountains, and the laugh is full of Cuifeng Mountain. The True Hill of the hometown is beautiful! I like this beautiful Cuifeng Mountain!

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇12


  Dad's company organizes employees to have activities and go to Qingcheng Mountain to play with their families. I went to Qingcheng Mountain with my parents.


  When we got to Qingcheng Mountain, it rained a little bit. The leader of my father's company bought me and seven other children a lot of delicious things, and we all began to climb the mountain. I walked at the front with the little sister of Dai Auntie's family and the little brother of Uncle Luo's family. We went all the way to learn bird singing, which made the adults laugh. An uncle bought whistles for some of our children, and we had a better time.


  When we climbed to Tianshi cave, my mother told me that some temple in Tianshi cave had been damaged in the earthquake. Uncle Luo's little brother said that he would build an earthquake proof house when he grew up. I said I would do the same. I also kowtowed to a Bodhisattva, hoping that it would bless my good grades. My mother and my uncles and aunts all laughed.


  Qingcheng Mountain is so beautiful. There are many tall trees and birds singing in the forest. Although it rained, the air on the mountain is fresher. I like to come to Qingcheng Mountain.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇13


  The sun once again showed its face from the ridge like the back of an old ox. shanwa didn't sleep all night. Her mind was always turning over her father's words last night: "don't forget to call herself shanwa anywhere!"


  Shanwa, 19, was born in the poor village surrounded by the stone mountain. She has been strong since childhood. She was admitted to the first middle school of the county three years ago and the University in the city this year. There are golden phoenix flying out of the poor mountain valley. The small mountain village is bustling. The father of the mountain baby has become the "celebrity" of the village. However, shanwa always felt that his father was not so happy, as if he had something to say in his heart. It's easy to hold a sentence before YAMAWA leaves. It's still confusing.


  Shanwa is the city with such a sentence that she can't understand.


  There are four people in shanwa's dormitory. Except for him, those three are urban people. Fortunately, they don't look down on shanwa, but they look down on themselves! He doesn't understand what they say; he doesn't know what they play. YAMAWA always felt like a toad and always wanted to be like them.


  YAMAWA can't sleep again. She rubs the only three hundred yuan in her hand. Tomorrow, Duyu's birthday in bed 1 is to go to the bar to celebrate. Shanwa heard about the bar. It's said that the things there are very expensive. A glass of water costs seven yuan. Shanwa thought of his family in the gully, his elder sister who married early to support him to go to school, and his hard-working father who brought him up to earn tuition day and night. On the one hand, he really became a "city man" At the same time, the family tightened their belts for a living. Shanwa was in trouble. Suddenly, her father's words rang in her ear: "don't forget to call herself shanwa anywhere!" Yeah! Mountain wa! The stone mountains around the mountain village appear in the mind of the YAMAWA. They are all angular and have never seen anything to grind them flat. The land on the mountain is poor (barren), and they are not as colorful and green as the mountains in the south. Some of them are simple but silent. They just desperately squeeze out meager nourishment to feed the people under the mountain. YAMAWA, the children of the mountains, the children of the mountains! Shanwa suddenly understood his father's words, not only his father's words, but also many. Shanwa fell asleep with a smile on her face. In her dream, she climbed the highest stone mountain again.


  The next day, YAMAWA calmly said to her roommate, "I won't go." Looking at their strange eyes, YAMAWA knew that from this day on, they would look down on themselves. But YAMAWA also knew that from this day on, YAMAWA himself looked down on himself even more. He knew that last night's choice set him on a different path. He made a choice for the first time in following the current and sticking to himself. As his father said, "don't forget to call yourself YAMAWA anywhere.".

