
我的樂園 My paradise英語作文

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我的樂園 My paradise英語作文(通用20篇)

  無論在學習、工作或是生活中,大家最不陌生的就是作文了吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,調(diào)節(jié)自己的心情。相信很多朋友都對寫作文感到非常苦惱吧,下面是小編幫大家整理的我的樂園 My paradise英語作文,歡迎閱讀與收藏。

我的樂園 My paradise英語作文(通用20篇)

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇1

  I have been a sixth grade student in primary school, but my paradise is just taking shape. She is the fun I find in the book, surrounded by my words into a paradise.


  In fact, I have been able to read books since I was very young, especially extracurricular books, but this may be the fate of my paradise and I. until now, I have learned to surround her with her own words a paradise belonging to me for myself to play happily in.


  When I was a child, I used to like reading extra-curricular books and running to my friends to play. I told them stories like the king of children, and told them all the stories I read from the books. Later, when I grew up, my friends and I were locked up by adults, doing homework at home and studying at home.


  At this time, I quietly put my fun into a shape, so that when I cant go out to tell stories to my friends, I can also tell stories to myself in my study. After reading a book, I often take out my notebook and try to retell the story in my own language. After retelling for a long time, I also began to learn how to make up the story myself.


  Now there are two stories in my story book. They are all the stories that happened in my school life. I built them into bricks and tiles of my paradise with my own words. Now my paradise has begun to build windows! I think, in a short time, my paradise will be a castle full of laughter. There are princesses and princes in the castle, and people who are curious about the life of the castle outside. You say, how about my paradise?


  I am still growing, my paradise is also growing, my paradise and I will become everyones paradise one day. I hope you will be willing to come to the party in my paradise at that time, and we will have a happy time together with laughter and retain a memorable past.


  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇2


  Today is the second day of May Day holiday. My family and my parents and classmates have an appointment to play in Gandongbei park. Their family with a cute little sister, we six a line, talking and laughing soon arrived at the destination.


  Gandongbei park is located in the center of Chengbei new area of Shangrao County's political and cultural activity center, covering a total area of 230 mu. It is one of the largest amusement parks in our province, integrating tourism, leisure, entertainment and vacation. It is also the only large amusement park in Shangrao City.


  When entering the park, the first thing we see is a water park, where there are water walking balls and artificial boating. It's a ghost hole. It's said that there are "ghosts" in it. It's frightening. But my little sister and I want to challenge ourselves. They want to go in and have a look. So my father took me and my sister's father took her in. Because of the company of adults, we don't feel scared.


  Go on, to the merry go round, because today is a holiday, so there are many people, I and my little sister also went to join the fun, little sister's courage is smaller than me, when the merry go round, she is still a little afraid!


  Before we knew it, we went to the bumper car again. This was my favorite game, because I felt very exciting. I could bump into it. My father was a driving expert, but I was bumped into from time to time here. I was happy and laughed at it.


  Next to the bumper car is the torrent. It's a project to play on the water. This time, it's my mother's turn to take me on the stage. Four of us are sitting on a boat. I'm the first one to protect my mother and little sister's mother and daughter. It shows my manly spirit and pride. The boat first drove on the flat water surface, then slowly climbed up, and suddenly slid down to the highest place. It was the most exciting time, like the feeling that their hearts would fall out. They all closed their eyes, and I lowered my head. Down below, the water wet our clothes, but we were very happy. They also praised me!


  Time and space tunnel is a small train flying up and down the track. With the different gradient of the track, the inclination of the small train is also different, which makes me scream and scream directly on it.


  After experiencing this, we went boating. Now we can have a good rest on it. I sat quietly on it and watched my parents row with the oar. But I was relaxed. From time to time, I also took the oar to row twice.


  The time passed quickly. Unconsciously, the whole morning passed. Our stomachs were growling. It was telling us that it was time to eat. We went to a nearby restaurant for lunch and set foot on the way home.


  I had a very happy and fulfilling day. I hope to play again next time.

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇3


  Its summer vacation. Dad said he would take me to the water park. I was so happy that I jumped three feet high.


  How many people come to the park to play! Some of them are playing slide, some are playing bubble ball, some are learning to swim....... I couldnt help jumping in and playing happily with everyone. Screams, plops..... Its very lively to interweave.

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇4

  I went to Hong Kong Disney Land with my mum, my brother and my grandma in July. Mad Hat Cup in Disney Land is my favorite game. We sat in a cup; it is green with a lot of waves pattern on it. The cups have different colors and patterns.

