

時間:2023-04-06 11:51:24 宗澤 清明節(jié) 我要投稿
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  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇1



  清明,又叫踏青節(jié)。按陽歷來說,它是在每年的月4日至4月6日之間,也是春光明媚草木吐綠的時節(jié),也正是人們春游(古代叫踏青)的好時候。所以古人有清明踏青,并開展一系列體育活動的習俗。 今年的清明節(jié),我們要去踏青,尋找春天。

  到了下午,我們集合之后,便開始上了路了。在車水馬龍的十字路口,看見了許多用粉筆畫的圓圈,里面好像寫著什么字,上面還蓋著紙燒完的灰。我不明白那是什么,便問媽媽:“媽媽,你看地上用 粉筆畫的圓圈是什么意思?”“這是那些遠離家鄉(xiāng)的人無法回家上墳,所以在這里燒些紙錢,祭奠和懷念自己已故的親人,希望他們在冥界過的更好一些。”媽媽回答道。




  等享受完美景后,我們開始返回了,在返回的途中有看見了玉蘭花、迎春花和梅花,他們依依不舍的在跟我們打著招呼,爭先恐后的再跳入我的眼簾,想讓我欣賞他們的美麗,感受它們的魅力,分享它 們的快樂。

  我們今天走進了春天,看到了漂亮的花,欣賞了美麗的景,感受到了春的勃勃生機。春天,充滿了能量,孕育著希望。此時,果園花朵爭艷;秋天,果園瓜果飄香,美麗的果園將會是碩果累累,一片豐 收的景象!我期待著。秋天,我一定要再去果園,收獲果子……

  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, so we have a holiday. We are going to organize to go to the orchard to see the flowers of all kinds of trees and understand the vitality of spring.

  Qingming Festival is not only a traditional festival in China, but also the most important sacrificial Festival. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. Tomb sweeping, commonly known as going to the grave, is an activity of offering sacrifices to the dead. Most of the Han and some ethnic minorities sweep tombs on the Tomb Sweeping Day.

  Qingming Festival is also called outing Festival. According to the Gregorian calendar, it is between April 4 and April 6 every year. It is also a time of beautiful spring and green plants. It is also a good time for people to have a spring outing (called outing in ancient times). Therefore, the ancients had the custom of going on an outing during the Qingming Festival and carrying out a series of sports activities. This years Tomb Sweeping Day, we are going to go outing and look for spring.

  In the afternoon, after we gathered, we began to go on the road. At the busy crossroads, I saw many circles drawn with chalk, which seemed to be written with some words, and covered with paper burned ash. I didnt understand what it was, so I asked my mother, "Mom, what do you mean by the chalk circle on the ground?" "This is because those who are far away from home cannot go home to the grave, so burn some paper money here to commemorate and miss their dead relatives, and hope they can live better in the underworld." Mother replied.

  We rode our bikes leisurely on the road, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes talking, sometimes laughing... Unconsciously, we came to the orchard.

  After entering the orchard, I first saw several fruit trees such as apple tree, peach tree, apricot tree and apricot pear tree. Among them, apricot trees are the best, with white flowers one after another, so holy. As long as you shake the branches gently, the white flowers float down like snow.

  Go to the front and go deep into the orchard. You can see a green seedling. If you observe carefully, you will find that under the cover of green leaves, there are many small white flowers hidden, and some are still flowers and bones.

  After enjoying the perfect scenery, we began to return. On the way back, we saw magnolias, spring jasmine and plum blossoms. They were reluctant to say hello to us and scrambled to jump into my eyes, hoping that I could appreciate their beauty, feel their charm and share their happiness.

  Today, we walked into spring, saw beautiful flowers, appreciated the beautiful scenery and felt the vitality of spring. Spring is full of energy and gives birth to hope. At this time, the orchard flowers are blooming; In autumn, the fruits and melons in the orchard are fragrant, and the beautiful orchard will be a scene of fruitful harvest! I am looking forward to it. In autumn, I must go to the orchard again to harvest fruit.......

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇2







  My Qingming holiday is very simple.

  After finishing my homework, I feel much easier. Tomorrow, I will go to sweep grandmas grave with my parents. Grandma died when I was very young. I dont remember what grandma looks like. I only remember that grandma died of hypertension paralysis. I only remember that Grandpa never remarried after grandma died.

  When I woke up, I heard a knock at the door, so I hurried downstairs to open the door. When I opened the door, I saw Mo shangnian. She wore a black and white coat without zipper. Inside is a white sweater, loose jeans and a pattern on the pants. Its a dog.

  After changing, he went downstairs to have breakfast. Moshangnian didnt have breakfast. My parents asked her to have some. Moshangnian sat down with me.

  On the third day, someone knocked at the door again. I think it must be ink reading. As soon as I opened the door, it was express. It was the old story of Camel Xiangzi and Chengnan that I ordered a few days ago. After a while, someone was knocking at the door again. I was impatient. I ran to open the door. It was mo shangnian. I said to her, "finally." She took off her shoes and said, "Im late for breakfast. Hey, can you show me the book on your desk?" So... Read today.

  My holiday is very simple, but not boring, but very happy. Its probably with good friends. Its fun to do anything with good friends.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇3


  路上,我非常興奮的觀賞著路邊的風景。桃樹已經開了花,粉紅粉紅的,給馬路增添了幾分生氣;▔锏牟萦屑t色的,還有綠色的,襯托著那粉紅粉紅的花朵。春風像媽媽那溫暖的手輕輕地撫摸著我 的臉。我迎著春風,不一會兒就到達了濕地公園。

  剛走進濕地公園的大門口,那迷人的景色就把我迷住了。到處都是綠油油的草坪,草坪上的樹木都已抽出嫩綠的新芽。往里走有一個大湖,湖邊上栽種著許多花花草草,它們爭奇斗艷,競相開放。 看,那雪白的櫻花,一簇簇,一串串。還有紅色的櫻花也開了,滿樹花朵開得火紅,一朵朵,一團團,像孩子們的.笑臉。最漂亮的要數那桃花了,姹紫嫣紅,遠遠望去,好像從天上落下來的一片片朝霞 ,散發(fā)著清香。我大口大口地吸著香氣,好像總也聞不夠。走近一看,有的桃花半開半合,只綻開兩三瓣,像一位害羞的小姑娘;有的桃花全開了,露出黃色的花蕊,在枝頭怒放著;有的含苞欲放,好 像一個等待出世的嬰兒?倳齺硪恢恢磺趧诘男∶鄯,它們圍繞著一朵或兩朵花不停的飛,有時停在那上面吸點花蜜。一切都是那么的生機勃勃,綠意盎然。

  再往里走,我們發(fā)現了一大片漂亮的油菜花地。金燦燦的油菜花連成了一片金色的海洋,美麗極了。我不由得深深呼吸,那香味沁人心肺,讓人心曠神怡。那誘人的香味還引來了許多蜜蜂和蝴蝶。 一時間,我仿佛進入到了一種幻想的情境當中。我在油菜花中跑著,跳著,笑著。真象是“待到油菜花開時,我在叢中笑”。


  It was sunny and cool in the breeze. In this spring breeze blowing Qingming season, we go for an outing in the wetland park.