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇14

  I walked into the mountains in the snow. It is a white one, I have a feeling of conquering. The stream that came out from the stone seams in the mountains, frozen between the eyes. A brown small squirrel across the stream, jumped away, a small guy. Walking into this bamboo forest, it should be Zhu Mountain, the foot is stone steps, listen to Dad said, this stone is very long, there is seven miles, it has been extended to the foot, I think I can't get the end. A wind blown, some of the cold, I set up the collar of the windbreaker, began to go down, that is the road to Dad, my mind presents such a picture: a mountain, a broken cotton trousers A pair of a pair of cotton shoes, the body across a heavy bag, carrying a big bowl on the back, walking from the stone step, frozen the purple face is filled with victory smile, there is no Little tired, he came to me ------ I think this is my childhood childhood, he passed the bag and Chai to me, he let this stone step extend to my feet, he will He did not have a wish to pinned to me - test university. This is his wish, it is the hope of his hopes in his heart.

  When he walked in the stone step, he shines on the stone step, and now he passed me, I used him to light the firewood. Dad took more than ten years in this stone step, regardless of the wind, rain, snow, is like this mountain, never smash, and I will take a few years? The sun came out, and the snow cage was steamed on the hill. The beginning of the gentle stream flows in the cheer, and the sound of the water seems to be announced to "rebirth." The bamboo leaves in the breeze are whispering, the birds are in the bamboo branches, they have, and there is one tone, and they call up and down, distinguish, clear. The trail paved along the slate, unknowingly, I turned to the right, gently pushed the door, "-" The door opened, and the two old people sat in the sun and said, sunshine. Gentle, on them, the silver wire on the head is white, and it flashes. Although I don't understand what they are talking, I know that they are very happy, the mountains are so simple, that is my grandparents. Gently lift your legs, I stepped into the hospital door, remember that Hi Lan came here, always looked at the threshold, sigh: so high, how did I go? Nowadays, I will become ahead. I remember or I can't figure it out. I will find it now. I have grown up, I have grown up, and the tacit understanding of the mountain is also deepened. The more you live in the simple mountain, more and more attachment to the mountain. The mountain is a challenge to the vast land. It is a taller and majestic integration. There is no city's hustle and bustle, here there is water ink. There is no black mist, there is a dream-like refreshing air here. Rock Jingmu is as an ancient statue, clouds and fog floating in half air, mountain spring flows with cool fragrance, no longer running in the flower.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇15

  My hometown is in the mountains and water show, there is a beautiful building river; mountain peaks, Jingshan Park; it is a picture of the scenery! They are like two unparalleled pearls, scattered in the vast land. Among them, Shishan Park is the most striking tourist resort in his hometown. It brings our endless joy and the creation of nature.

  Looking far away, the entire lion is like a mighty lion to guard my hometown at all times, therefore name. If you walk into the Lion Mountain Park, you will look at it, you will see the mountain is quite high, the green trees are shaded, the mountains, the water, the cave is integrated, the scenery is unique. The peaks of the ground, the lush mountains, as long as they look at it, they will not help but make a series of amazing, as if they are in the fairyland, I can't wait to immediately enter this continuous landscape painting. Entering the Lion Mountain Park, the peak of the seat, how strong! The most interesting thing is to be a thousand rocks, some are like a mighty giant, some are like jumping frogs, some are like ignited candles ... Ah, this is the masterpiece of nature! The mountain is full of lush woods like a green ocean, and it is like a carpet weaved by a clever hand in the world, which is covered with the mountain. In the mountains, you will not see it, but the dense layers cover the blue sky, blocking people's sight, and green Yingying seems to be in a fairy tale world.

  There are all kinds of wild birds, all over the game, the sound of the birds, adding a lot of vitality to the woods, I will listen to the singing, making people listening to the heart and I am full, my heart is full. Confidence seems to eliminate fatigue for tourists. Going through the woods to the battle, the fragrance of the fragrance, and far away, I am really like a burning flame. A breeze blows, the faint fragrance takes the wind into your nostrils with the cool intention of the silk, makes people comfortably. To the top of the mountain, you will see the beauty of the whole peace, the beauty of the building, Jiang run, such as the fairy-like strap around Taiping ... From the top of the mountain, it is like a matchbox, people are like only small. The ants are so small. There is an endless, white, it seems to be in the fairyland. what! Shishan Park will always be a bright pearl in my heart, I am proud of you.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇16

  last autumn we took a trip to qianshan by bus. it is about thirty miles from the city. we planned to put up in a hotel there in order to watch the sun rise the next morning.