  When the game started, the cup turned and turned and turned around. It went faster and faster gradually. When it’s time up it stopped slowly. When I was in the cup I didn’t feel dizzy, when I got out of the cup I felt very dizzy. But I wanted to try it again! July 21st Saturday

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇5

  Everyone has a paradise, there is a park, school, country u0026 hellip; u0026 hellip; but I am different, my park is my room!

  Walk into my room, you will see a pink, pink bed, doll, table u0026 hellip; u0026 hellip; here seem to have a pink, pink u0026 ldquo; world u0026 rdquo; this is my room!

  Every time I walk into this pink u0026 ldquo; World u0026 RDQUO; The big garden of several cars! There is a sample, look! A clear creek, tall peach tree, green grass u0026 hellip; u0026 hellip; also added a little gorgeous, I often take a thick book, watching this beautiful and moving scenery!

  How many times I was sleeping, but how can I not sleep, I have to take a few dolls from the table, play in my bed, play u0026 hellip; u0026 hellip; so happy, But the time is over, this is not, my mother is walking, I have to hide the doll at once, my mother saw it and said to "how so many dolls, really the baby with doll! u0026 rdquo; I secretly laughed, after a while, I made a sweet dream, I dreamed that I danced with the doll!

  This is my room, my paradise!

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇6


  One day in summer vacation, my parents and I went to Weifang Fuhua amusement park to play. As soon as I entered the garden gate, I saw a lot of people playing in it. Looking up, there are people lining up everywhere. I want to play the roller coaster, but I have to be tall. More than 4 meters to sit, we had to go to the "rush into" line.


  It's finally our turn. We got on the boat, walked in the direction of the current, went to a place and began to climb slowly. My heart suddenly became tense. I was worried about whether the boat would fall from a high place. After waiting for the highest point, just when I put my heart down, suddenly the boat suddenly fell down, leaving me without any thought preparation, and I was horrified.


  Although I didn't take the roller coaster this time, I feel very happy.

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇7

  I went to the Fang Te park during the national Day this year. It was sunny and hot. When we arrived here. There are so many people here. All the square is fill of cars. We spent two hundred for the ticket. After we went into the Fang Te Park. I played at ferries wheel. It was so exciting, For lunch. We had sowed boast; dumplings, grill and noodles. It was very delicious. I had a great time in Pang Te Park.

  Today evening, my trip had over. I arrived home and had a good sleep.

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇8


  The tiger made a lot of money one day. He decided to open a children's Park for his good friends to play. So he opened it and built a slide, swing, Trojan horse and a single wooden bridge!


  When it's finished, all the little animals come to play. Watching the friends play happily, the tiger laughs happily!

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇9


  Some people say that the campus is the treasure house of knowledge, some people say that the campus is the holy land of success, but I have another saying, that is - the campus, the paradise in my heart.


  That's right. Remember 2008? I took part in a happy sports meeting, which will be my long cherished memory.


  Have a sports meeting! Our class is as mad as a cicada in summer. It keeps shouting five words "have a sports meeting!" Excited and happy mood also infected our class running Princess - Miss Sun. She will also show herself in the race. Of course, I, a sports activist, also walked with the "little princess" and participated in running, long jump and relay.


  On the same day, our invincible head teacher, Mr. Liu, gave us the "iron order of fire". The whole class will arrive at school at seven. It's certainly no problem, because even if we get to school at six, our class will come all right.


  Just arrived at the gymnasium, it was really vast, just on the green grass, outside a circle of runway.

  跑步項目終于開始了, 我和“鐵哥們”涂方雅一起下道。我最怕和四七班的名將陳子凌跑,可上帝是有意和我作對似的,偏偏把我和她安排在一道上,還是在我旁邊。涂方雅似乎看出了我的心思,她走過來給了我?guī)灼肿悠,還說:“特辣,吃了包你跑第一!”我半信半疑嘗了一片!把!真的好辣!”可是為了得第一贏陳子凌,我緊緊地把它握在手里。只聽“啪”的一聲槍聲,我趕緊把柚子皮往口里塞!袄!”、“沖呀!”我豪氣沖天的“刷”的一聲沖出跑道。這辣味就仿佛是一股力量,推動著我向前,我跑得一點也不累。眼看勝利的紅線就在眼前,果不其然還有我的一個“宿敵”——陳子凌在我前面。我不管三七二十一把最后的幾片柚子皮吞進了肚里,這回我辣得更厲害了,又一個勁的向前跑,第一個把勝利的紅線帶過。劉老師和孫老師跑過來向我祝賀:“好樣的!”鐵哥們涂方雅也走過來問:“怎么樣,我的柚子皮幫了你的忙吧!薄皫土,幫了,還把我辣得跑贏了陳子凌呢!我的功勞可有你的一半呢,Think you very much!”我興奮的說。老師和同學們都很高興,張張臉上都盛開著笑容。因為我們班這次是大獲全勝,所有參加跑步項目的運動員都獲獎了,為班級爭光了。