  On the way, I was very excited to watch the scenery on the roadside. The peach trees have blossomed, pink and pink, adding a little vitality to the road. The grass in the flower bed has red and green, setting off the pink flowers. The spring breeze gently stroked my face like my mothers warm hand. Facing the spring breeze, I soon arrived at the wetland park.

  As soon as I walked into the gate of the Wetland Park, the charming scenery fascinated me. There are green lawns everywhere, and the trees on the lawn have pulled out fresh green buds. Walking inward, there is a great lake. Many flowers and plants are planted on the lake. They compete for beauty and bloom. Look at the snow-white cherry blossoms, clusters and strings. There are also red cherry blossoms. The trees are full of red flowers, one after another, like childrens smiling faces. The most beautiful is the peach blossom, which is colorful and red. Looking from a distance, it looks like pieces of morning glow falling from the sky, emitting a fragrance. I gulped the aroma, as if I didnt smell enough. A closer look, some peach blossoms half open and half closed, only two or three petals, like a shy little girl; Some peach blossoms are in full bloom, revealing yellow stamens and blooming on the branches; Some are in bud, like a baby waiting to be born. There are always industrious little bees. They fly around one or two flowers and sometimes stop there to suck some nectar. Everything is so vibrant and green.

  Further inside, we found a large area of beautiful rape fields. The golden rape flowers are connected into a golden ocean, which is very beautiful. I cant help but breathe deeply. The fragrance is refreshing and refreshing. The attractive fragrance also attracted many bees and butterflies. For a moment, I seemed to enter a fantasy situation. I was running, jumping and laughing among the rape flowers. Its like "when the rape flowers bloom, I laugh in the bushes".

  Before we knew it, we should all go home. On the way home, the beautiful scenery of wetland park still flashed in my mind like a movie. I will not forget today, this sunny Qingming season.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇4

  Tomb Sweeping Day is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. Tomb Sweeping day begins in Zhou Dai. It is Tomb Sweeping Day 108 days after the winter solstice. Tomb-sweeping Day in calendar year April 4th to April 6th, Tomb-sweeping Day also called the cold food festival.

  There is a touching origin about Qingming festival. The legend of Chonger in exile, one day fainted, his men Jie not hesitate to put their own thigh meat cut down to eat roast chonger. Chonger after the ruling, the meritorious reward, but forget to reward jie. Some people reminded that we should also appreciate the push of meson. Chonger with the minister to reward Jie, who has Jie with old mother hiding in some Mianshan, burning mountain, because the muon push so obedient, will take her out. The fire burned for three days and nights, the fire extinguished Chonger and his entourage to see the mountain, only to see the old mother and Jie incinerated in a large willow tree on. Chonger was very sad, then ordered the real fireworks, only eat cold food. So this day is called the cold food festival, also called Tomb-sweeping Day.

  There are many customs on Tomb Sweeping Day, such as worshipping ancestors, sweeping graves, going outing, planting trees. On the Qingming Festival, father and mother also commemorate the lost ancestors and visit the lost ancestors. Qingming Festival, we have to plant trees, saying the number of trees, afforestation, not Qingming, Qingming before and after, all kinds of melon point. After the Qingming Festival, the weather became warmer and the peasants began to catch the land.

  As a young pioneer, we should cherish the memory of those revolutionary martyrs on the Qingming Festival and let them rest in the ground.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇5

  This year's Tomb Sweeping Day, my father took me to my hometown in Ningbo to visit the grave again.

  The tomb of grandparents is on a hillside, about two or three kilometers away from the big aunt's house. Ningbo pays attention to early tomb sweeping. At 5:30 a.m. on the Tomb Sweeping Day, my father dragged me out of my warm quilt and wolfed down a few mouthfuls of breakfast. After that, our group of eight drove to the cemetery.

  Pedestrians were everywhere along the way, some holding wreaths, some carrying hoes, and some carrying sacrifices. My father said that people in my hometown attach great importance to the Tomb Sweeping Day. Without special reasons, people will come from all over the country to visit the tomb. Therefore, there are many pedestrians on the road, sometimes even more than during the Spring Festival.

  After arriving at the cemetery of grandparents, aunts began to place sacrifices and light incense candles; My father and aunts began to clear the weeds around the grave. I was unwilling to be idle. I volunteered to paint the words on the tombstone with a brush with my sister. About half an hour later, the weeds around the grave were cleaned up. We poured several baskets of soil on the top of the grave, ed new wreaths, burned Ming coins, and each took turns to respectfully worship our grandparents. The grave sweeping was over.

  After sweeping the tombs of my grandparents, I followed my father and uncle and climbed a few kilometers of winding and steep mountain road to sweep the tombs of my father's grandparents, up to my father's grandfather's grandfather's grandfather, a total of five generations.

  Although I was very tired, I was still very happy, because my father told me, "think of the source after drinking water. No matter where a person goes, he can't forget where his roots are!"

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇6

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession. Pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. I ask where the restaurant is. The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." Whenever I think of this poem by Du Mu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, I think that it seems that the Qingming Festival is coming, and the pace of Qingming is not far away

  Around 8 o'clock, my mother and grandpa set out from home. On the way, I kept thinking about the past. It seemed that I had never seen grandma's kind appearance, and there were no deeds related to grandma in my mind. What does she look like? Treat me well... A series of questions suddenly came to my mind. I asked my mother, "Mom, have I seen grandma? How about treating me?" Mother reluctantly said: "to tell you the truth, she is kind to you. You made a mistake, and she has been protecting you..."

  After dozens of minutes of car bumps, we finally came to grandma's grave. We cleared the weeds in front of the tomb, dredged the drainage ditch on the side, put offerings, lit incense and candles, and burned the folded paper money into ashes to worship our loved ones, so as to place our thoughts on our dead loved ones. After we finished the etiquette of the Chinese nation, my uncle took out firecrackers and "crackled". The sound was deafening, just like thunder in the sky. I silently made a wish in front of the grave "I hope grandma can bless me to study smart, study and make progress, make my family happy and healthy".