  as soon as we got there, we began to climb up the mountains. how great the sight is! we felt as if we had entered amother world full of beauty, peaeefulness and loveliness. there are hundreds of mountains, one after another. there are magnificent cliffs, one above another. we climbed up vigorously and breathed the fresh air greedily. as the sun was going down, we descended to a little hotel at the foot of the hill, where we had a big dinner, and then went to bed early so as to regain the energy ior the expedition next morning.before daybreak, we reached the peak of the highest mountain after a hard groping and climbing in the dark. unaware of the cold wind, we stood motionlessly, with our eyes fixing at the hr end of the east. suddenly thin ravs of red hue spread across the sky. as the redness deepened, some mysterious clouds moved across thc sky, dividing heaven from the earth. just at this moment, up from the brightening far east rose the sun. it was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes. and a slight applause from us. the amazed spectators, rang through the peak. up, up it rose, adding to itself strength and glory at every step. it dazzled with vigour, driving away darkness, cold, and misery from the earth, and bring light, warmth, and happiness to men.

  we were completely amazed at the wonder and the greatness of nature. we jumped and shouted like innocent children and we bathed in the first rays of the sun with the peak till it was time for our return.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇17


  Facing the sunrise, looking at the sunrise, I went to Wuquanshan park with my father and mother.


  Wuquanshan park is so beautiful! Look, towering old trees rush to white clouds, lotus flowers are blooming, and lawns are green.


  In the zoo, there are tall giraffes eating leaves, ferocious tigers with big mouths and sharp teeth; giant elephants drink eight buckets of water in a row; two giant pandas are seriously eating bamboo leaves.


  I also drink the water from the mountain spring. It's icy and cool.


  I'm so happy today because I know many animal friends.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇18

  Friends, have you been to my hometown - Qingshan?

  There is a beautiful small country city. The four weeks in the city is a row of mountains. Whenever I look at it from the window, the Qingshan continues, like a Qinglong, I think the name "Qingshan" is like this. Bar.

  In spring, the trees on the mountain took out the new buds, growing green leaves; the grass grows green, far away, the mountains are covered with a green blanket. When people go to the mountains to dig spring bamboo shoots, they are tired, they are lying on the green blanket comfortable to sleep.

  In the summer, the tree on the mountain is long, and people working in the mountain often take cold under the bottom. Wildflowers on the hillside are wild, with red, yellow, pink, blue, purple, colorful, Wan Ziqi, embellish the land of my hometown, just like a flower blanket on the hillside.

  In autumn, there are many mushrooms in the woods on the mountain. Whenever I often see someone who picks up mushrooms, mushrooms or my hometown! There are still many ripe wild fruits on the mountain. Look, red hawthorn, yellow persimmons, like sapphire, blueberry, often hosted people's feet, let people stay.

  In winter, there are no greens in other places, and the pine trees on the mountains, but the cypresses are like vital. When the snow is under the snow, the mountain is covered with snow, it seems to be put on a silver dress. There is a small river in the foot of the mountain, the water is calm, quiet, you can't feel it in the flow; the water of the stream is clear, you can see the river. A wind blows, the river is water, like a fine line, a circle of ripples. The water like a small river moisturizes people in the green hills.

  Ah, I want to praise you - beautiful hometown, I love your landscape, I will make you more beautiful in the future.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇19

  Last autumn we took a trip to Qianshan by bus. It is about thirty miles from the city. We planned to put up in a hotel there in order to watch the sun rise the next morning.

  As soon as we got there, we began to climb up the mountains. How GREat the sight is! We felt as if we had entered amother world full of beauty, peaeefulness and loveliness. There are hundreds of mountains, one after another. there are magnificent cliffs, one above another. We climbed up vigorously and breathed the fresh air greedily. As the sun was going down, we descended to a little hotel at the foot of the hill, where we had a big dinner, and then went to bed early so as to regain the energy ior the expedition next morning.