  The running project finally started. I went down with Tu fangya, the "Iron Man". I'm most afraid to run away with Chen Ziling, a famous general in class 47, but God intended to fight against me. He just arranged me and her together, or beside me. Tu fangya seemed to see my mind. She came up to me and gave me some grapefruit peels. She said, "it's very spicy. You're the first one after eating the bag!" I tasted one with half a doubt. "Ah! It's really hot! " But in order to win Chen Ziling first, I firmly hold it in my hand. Just listen to the "pa" shot, I quickly put the grapefruit skin into the mouth. "Spicy!" "Rush!" I rushed out of the track with a bold "brush". It's like a force that pushes me forward. I'm not tired at all. Seeing the red line of victory is in front of me, it's not surprising that Chen Ziling, one of my "old enemies", is in front of me. I swallowed the last pieces of grapefruit peel in my stomach regardless of 3721. This time, I was even hotter. I ran forward again, the first to bring the red line of victory. Mr. Liu and Mr. Sun came to congratulate me: "good!" Iron friend Tu fangya also came up and asked, "how is my grapefruit peel helping you?" "Help, help, and make me beat Chen Ziling! Think you very much! "I said excitedly. The teacher and the students are very happy. Their faces are full of smiles. Because our class won a great victory this time, all the runners who took part in the running events won awards and won honor for the class.


  Of course, this is just a small episode of campus life. There are more joys going on in the "paradise". Let's have a look!

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇10

  right net to taipei zoo is childrens playground. it is always very crowded and noisy there on holidays.

  last time on teachers’ day my sister and i had free tickets to go there, and we took two small children with us. when we got there were so many people there that we were very careful not to let the children get lost. there were free balloons given to small kids. there were many different amusement rides, but at all the rides there were long lines of people. therefore, we did not get many rides. our two small companions enjoyed the merry-go-round which is a round turning platform that has wooden horses on it. they did not like the airplane ride so much, because the speed and high elevation of the plane scared them. we high a whole afternoon there.

  by the time we got home, we were a little tired, but we felt like happy small children again.

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇11

  Right next to Taipei Zoo is children's playground. It is always very crowded and noisy there on holidays. Last time on Teachers' Day my sister and I had free tickets to go there, and we took two small children with us. When we got there were so many people there that we were very careful not to let the children get lost. There were free balloons given to small kids. There were many different amusement rides, but at all the rides there were long lines of people. Therefore, we did not get many rides. Our two small companions enjoyed the merry-go-round which is a round turning platform that has wooden horses on it. They did not like the airplane ride so much, because the speed and high elevation of the plane scared them. We high a whole afternoon there. By the time we got home, we were a little tired, but we felt like happy small children again.

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇12

  Dear visitors, welcome to the water park to watch. Walking into the water park, we first saw the macioba, the construction worker made it a horse neck, so it was called the Maqi Bridge. We walked up on the horse and knead bridge, looking away to the right, there is a lotus pavilion on the green water, just like a slim fairy. The left side of the bridge is a child's paradise - water boat.

  Walking along the horse and neck bridge, we came to a water, small island, just because the island was built in the water, he was able to celebrate the water park. Here is where our main play is. This small island is very beautiful, both a paradise playing, and a big home survived by a bird. Just entering the island, a group of birds and butterflies will welcome us, open a "concert", the bird "唧" sing, is accompanied by the butterfly; butterfly with the accompaniment of the bird Elegant dance. We will continue to go inside, come to a wood, the gorgeous tree in the woods, it seems to be stronger!

  Under the big tree, there is a green grass, and the grass is mixed into the grass. We walked down the steps and turned into a very long wooden bridge, and it was better to appreciate the scenery of the stream here. The river is very green, it seems that there is a shiny jade in the bottom of the river. The river is reflected in the surrounding scenery, and we seem to have come to a water world. The scenery of the water park is beautiful and spectacular, and it is also said that you are not exhausted, please continue to enjoy slowly!

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇13

  Right next to Taipei Zoo is children's playground.It is always very crowded and noisy there on holidays.

  Last time on Teachers’ Day my sister and I had free tickets to go there, and we took two small children with us.

  When we got there were so many people there that we were very careful not to let the children get lost.

  There were free balloons given to small kids.There were many different amusement rides, but at all the rides there were long lines of people.

  Therefore, we did not get many rides.Our two small companions enjoyed the merry-go-round which is a round turning platform that has wooden horses on it.

  They did not like the airplane ride so much, because the speed and high elevation of the plane scared them.We high a whole afternoon there.