  In the smoky mountains, we walked back on the muddy path. The grave sweepers who help the old and the young on the road, or in groups, or one or two walking alone, are worthy of being a traditional festival of our Chinese hair nationality. It is so meaningful.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇7

  It's another Qingming Festival. Maybe for me, this is the first Qingming Festival in the real sense. It's the first Qingming Festival after grandpa left. In this "rainy" day, I have the feeling of "breaking my soul" for the first time

  It was drizzling outside the window. From time to time, a few gusts of wind blew through my ears, bringing a few chills. At the moment, my grandfather's kind wrinkled face was reflected in front of me, and the most often said sentence of Grandpa sounded in my ear, "study hard!" But why, why can't I hear this sentence again six months later? Why?

  Time always comes and goes in a hurry. In the blink of an eye, six months passed, and everything returned to calm. But who knows, just six months ago, Grandpa was still smiling in the hospital bed and said to me, "don't cry. People can only have a foothold in society if they are strong. It's hard to go in the future, but as long as you smile, there will be no more difficulties, okay?" When he finished this sentence, Grandpa closed his eyes and left with a smile.

  I will never forget the feeling when grandpa left. For a moment, your close relatives and loved ones leave the world quietly. That kind of heartache, I don't know what language to describe. I cried instinctively. For the first time, for the first time, I want to go back to the happy time three years ago, but the day is not what people want. Often think, if my sister and I didn't leave that day, if nothing happened that day, would the ending be the same? -- God knows.

  Six months after grandpa left, I returned to my hometown. When I looked at the vast field, I saw grandpa chasing me with that bamboo strip in the field... Grandpa, how I hope you can pick up the long lost bamboo strip again and run after me all over the field! Grandpa, why, why don't you pick up bamboo sticks to chase me anymore? Why

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇8

  "It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls..." it's the annual Qingming Festival. Today is April 4, 20XX. My father and mother took me to Futian cemetery to sweep the graves of my grandparents.

  We prepared wine and snacks at home, and then went to the flower shop to buy chrysanthemums and lilies. We wanted to buy 10 chrysanthemums, but the aunt of the fresh flower shop told us: "to buy chrysanthemums for dead people, we should buy an odd number, not an even number". So we bought 9 chrysanthemums. Now I learned another little knowledge. After we bought the flowers, dad drove us off. We saw a lot of people with flowers on the way. These people probably went to visit the grave. They all looked very serious and probably missed their relatives.

  We came to Futian cemetery very smoothly. The environment of Futian cemetery is particularly good, with trees, pines and cypresses, and flowers in full bloom. I think let the dead rest here!

  As soon as I entered the door, I found that there were many grave sweepers. People came to the cemetery with a sad mood to pay tribute to their relatives! My father and mother and I came to see my grandparents.

  Soon we came to Grandpa's and grandma's tombstones. Dad first wiped the tombstones with clean towels. After cleaning the tombstones, dad and I put flowers, wine and snacks in front of Grandpa's and grandma's tombstones, and then bowed to Grandpa and grandma with dad and mom. Dad, mom and I cried. We also sprinkled chrysanthemum petals in front of Grandpa's and grandma's tombstones to let flowers accompany my dear grandpa and grandma. After sweeping the tomb, I left Futian cemetery crying.

  Today, I had a very meaningful time. The Qingming Festival made me understand that when swallows can fly back and willows are green again, Grandpa and grandma can't come back. I spent the usual missing and the annual Qingming Festival with me.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇9

  Qingming Festival is one of our traditional Chinese festivals. On that day, we will go to martyrs' cemeteries in various places to offer sacrifices to heroes who died for our peace and, of course, to our dead relatives. However, our family will go to the "Mother River" for an outing, because this festival is a good time for everything to recover and the air to be fresh!

  On the way to the outing, I can't help but see some people who offer sacrifices to their dead relatives. Then I look at the emerald green wickers fluttering in the wind, and the yellow rape flowers dancing gracefully in the wind. I can't help but think of the poem "flowers fly everywhere in the Spring City, and the cold food east wind resists the willows".

  In the laughter and laughter along the way, we finally arrived at the "Mother River". After a big meal in the nearby hotel (on the boat), we went ashore to the Yellow River. I was also a little excited because I saw all our Chinese "mothers", which raised our Chinese people!

  But we didn't come empty handed. I also invented a game. It's quite dangerous, but it's fun. We first step on the bank near the Yellow River slowly with small steps, and then it will become softer and softer, and sometimes blisters will appear. At that time, I was very scared and nervous, and always felt that I was going to fall down, because the soft ground always felt that a big hole would fall out and sink me in. The principle is like this: the Yellow River water has soaked the land on the shore. Although it looks solid, it is actually very dangerous. My mother said that when she was a child, someone played on it, and someone fell into the water and drowned, so don't play with the timid!

  In this outing, I ate good things, played good things and saw good things. It's great! Come and play if you don't believe it!

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇10


  On the day of April 4th, the weather is sunny, the temperature is not high not low, it is a good day for an outing. Starting with my grandmother in the countryside to Songjiang early in the morning.


  The air is really fresh ah! I see a yellow flowers of rape, I asked my grandmother: "rape is doing what it is to eat?" She answered: "the rape of the rapeseed mustard oil can." So I just pick a few rape, I tried to bite the rape root, wow, the original root moisture rape so much! She quickly said: "the rape of the root to eat but not eat, otherwise it will poisoning. "


  Walked, we saw the opening is bright beautiful peach, peach blossom! Peach blossom in full bloom like the smiling faces of children, fragrant and sweet, I really like the peach blossom spring! There is a river, peach trees on the side of Kawazu Kiyoshi, a group of ducks swimming in the river, like in the game. We walked along the river, and go to the edge of a piece of wheat, I asked my grandmother: "wheat is doing what?" Grandmother said: "the wheat into flour can play, you eat Steamed buns and noodles are made from wheat." I looked at the green of the wheat seedling to, the original green seedlings can also play into a white flour, nature is really amazing!


  The day passed quickly, and I was happy to go home, I want to go home to tell mom and Dad I see, smell, hear the beautiful nature.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇11

  Although it is very tired to go up the mountain to worship our ancestors during the Qingming Festival, sometimes we will fall a few times, and the mountain road is very difficult to walk, the mood of worshipping our relatives is pious.