  Before daybreak, we reached the peak of the highest mountain after a hard groping and climbing in the dark. Unaware of the cold wind, we stood motionlessly, with our eyes fixing at the hr end of the east. Suddenly thin ravs of red hue spread across the sky. As the redness deepened, some mysterious clouds moved across thc sky, dividing heaven from the earth. Just at this moment, up from the brightening far east rose the sun. It was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes. and a slight applause from us. the amazed spectators, rang through the peak. Up, up it rose, adding to itself strength and glory at every step. It dazzled with vigour, driving away darkness, cold, and misery from the earth, and bring light, warmth, and happiness to men.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇20

  The Yunwu Mountain is a place of interest, which attracts many tourists every day.

  Years ago, some of them paid no attention to environmental protection. They threw about waste paper, plastic bags and tins. Besides, they killed animals, caught birds, dug up trees and picked flowers. What’s worse, they often made fires to cook in the forest. That was dangerous. Changes have taken place now. People realize it is important to protect the environment. When tourists leave, they take away the rubbish with them.

  They no longer hunt animals, and they take good care of those plants. All the tourists carry their lunch in order not to start forest fires. We must sing high praise for those good deeds.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇21

  putuo mountain, one of the four holy buddhist mountains, covers an area of 12.5 square kilometers. the highest peak, the fudingshan mountain is 300 meters high above the sea level. temples, monasteries, nunneries are spread all over the mountain. according to the annals of putuo mountain, after the construction of "unwilling-to-go" guanyin temple, people began to build up temples in large scales. the remained ten ancient architecture complex and historical sights were built in song, yuan, ming, qing. putuo mountain once had 82 temples, 128 huts, accommodating 4,000 monk and nuns at its heyday. when you walk on the paths, you probably can come across monks in kasaya. the glorious sceneries as well as the glamour concerned with buddhism make it a sacred mountain.

  puji temple, fayu temple, and huiji temple are the three largest in the twenty temples in putuo. puji temple, covering 11,000 square meters, was first built in song dynasty, and is the main temple devoted to the goddess of guanxin. fayu temple was first built in ming. it sits along the mountain with different layers on it. numerous large trees stand in the mountain, qualify the temple for a quiet and deep place. huiji temple is on the foding peak, so gets a name after that, foding peak temple.bizarre rocks and queer cliffs can be seen everywhere. the most famous twenty are qingtuo rock, rock of two tortoises listening to preaching, rock of buddhist heaven on sea, etc. along the line where the mountain connects with the sea, many spectacular caves are very attractive. chaoyin cave and fanyin cave are the two top ones.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇22

  From the freeway you will see the beautiful looking buildings set high on the on the green mountain in the suburb of Taipei. The Chinese-style architecture of the Grand Hotel is very colorful; it has been ranked as one of the world’s top ten. The lobby is very large, and the roof has hand- carved wooden panels; the supporting columns are colorfully painted.

  The most impressive item in the lobby is the large, beautiful, all-marble staircase that comes down from the second floor on two sides of the lobby; a huge bronze wall painting separates the two staircases. Standing in the lobby you feel as if you have walked into a king’s palace because of so many beautiful things around you.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇23

  From the freeway you will see the beautiful looking buildings set high on the on the green mountain in the suburb of taipei.The chinese-style architecture of the grand hotel is very colorful; it has been ranked as one of the world's top ten.

  The lobby is very large, and the roof has hand- carved wooden panels; the supporting columns are colorfully painted. The most impressive item in the lobby is the large, beautiful, all-marble staircase that comes down from the second floor on two sides of the lobby; a huge bronze wall painting separates the two staircases.