  By the time we got home, we were a little tired, but we felt like happy small children again

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇14

  Panda is one of my best favourite animals.These two pandas are mommy and her baby girl, living at a beautiful mountain somewhere in China. One day, the little panda girl said, "Mommy, Can we go visiting the national park nearby?" The panda mommy smiled and said, "Of course, my dear child."

  Therefore, they decided to adventure down the hill. On their trip, they met many friendly animals. When they got hungry, they found fresh and delicious bamboo for their meals. When they got tired, they sat down together for a rest.

  At that time, they saw me smiling and looking at them. I kept waving my hand and said hello to them. The baby panda girl asked me, "Hi, there! What are you doing?" I replied with a great smile, "Oh, I'm an animal lover, and I love pandas very much. Can I take a picture of you?" The mommy panda happily said, "Okay! Please make it quick because we are leaving soon." Look, I took a beautiful picture for them very proficiently.

  Last and not least, the baby panda and her mommy had a great time in the park before they went home. Yeh, they certainly loved the picture I took for them!

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇15

  My family is a happy family.There are five people in my family.They are my dad,mum,little pother and me.My father is a doctor,he works in a big,big hospital.My mother is a teacher,she loves her work very much.She can teach me lost of things.And my little pother is two years old.He is naughty.We are a happy family!

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇16

  I have got a happy family. There are three people in my family. They are my father、 mother and me. My father is a bit fat. He usually reads newspaper. He is a forestry worker now. He works in an office. My mother wears a pair of glasses. She is a meteorological worker now. She works in an office,too. And I am a sunshine boy. We are a happy family

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇17

  There are four people in my family, father, mother, sister and I, my father is a small store, so every day to receive a lot of people, treat people very warm, my mother is good too! Mom and dad for me here, sometimes hard work almost fainted, I think I am very happy. Sometimes, my father came back told me to do my homework, even if again busy also can fit! Mother cleaning every day. But, sometimes when I cry to comfort me.

  One year summer vacation, my family to go to panyu, guangdong province, we live in panyu hotel, later, we will go to the long lung joy to play in the world! The place where we came to a roller coaster, I said I want to sit with dad and then, our family all sit up and sit on it, I'm so happy! Mom and dad, sister is scared to death, but I was not satisfied. I don't care, I also want to taking a ride on the motorcycle, sit after I feel great, I opened my eyes, feel special fast! I closed my eyes. At the end of the play, the rain, then, we went back to the hotel to rest!

  I feel very happy in this family, because, my mom and dad are very concerned about me, my sister also hurts me!!!!!!! I will study hard, to repay them with good result!

  This is my home! Welcome to my home!

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇18

  Hello!My name is Hong Shasha.There are five people in myfamily.They are my father、mother、older sister、little pother and me.My father is a cook,he can cook delicious dish.My mother is a teacher,she teaches lots of children.My older sister is a student,she is good atEnglish.My little pother is a child.My father works in a restaurant.My mother works in an office.My sister works in a shop.And little pother goes to school every day.They love me very much,and I love them,too.We are a happy family!

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇19

  Everyone has a home, have a plenty of a warm home, have a plenty of a family full of laughter, also have a plenty of a warm and loving family, and I have a warm family.

  Home is our haven, is our growth of cradle, it is a matter of a growth in our family book, it records the all of our experiences.

  "I give you do eat cake!" The voice came from the kitchen and also don't know today mother is affected by the who, suddenly want to make a cake for us. First of all, she poured the one kilogram of milk into the rice cooker, put 300 grams, this is a beginner! I think, this cake is definitely a failure, in the end, mom was blind in the 20 a few red jujube. At that time, a good friend of mine also want to taste the cake "delicious", but what a pity, didn't eat, this is because what? Instead of cake to cook paste, mom put a lot of material. Cook to 11 p.m., and sure enough, not what I expected, I said this "the crow mouth", made of bread is really unusual, heavy, rather than the usual bread naughty cute, if bird saw the bread you'll scare fly away. In order to give mom a little face, I ate it or swallowed. It embodies the mother's naive, lovely. You might think, where is there children said that their own mother? This is your fault, the transparent wall between my mother and I, had been eliminated we work together, we already became zero distance of good friends. Here, I would like to remind all the mothers, more communication with the children! Children have a lot of mind want to say to you! This is my home, a warm home, do you have such a home?

  我的樂園 My paradise英語作文 篇20

  Home is a warm noun, because it means a place full filled with love and support. Home is not just a place where we live in, but a place where families support each other and show their love to others. When we have something happy, we first want to bring them home and share the happiness with families. On the contrast, if we get into trouble, home is the first place where we look for support and comfort.

  In short, home is not just a house we live in; moreover, it's our home of spirit.

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