  Today, my parents and I went to grandma's grave together. My grandmother was only 50 years old when she died. I was not born at that time. Although the image of my grandmother did not exist, the feeling of missing my grandmother did not decrease, so I cherish this tomb sweeping action more. Parents come to pay a memorial every year to change the words for the tombstone and remove some weeds. But the vitality of grass was so strong that it covered the whole tomb in only one year. It's really "the wild fire can't burn out, and the spring breeze blows again." It seems that the task of mowing the grass is very arduous. I quickly picked up the sickle to weed. I cut it hard, but not only the grass was not cut down, but my fingers were going to be cut off. At this time, my father came to help me. He said, "before cutting the grass, we must hold it tightly, then press it down hard, and then cut it hard with a sickle, so that we can cut it off." Follow my father's way, I can really cut it! With the efforts of my parents and I, the grass was finally cleared away. I also helped my mother sweep the floor and respectfully put flowers on it, making grandma's grave a green and clean garden.

  Qingming Festival as a holiday has both advantages and disadvantages. Although everyone can have time to go to the grave, the traffic up the mountain has become a big problem. On the way back, we blocked the car for an hour. Seeing that the traffic police uncles are tired enough to command, I think there will be a standard for the safety and dredging in the future.

  Today's Tomb Sweeping Day, although very tired, but I am very happy, learned knowledge, with their own work, expressed the memory and respect for their ancestors.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇12


  I sit in the car with a heavy heart, hide in the dark corner of the car, and cry secretly. The head looks like it's filled with lead, as if it's heavy enough to lift. All the relatives in the car said nothing one by one, and their eyes showed great sadness. They were grandma, sighing all the time, and their eyes were wet.


  When I arrived at the tomb of my mother-in-law, everyone broke down in tears. All of a sudden, the tears that had been swirling around the corner of his eyes came out. I have a warm picture in my mind: I was only three or four years old when my grandmother was still alive, and I was a cute fat child who liked to play and eat. I always ask my grandmother to make me delicious food. She always agrees to my request. When I devour it, she looks at me kindly. She often takes me to play, buys me toys and so on. But two years later, a terrible day came. My grandmother was lying in bed, coughing constantly. I was scared by the scene when I just came back from kindergarten. I asked my mother, "what's the matter?" Mother sobbed and said, "grandma is leaving us!" I threw myself on the bed and started to cry, but the grandmother left us.


  Then it began to rain and hit our clothes. "It rained in succession during the Qingming Festival, and passers-by wanted to break their souls." Only lost, only then knew her valuable place!

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇13

  "Rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go......" This solar term of year, we will be in my heart silently reciting the poet tu mu's poem in tang dynasty, to express our ancestors thoughts.

  This day, we will come to grave, placed a bouquet of flowers, burn some paper money, and wishing you so as to express our loved ones, and in my heart silently pray for them, bless them in heaven can also like us, on the other side of the happiness and lived happily. At this point, we can not help but think of them once and those days we spent together, I can remember all those pictures as if thought of these, I burst into tears.

  Spring scenery greeted my eyes in the distance, the birds singing in the spring of sonata, creamy TaoGongLiuLu, golden rape, "shoots" blowing leaves fall, green shoots out long, everywhere is a piece of the scene of spring, all things recovery, which is a season full of expectations and wishes. Tomb-sweeping day, let us in such a special day, we in the memory of the past and at the same time, also want to the future full of hope, cherish life, let oneself life more meaningful, don't use such a beautiful life. Also have a new understanding of the life, let oneself every day was honest, such ability will not let myself regret, and live up to others.





  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇14

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". Whenever the Tomb Sweeping Day comes, people's mood becomes sad and sad, missing their dead relatives. Before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day, every family should go to the cemetery of their dead relatives to pay homage to their dead relatives. Our family is no exception. Today, my parents and I went back to my hometown in Xinzhou.

  Come to the cemetery, where the director is full of weeds. Small trees. Although grandpa's grave had been taken off by grandma, Dad carefully cleaned the weeds and small trees on the grave, and then took out incense from the car. Wax. Paper and? Guns and flowers. Then light the candle. Put incense in front of the tombstone and put flowers on the grave. I vaguely saw tears in my father's eyes. I know that this is not happy tears, not excited tears, but missing tears.

  Grandpa has been away from us for twenty years. Listen to grandma, when grandpa died, my father was still in junior high school. I haven't even met Grandpa. Whenever I see other students go home hand in hand with my grandfather, I will show my envy. Twenty years have passed, dear grandpa! Your grandson came to see you! I carefully studied the portrait on Grandpa's tombstone, and there was a smile on his mouth. I kowtowed three heads in front of my grandfather's grave. I hope he can bless my health, learn the best, and bless the peace of our family.

  Beside the tomb, there are many beautiful flowers. Although they are small, they are dazzling. Every flower is so energetic. I thought to myself: little wild flower. Little wild flower, you have worked hard! Only you accompany my grandpa. While burning paper money, Dad sobbed about the past when Grandpa was alive. Looking at the ashes flying to the sky, at that moment, I learned a lot, a lot

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇15

  April 4 of each year is the Tomb Sweeping Day, which is the day of ancestor worship. On Saturday, our family returned to our hometown as usual to worship our ancestors.

  "It rained in succession during the Qingming Festival" poet Du Mu was right. It rained for a whole day during the Qingming Festival, but it didn't spoil our family's enthusiasm to go back to the countryside to worship our ancestors. Because my father said, "rain 'water' refers to wealth, which means that our family will have a lot of money this year."

  At noon, the rain stopped a little. After we went to the ancestral temple to worship, we went up the mountain. Because of the rain, the road is very muddy and slippery. But we still insist. When I came to the grave, I saw that there were weeds all around. My father asked us to take a hoe and shovel away the weeds. After finishing some, he took out the sacrifice and put it in front of the tomb. Then worship God. Everyone tells their ancestors their wishes. Let me tell you, my wish like my ancestors is: I hope to be admitted to key middle schools this year. However, I know that it is impossible to rely solely on the blessing of our ancestors. We should strengthen our strength and luck through our own efforts. After worship, he made a toast, and his brother filled it with wine Three cups and said, "let them get drunk!" Then I started to burn Ming coins, cars, mahjong and so on. It's really everything! After burning the ghost paper, start firecrackers! "Thunderclap, thunderclap, Thunderclap..." The firecrackers were very loud and deafening. My mother said, "the louder the firecrackers are, the more blessed they are!" After everything was done, I silently said to my ancestors in my heart, "today next year, we will come to see you. Rest in peace!"

  Indeed, one's life will pass soon. Time waits for no one. Students must seize the time and do everything they should do.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇16

  Although it is very tired to go up the mountain to worship our ancestors during the Qingming Festival, sometimes we will fall a few times, and the mountain road is very difficult to walk, the mood of worshipping our relatives is pious.