  Standing in the lobby you feel as if you have walked into a king’s palace because of so many beautiful things around you.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇24

  Climbing, because there is a bright sun, there is a moving splendid and beautiful scenery - I have dreamed that I have dreamed that I am standing on a towering cloud, looked at the peak. That highly dizzy, let my heart have fear. That kind of momentum pressure, I didn't dare to face everything, I have been confronting like this. On the top of the mountain, there was no desire of my inner desire. However, the height of the shrinking into the cloud made me lose the desire to climb. So I started thinking. Suddenly, the brain flashed a piece: a butterfly struggled to climb out of silkworm cocoons, in the moment, in the sun, a pair of beautiful wings, the colorful tones woven a bright eye, as the universe explosion The glory. I will take the foot to the cliff, and a inexplicable power is pushing me slowly climbed up, my heart is full of courage to never have to challenge the peak. I don't look back, my eyes are staring at the greens of the mountain, and I will climb up with the inner feelings and the feasting efforts, so I keep going up. I don't know how long it took, my hand touched the soft green space, a shakured into my arm, I know that sunshine to my reward. At that moment, I felt that I opened two huge wings behind him, I finally flew. Standing in the wilderness, the wild dance of the wild, the rainy sun, the laminated blue green, the flowing waterfall, everything is full of eyes, a pleasant heart never had. I can't help but think of Shi Tiesheng: A person who undergoes and accompanying a variety of complications has also overcome the fiction of the disease, re-picked up the courage of life, and is not fatigue. He should be a lot of people who are unpredictable, but he did not give up the lack of flowers. He is trying to bloom on the snow mountain. Yes, he is a climber. He lost the innate condition of climbing, but he had the perseverance of others, and tenaciously breakded, and reached the peak of life. My mind is flashing with butterfly broken lenses, it is the courage, that kind of distress, dare to challenge the top courage to let me have the opportunity to touch the grass on the top of the mountain. Life once, beautiful. Gathering courage, blooming youth, and this courage will inevitably bring you no regrets. There is a couplet on the top of Taishan. We may also wish to borrow this pride, let go of hard work, will inevitably climb the top of his life.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇25

  Depart, go to the mountain! In fact, it seems that the mountain is not far away. I can even see the context of the Qingshan, one, one article, will think of the bones of the father in the hands, I saw the winter, the mountain is always a way, even if it is That seemingly normal snow, I have not been able to leave a little marks on its backnon. The morning faint faint, the floating gently smoke was shaved, and a treasurer of the dragonfly, so green, so green, while the white is hung up. A touch of light green. I have learned art since August. At that time, I should still be a summer, a row of white church, and the sun shinesked in the top of the tree, and I went out to go to the mountain, The same Xiaoluo said the mountain is one kilometer away. At that time, everyone agreed, but also said to go hand in hand together. But as the exam is approaching, everyone has never mentioned that this idea will be put down. And I always thought about the mountain. The days have been abrupt, near the exam, the art classmates and teachers are discussing to go to the mountain to write boste, the teacher said the distance, the sky is cold, and the car will be unified. As a result, at 7 o'clock in the morning, they secretly started, and they took the drawbox, back the sheets, and firmly thought that they can come to 20 minutes. When you have lunch, we are in the studio copying theory. The studio door is accompanied by a hot gas "". "We haven't coming for nearly two hours to take this pile!" " I feel that I can't get it, I can't get it old. I will walk two hours. As a result, there is still nearly three kilometers, it is evil! It is estimated that it is almost the same, it will come back. "They The drawing is placed, like the weapon behind the US military, and the stack of harsh. So according to the experience of this line, everyone consistently believes that at least seven or eight kilometers there are at the mountain. Then there is almost endless exam, one, I have been in Beijing in Beijing, so I haven't experienced a "war" in February, but life is not comfortable, because of tension It is always flustered, and the night will be a night. From the end of the joint report, I suddenly decided to go to the mountain. So the next day, I borrowed a bicycle. Depart, go to the mountain! Some of the wind, there is a lot of fallen deciduous leaves, I remembered the afternoon that I just arrived here, the soft, dense leaves, but can't touch the mountain in front of you, it seems to be I changed to the spring cold at once. Think of the "Wan Life" in Sa Dingding, and there is a real feeling. Several bus came from the past, rolled up a layer of fine dust. I have not been in the southwestern north of the East, but I have not sitting here once, I have not taken the wrong bus. I will go to the city from the mountains, and I can return to my own place. Bai Yang, two sides, becomes less and less, the unique context of the mountains is getting clearer, and the fragmented stone replaces the land. For another section, I will stand next to the mountain rock, the palm of the palm, the corner, look up I hope not to the top of the mountain. The dry cold wind blows the surface of the mountainClean, it is so deep, like a lot of stories, but can't say it.The years have changed, and there are countless years, it gradually became silence.Until I stood on the examination room, the brush lined up with a color, I still remember that when I took the palm of the mountain, I was thick, and my horizontal feeling.At this time, the sun is shining on my picture board, and the color has become a bit dazzling. Suddenly I understand the story of the mountain, you said I listen.Depart, go to the mountain!