  Today, my parents and I went to grandma's grave together. My grandmother was only 50 years old when she died. I was not born at that time. Although the image of my grandmother did not exist, the feeling of missing my grandmother did not decrease, so I cherish this tomb sweeping action more. Parents come to pay a memorial every year to change the words for the tombstone and remove some weeds. But the vitality of grass was so strong that it covered the whole tomb in only one year. It's really "the wild fire can't burn out, and the spring breeze blows again." It seems that the task of mowing the grass is very arduous. I quickly picked up the sickle to weed. I cut it hard, but not only the grass was not cut down, but my fingers were going to be cut off. At this time, my father came to help me. He said, "before cutting the grass, we must hold it tightly, then press it down hard, and then cut it hard with a sickle, so that we can cut it off." Follow my father's way, I can really cut it! With the efforts of my parents and I, the grass was finally cleared away. I also helped my mother sweep the floor and respectfully put flowers on it, making grandma's grave a green and clean garden.

  Qingming Festival as a holiday has both advantages and disadvantages. Although everyone can have time to go to the grave, the traffic up the mountain has become a big problem. On the way back, we blocked the car for an hour. Seeing that the traffic police uncles are tired enough to command, I think there will be a standard for the safety and dredging in the future.

  Today's Tomb Sweeping Day, although very tired, but I am very happy, learned knowledge, with their own work, expressed the memory and respect for their ancestors.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇17

  Of the 24 solar terms, qingming is my favorite. The name "qingming" is a favorite. You see again "clear" and "bright", clear and pure, say come out, sound, have let a person fresh and refreshing, the spirit is one of cool feeling. Yes, in that day, when we looked around, green as the sea, flowers, full of joy, walking man also is full of vitality, how can not call a person spirit bright, relaxed and happy?

  Qingming is the day of ancestor worship, the worship of ancestors is expressed in the thoughts of the ancestors. In such a day came to ancestors grave, some paper money, and put a bunch of flowers, display some sacrifices, and sit on there for a while, and after the ancestors of the separation of silent communication. It is an act of human nature, the most concrete form of expression that our ancestors have ever lived in our hearts. People, of course, in doing so, is there will be a little sad, but this kind of sad don't let people upset, on the contrary, it let people cherish, and endow with at the qingming festival a heavy this bright day, make it become heavy, has the rich connotation.

  Why did the ancestors choose qingming I can not prove, but in this early spring season, because of the grave people will have to go out of the outdoors. You see, in the tomb-sweeping day, the country or mountains on the way, at any time can be seen holding the willow branches, holding flowers, carry the sacrifices of the people, they walk in groups in the way of sending out the wild grass aroma, breathing the air of early spring in the fragrance, together with nature, is so harmonious. In this way, the walking and seeing people can not help but think: qingming shangfen, have people out of the outdoors, to feel the spring intention? I feel the strong emotion of our ancestors' love of nature. We are a people who love nature and combine time, space and human activities so closely that it is the unique creation of our nation.

  Qingming is the beginning of a beautiful hope.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇18

  On the qingming festival diet, there are different seasonal foods.

  Due to the combination of the cold food festival and the qingming festival, some places still have the habit of eating cold food in the qingming festival. In shandong, it is said that if you eat eggs and cold boobs, you can eat eggs and cold sorghum rice on long island. It is said that if you don't, it will be hailstorm. Tai 'an eats cold pancakes with bitter vegetables and is said to have bright eyes. In the jinzhong area, the habit of banning fire was still preserved.

  In many places, after the sacrificial ceremony, food is sacrificed. When the people of jinnan are clear and clear, they are used to steamed buns in white flour, with walnuts, dates and beans in the middle, and a dragon in the middle of the dragon, with an egg in the middle, called "zifu". To steam a large total "zifu", symbolizing family reunion happiness. In the grave, the total "zifu" to the ancestral spirit, after the tomb sweeping the whole family to eat. In the old days of Shanghai, the steamed cakes that were used for the sacrificial rites were run through the willow branches, and then they were dried and stored. On the day of the summer, the oil was Fried and eaten for the children. It was said that they would not be able to get the disease after eating.

  Shanghai qingming festival has the custom of eating green groups. Combine the juice and glutinous rice together, combine the green juice and rice flour, then wrap the filling of bean paste, jujube paste, etc., and place in the steamer basket with the bottom of reed leaves. Steamed green dumplings with fresh green color and fragrant aroma are the most distinctive seasonal food in the local qingming festival. In Shanghai, some people like to eat peach blossom congee, and they love to use the knife and fish at the tomb sweeping and family dinner.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇19

  Tomb-sweeping Day is China's traditional festivals, it began about Zhou Dai, has more than 2500 years of history.

  Tomb-sweeping Day is the beginning of a very important solar term, Qingming, temperatures, it is plowing season, so there before Qingming, melons beans "," afforestation, tyo Qingming "nongyan. Later, the clarity and the day of the people close to, and the people is the folk Tomb Sweeping Day, gradually, cold and clarity is be made one. Therefore, the Qingming Festival is also an important festival for ancestor worship. It is the day of ancestor worship and tomb sweeping. According to the old tradition, the grave, people to carry goods such asespecially fruit paper money to the cemetery, offering food for the family tomb in, then the dead incineration for the tomb of new soil fold a few branches, the new green ed in a grave, and then bow to worship, and finally eat especially home. The Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's poem "Qingming": "Qingming, the pedestrian on the road, I ask where there are restaurants? The shepherd boy points at Xinghuacun." What is written is the special atmosphere of the Qing Ming Festival.

  The Qingming Festival is also called the youth festival. It is the year in the Gregorian calendar in April 5th, this is the bright spring days, vegetation Tulu of the season, it is also a good time for people to spring, so the Qingming outing, and carry out playing polo, swing, Cuju, Liu ed a series of custom sports. According to legend, this is because Tomb-sweeping Day fire ban, in order to prevent the cold food observance buffet beverages, so we come to participate in some sports in order to exercise. Therefore, this festival not only sweep the graves health do not die from grief, and spring play joy, is a distinctive holiday.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇20

  The tomb-sweeping day as a holiday, are different from pure solar terms. Solar term is a sign of phenology change, seasonal order in China, and it is more a festival of custom activities and some memorable.

  Tomb-sweeping day is China's traditional festival, is also the most important memory of ancestors and the grave. This grave to commemorate the dead man's a kind of activity. The han nationality and some minority are mostly in the tombs. Grave, people to carry goods such as especially fruit, paper money to the grave, will be food for offering in the family tomb, to use paper money on fire new soil up to the grave, fold a few branches pale green branches ed in the grave, and then kowtow worship salute, finally eat especially home. The tang dynasty poet tu mu's poem "qingming" : "rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. Restaurant where? Boy pointed apricot blossom village." Write the ching Ming festival special atmosphere.

  Ching Ming festival, also called TaQingJie, according to the solar calendar for, it is in every year on April 4 to 6, between, it is beautiful spring scenery spring-out of season, also is a good time to people spring outing, so the ancients had qingming outing, and carry out a series of customs sports activities.

  Until today, tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, mourning the late relatives customs still prevail.





  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇21

  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. My mother and I went to grandma's house. Grandma's house lives in the suburbs. The air there is very fresh and the scenery is beautiful and pleasant, so I like to go to grandma's house very much.

  After lunch in the afternoon, my sister and I went to grandma's old house, where there was a vegetable garden. We went to the vegetable garden first to collect vegetables. The varieties of vegetables in the garden are really rich, such as green vegetables, coriander, garlic, leek, spinach... It seems that collecting vegetables is not an easy job! You see, my mother, my aunt, my sister, my grandfather and my grandmother are constantly collecting vegetables: my grandmother is collecting vegetables, while I am the only one with a small pair of scissors pulling vegetables and cutting vegetables. I first pull up the vegetables, and then cut the roots and soil. Because I cut too much, I cut many vegetable leaves. My sister said I wasted, but I couldn't cut them any more, so I had to give up, I took my sister to fly a kite on the ridge. There were golden rape flowers on both sides of the ridge. My sister and I ran and chased happily on the ridge. The smell of rape flowers came to our nostrils. We had a good time.

  Back to the old house, my sister and I fed the chickens under the chickens and brought vegetables and leaves to the chickens. Sure enough, many chickens gathered together to eat. Even the old hen squatting in the chicken nest came out to eat, "the old hen laid eggs!" Grandpa shouted at my sister and me and quickly took out two eggs from the chicken nest. You see, another one is double yellow! I didn't expect to learn some new knowledge when feeding chickens! splendid!

  In the twinkling of an eye, it was evening. It was time for me to go home. While sitting on the bus, I thought, "it's good to go outing during the Qingming Festival. I must go outing more in the future!"

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇22

  Qingming Festival is coming. Many people are busy with sacrificial activities. Fortunately, the old people in my family are very healthy, so I can enjoy the beautiful spring and have a warm hug with nature. Qingming Festival is not only a day for mourning and mourning, but also a good day for outing. Because its arrival symbolizes the real arrival of spring!

  On the way to the countryside, I saw many peach and pear trees, all of which were dressed for spring. A piece of powder and a piece of white. Looking at it, it's a picture of more than ten thousand low branches! It is not difficult to imagine the happy scene of peach and plum trees in autumn! Then I saw the green fields, endless, like a huge emerald. My eyes are very comfortable and my mood is very comfortable. I really want to live here every day. When I open my eyes, a burst of fragrance pours into my nose! After seeing the beautiful scenery in spring, we began a happy treasure hunt - digging wild vegetables.

  At first, I couldn't help worrying. Where can I find wild vegetables? What kind of wild vegetables can you eat? But I don't have to worry about the actual situation. There are so many wild vegetables everywhere that even my mother is not famous. It's just that I came late. I have to pick up some tender ones to dig. Soon filled a plastic bag. But the first time I dug wild vegetables, I became more and more addicted. I dug and asked, "what kind of dish is this? Can I eat it?" Digging and shouting, "there are more here, come on!" My shouting caused everyone around to laugh. No way, who called me grandma Liu's first visit to the Grand View Garden! In everyone's urging and pulling, I stopped digging wild vegetables and repeatedly told my mother to cook them for me when I went back!

  What a knowledgeable Festival, what a happy festival!

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇23

  The weather of today is very good, in the afternoon, we all the teachers and students to the martyrs cemetery grave.

  We row tidy team happy walk on the road, "leader" for the rocket's red, the wind blows. The martyrs cemetery, we arranged in two way column slowly into the, road on both sides is tall, green pine trees, like a guard guarded the cemetery. We first came to the martyrs relics exhibition room, gallery is a row of glass cases, testimonials and civilian colthes, there is a old and rusty shells and grenades, see these relics, the students gradually quiet down, with low music loudspeaker, slowly tells the action story of heroes, the students listen quietly, quietly talking about, a heavy heart.

  Our showrooms slightly out of the dark, walk under the bright sunshine, and came to the tomb area, the layout of the tomb as the steps of the amphitheatre, high level than the level, we are standing on the steps, at the tomb of the past, students have bundles of flowers tribute to the front of the tomb, a counselor teacher gave us a happy life now is these martyrs in the life, our red scarf is the blood of martyrs, we should study hard, grow up to serve the motherland. Everyone received a profound education.

  At the tomb of the martyrs finished, we will be a tidy team return to school.





  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇24

  Shake off the wings of the birds fly in the cold, such as the mirror of the sky; willow catkins in the air out of green, graceful dancing; clouds raised sails, blue sea, even a stone, could not suppress his desire to blossom. I sat quietly in front of the window, playing with the wind and wantonly with my hair. I gazed at the bright and brilliant sunshine and running child, but my mind didn't know where to go. The thinking is really amazing, the beauty and its fresh and beautiful spring human bitter one, which is a kind of mystery?

  In my view, the Qingming Festival is a festival "remembering the past, thinking about the present, facing the future".

  Recall the past, is nothing more than a feeling "Qingming, the pedestrian on the road" heavy, "listen to the wind and rain Qingming experience. Grass flower "Ming Yi sad lonely. Thinking about the first people during the first people in voice and expression; think about their good and bad; think of those people was not worth mentioning, but now things before thinking of those who lead a person to endless aftertastes; don't listen, now want to hear but did not hear the words; thinking......

  Live in the present, that is, go out and tread on the green. The fireworks in March, the recovery of all things, bright spring days. It's absolutely a good time to take a step. The sky is blue, high and clear, like a blue satin. Golden sun, warm, mellow, quietly hung in the sky, with warm light, warm comfortable. Find a quiet park, put the spring breeze into the arms, and then listen to the song of the birds, quiet, beautiful...

  Sitting in the window, looking out of the window, the rain, the smell of flowers and fragrance and light smoke and fire, thinking about how to face the next year of wind and rain. This is for the future.

  I sat in the window quietly, let your thoughts run wild gallop, meditation......

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇25

  Thursday is a day that makes me memorable and moved. Some students may ask, what's special about this? It's just an ordinary but not special Thursday! But I don't think, because we went to the tomb sweeping, in this afternoon, the weather was warm, and my heart was warm.

  Afternoon, we walk after more than an hour came to the martyrs cemetery, the beginning, the students all sorts of gossip, but gradually the students laugh, talk less, "to see the monument to the martyrs"! The teacher said, then students interest and high up, although many people also want to start talking, but everyone knows, in a solemn cemetery cannot speak, to silence.