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇26

  Visitors and friends, welcome to Wuyishan with beautiful scenery. I am a tour guide of the Sunshine Tour, I am "Xiao Wang." I went to the "Tianyou Peak" scenic spot this morning, and I went to Jiuqu Cree in the afternoon. Before going, please pay attention to something: 1. Please do not stand on bamboo row while riding bamboo row, 2. When I climbed the mountain, the lady should not wear high heels and try to wear flat shoes. Ok, let's sit on the environmentally friendly battery car. We came to the first station "Tianyou Peak". "Tianyou Peak" in the north of Jiuquxi and Six Case, in the center of the scenic spot. Whenever the rain is sunny or in the morning, Dengfeng, Wang Yunhai, like the waves of the sea, a variety of ways, like he came to the fairyland, and the sky Qiongqi, the name "Tianyou". "Tianyou Peak" has the upper and lower points, the list of booths, the left is upstream, along the Lake Maidu, is a tour of the next day, on the verge of the cliff, is a very good Wuyishan view, here staying here. Hope, the mountains of Wuyishan will take the bottom. Let people have a braggy, intoxicated inside, everyone will leave a figure here. After the "Tianyou Peak", we went to the next stop of Jiuku. Jiuquxi originated in the western west of Wuyishan forest, the water quality was very clear, a total of 62.8 kilometers long, flowing through the ecological area of u200bu200bthe middle, the nine rings in Danxia, u200bu200bdistributed between mountain rocks, forming deep river songs, straight line 5 kilometers away, sitting on bamboo row to enjoy this beautiful natural scenery, bamboo row is crystal clear, there is a small fish in time, the scenery is so beautiful. There is also a legend of water turtles in Wuyishan: One year, a millennium that cultivates the millennium, I originally thought that he had a half-time in the sky, but ruthless Yu Emily made it watered tea, and he felt very unfair, but dry I felt very bored over time. One day he suddenly heard the world: "Tea sprouts, tea sprouts" sound, it can't help but go to Nantianmen to see it, see the tea garden next to Jiuki is sacrifice tea. The golden tortoise see people respect for tea, but they are invisible. I think that I have wateled tea all the year, but I don't ask for it, I decided not to go to the world to make a tea. Ok, today's tour is over, I hope everyone can spend a pleasant trip, beautiful nature welcomes you, and hopes that the beautiful Wuyishan will leave you a good memory.

  冰山(Ice bergs)英語作文 篇27

  A Trip to Mount XisaiMay 21th SundayI got to school very early.Our class took a special bus to Mount Xisai.We got to the foot of the mountain at 8:30.We began to climb the mountain as soon as we arrived.During the climbing,the air was so fresh and the scenery was so beautiful that ever-ybody talked and laughed happily.We reached the top at about 10:00.The Yangtze River appeared in the north.And over the river there is a great bridge.We felt very relaxed.Listening to the singing of the birds,and looking at the beautitul scenery of the mountain,how happy we were!I felt proud of our city.

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