  In the cemetery, although still before we see the cemetery, but many pine trees here, after exposed to wind and rain, no one care, still long so straight, so high, so green, this is like the spirit of the martyrs! Sacrifice for the country, immortal! Yes, how strong the 8 big words are shining with the sun.

  I saw a lot of tombs. I thought a lot. Without them, we would not be happy. Today, we live very well. Martyrs rest in peace. Go to the tomb of the unknown soldier, my heart is hot, they do not know who did not have a lot of people to visit them, think of this, I can't help put in the hands of small white flowers to the nameless martyrs, sacrifice for the country, you died a glorious death heroic.

  Behind the memorial hall, there is a pair of antithetical couplet Memorial Hall doorway, bandit hero kills Chiaki song, throw the head and blood of martyrs yoshina eons pass. Into the memorial hall, which records the Japanese abhorrent behavior, even using the shot acts of torture, to torture, huh! I really want to put these Japanese pulled down from the picture, a curse......

  In the process of return, some students are very tired, but he always insisted, you help me, I help you...

  Aren't you moved? The present society, the pure and noble friendship is everywhere.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇26

  In the early morning, the red sun has not come out of the dark mountain, but the East has been spitting. Through a densely woven strands of leaves the white wooden window through the table that decadent, shot in those messy books. I only hear the Sashi of the window, it may be the wind, or the rain. I can not help thinking that today is a heavy Qingming Festival.

  The sky was drifting with rain, and it blurred the glass that was embedded in the window. Remember that "Qingming", they think of the deep sorrow ". Sepiaceous Toyama actually flashing sparks of fire, occasionally heard firecrackers echoed across the lonely road. The heart doesn't feel heavy.

  The blue sky is also hanging a few not vanishing star, downstairs has the smoke rises, the mother is up, busy after breakfast. Out the door, still rain rustling and tap a green bamboo keys, plucking the strings, knocking on the surface of the drum. The mountain grew green, as if it had been washed away with a layer of film color, showing its own green. Green, green, green, green...... The intersection is a piece.

  Go downstairs to eat breakfast, looking at the dark green Qingming Guo think, green hills, plains, green spring. Eat outside, although insipid, even some bitter, but the Qingming Guo's sweet, it touched my heart: lost loved ones grief after the necessary grief into strength! The living, the good live, don't let the dead see they want to see what happened!

  I have witnessed by the deceased relatives, suddenly in front of me. I look at them and shout in my heart: I won't disappoint you and disappoint you!

  The rain outside the window was getting smaller and smaller, and after all, it stopped. The bird in the rain and clean in sing their song. The sun also opened the clouds and warmed the earth. Life will always encounter a rainy day, or even a dangerous situation, but we, lighting accompanied by peals of thunder, will usher in the warm sunshine.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇27

  Time came slowly to the Qingming time.

  The afternoon of April 3rd, our school organized a class five and class together to worship the martyrs cemetery. Walking into the cemetery, looking around, surrounded by mountains, quiet and silent. Occasionally, there are several birds singing, but they also disperse quickly. Most of the students were lowering their heads, wondering what they were thinking in silence. I sighed with a sigh and thought: it was a long time away from the time of the war, and the soldiers who died for the country were fading away. How many people could remember them? Everyone left with a strain of white flowers, looked up at the distance. Looking at the tall marble statue of the martyr, there was a feeling of admiration in mind, and my thoughts went to that distant age. Those young girls who are still in flower season have sacrificed their lives in the cruel war. Did they ever regret when they died? At that moment, they thought of their parents at home, or the security of their country, or just such a departure?

  The worship of the process is very simple, but the atmosphere is dignified. No matter what, what is on your mind at this moment, everyone is silent and soundless. Finally, we put the paper flowers in front of the stone tablets and leave them together. The whole process is somewhat solemn and heavy. Returning to school, my mind is always relaxed and depressed. Whenever I think of that stone tablet and think of the soldier who is sleeping underground, there will be a lot of sadness and weakness. Today's life is because of them, we can live so happily.

  Qingming Festival is the traditional festival of our nation. At this time, everyone will pay homage to their loved ones or martyrs. In this Qingming Festival, we can do too little or too little. Only hope that we can use a sincere heart to face our elders and martyrs.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇28

  "Qingming Festival rain in succession" this sentence was confirmed by the wonderful nature, yesterday, the rain of patter of patter, my heart is as heavy as a stone, because I want to give my master and old milk the tomb, before, I do not understand the true meaning of the Qingming Festival, until after the tomb, I know the true meaning of the Tomb Sweeping Day!

  At seven o'clock in the morning, we are going to sweep the grave for the old man and the old milk. It's a new thing for me to go to the grave. We set out with tools.

  I can't wait to walk on the winding mountain road for about an hour. We came to the tomb of the old man and the old milk. After a year, the graves were full of barren grass. After the division of labor, we began to be busy. After all, we began to burn the paper money. With the curl of smoke, I seemed to look at the smoke. I seemed to look as if I would see the smoke curling up. To their shadow, they told me, "study hard and cherish life.

  Yes, a man's life is short and happy to live every day. To surpass self, transcend oneself, dream will come true; transcend self, dream into power; transcend self, create a beautiful life! I think life surpasses self and transcends dreams! On the mountain, the house of the city is full of eyes, the mountains are full and the mountains are full. The rape flower of golden golden light is deeply breathed, the faint fragrance and fresh air, and those flowers interpret the meaning of life with the force that cannot be resisted.





  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇29

  The annual Tomb Sweeping Day is coming again. In order to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs who died bravely, all the students in grade 4 of our economic and trade primary school, under the leadership of our teachers, with their own small white flowers, came to the "Shuangfeng revolutionary martyrs cemetery" with heavy steps to sweep the tombs of the martyrs.

  Walking into the cemetery, you can see a tall monument engraved with eight conspicuous characters "the revolutionary martyrs are immortal".

  The tomb sweeping began. First, two teacher representatives presented wreaths to the martyrs. All the students observed a silence of three minutes and bowed three times to the revolutionary martyrs, expressing our young students' deep memory and condolences for the revolutionary martyrs. At this time, I seem to see the revolutionary feat of the martyrs throwing their heads and sprinkling blood, and I seem to see the tall image of the martyrs who treat death as if they were at home and stand up to the sky.

  Then, under the leadership of the counselor teacher of the brigade, we took an oath and put the little white flowers we made with our own hands respectfully on the martyr's tomb. I read silently in my heart: martyrs! Rest in peace! We must study hard and build a more prosperous and powerful motherland in the future.

  Finally, we came to the "revolutionary martyrs memorial hall", where we saw some revolutionary martyrs' backpacks, clothes, kettles, certificates and so on. I also saw photos of the martyrs fighting bravely. Seeing these photos, I feel no more excited than.

  We walked out of the martyrs' cemetery with a heavy heart. Our ancestors exchanged their blood and life for our happy life. We should cherish it more!

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇30


  Tomb Sweeping Day seems inseparable from rain. The Ching Ming Festival is a rain does not rain.


  It was Tuesday morning, sunny morning filar silk soft light in my face, wonderful confused.


  Hiking all the way to the Chen Hui cemetery. Huh? I never pass this long-distance race. Manual super bad man was not a bit tired? It is said that people who meditate will not be tired. What about me? Always thinking about Chen Hui?


  The sun is shining in the sky, but my heart is more and more deep. Standing in the grave, I thought "why this revolutionary martyrs so good, but not good? Good people really?... "


  The teacher was talking about on the table, but more and more slow speed. I think it is not only the physical effects, but the deeper psychological trauma.


  On the way back, sunny shining straight into my eyes, I will be the God to come.


  Suddenly look back, vaguely remember me strong sunshine and the distance that mark the silk like rays were gently stroked the side branches. Willow just leaves, but is quite lovely.


  Suddenly remind of, is not reported, the time has not yet come". Chen Hui martyr himself might never have started? Perhaps the motherland to make our motherland is his pursuit. The bag he expected?


  The sky was cloudless, but my heart is already in the infiltration of rain in my heart.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇31

  Today is Sunday. It rained a few drops in the morning, but at more than nine o'clock, the sky began to clear up, the spring breeze blew, and the warm sunshine began to shine on the earth, making people feel warm and refreshing. Today is really a good day to go outdoors.

  At my suggestion, my parents also put down the trivial things at hand and we set out outside the city together. After leaving the noisy county seat and coming to the fields, I suddenly felt that the air was much fresher. At your feet are vast green wheat fields. Since early spring, the weather has been sunny continuously, and the wheat seedlings have swept away the depression of the severe winter. It is a scene of prosperity. A piece of rape next to it has also pulled out new moss. When you look closer, the new vegetable moss is like a green jade stick carved with emerald. The willow branches at the head of the village in the distance were also soft by the spring wind. The green silk tapestry danced in the breeze, as if welcoming our whole family to the village. At this time, the birds in the woods not far away also tossed their mellow singing voice and began to attract friends and companions, adding a lot of vitality to early spring.

  My family walked and played in the fields like this. My parents were intoxicated by the spring scenery. Only I jumped and rolled on the ground. Inadvertently, we came to a small river. The grass on the riverbank looked withered and yellow, but at the grass root, some goose yellow buds peeped out secretly, dotted. The ice in the river has already melted, and the river begins to become clear. In the shallow part, you can see the sediment at the bottom of the river at a glance. The water and grass also become much softer. They swing left and right with the running water, and many small fish play in it.

  Everything in spring seems so vibrant. I love this beautiful spring!

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇32

  During the Qingming Festival, peach blossoms are red.

  On April 4, we came to the cemetery of revolutionary martyrs of Guandao early in the morning. As soon as you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a tall memorial tower, with a glittering and powerful big character "memorial tower of revolutionary martyrs". Some people who came to visit the tomb raised their hands in front of the tower to swear; Some offer wreaths; Some hold flowers, stand in front of the tower in silence, and then gently put the flowers in front of the tower. With heavy steps, I walked towards the tower and bowed three times to the memorial tower affectionately to express my condolences and respect for them.

  We came to the revolutionary martyrs memorial park again. As soon as I entered the Memorial Park, I saw a display board with the names of many martyrs from the war of resistance against Japan to the war of liberation. After reading it, it was shocking. The names of martyrs are densely written on one wall, and the miserable scenes are vividly described in one painting! My eyes were wet and my heart was very heavy. The commentator's aunt said: "these heroes are only part of them. Many countless unknown heroes threw their heads and shed their blood in the war years filled with smoke and bullets, and exchanged their flesh and blood for our hard won happy life today." Then we came to the memorial hall of the revolutionary martyrs, which contains the information of Anti Japanese heroes, the names of the Anti Japanese War and the war of liberation, as well as war weapons.

  Famous and unknown heroes and martyrs, you are the good children of the people and the loyal soul of the Republic. Your deeds will last forever. Future generations will always remember you and remember that tragic history. We will inherit your glorious traditions and aspirations, study hard, be successors in the new era, and protect our great motherland and beautiful homeland when we grow up.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇33

  "It rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls..." this poem suddenly came to my heart, because today is the Qingming Festival.

  While I was still dreaming. "Get up, get up, little sluggard, you still sleep late today" mother complained. Hearing the thunderous sound, I immediately got up and dressed. Mom and dad said in unison, "today is April 5, Tomb Sweeping Day, which is to sweep the graves of dead relatives." The whole family prepared the sacrificial things clearly and set out. We climbed the mountain for a long time. Finally, everyone saw grandpa's grave. I took the flowers. Suddenly, I said sadly, "Grandpa, please rest in peace. You must be good in heaven." After paying homage to Grandpa's grave, we were ready to go home around the original road. Suddenly, I accidentally stepped on a stone and rolled down from the top of the mountain. My mother heard a noise and looked back. When she didn't see me, she and my father hurried to find me. I also seemed to lose consciousness and rolled under a lush tree and woke up instantly. Although I was dizzy at the moment, my subconscious told myself to get up right away. I got up slowly and walked hard forward. It took me a long time to see my father. I said, "Dad, I'm here." My father seemed to hear a sound and ran in my direction. My mother also ran with my father. They found me and said gently, "do you want to go to the hospital?" I said, "no, let's continue to visit the grave."

  When I got home, I also remembered what happened today, the way my parents were worried about me and sweating. Thinking of my mother's tearful look just now. I think of a sentence my grandmother said: "the greatest parents in the world!"

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇34

  Qingming is coming. It's a good season for spring outing. Where should I go with the warm sunshine? It is said that there is a scenic spot in Anhui, that is Huangshan. At the foot of Huangshan, there is a small mountain with children's laughter - Monkey Island. Let's go here. In the morning, along the winding path, listening to the Ding Dong sound of spring water and the crisp song of birds, we set off for Monkey Island. Ah, I'm so excited to finally arrive at Monkey Island! You can see the lovely little monkey soon. We came to a hill. There was a stream between me and the hill. From a distance, the hill is really like a staircase, and each staircase is covered with lush trees. When I was fascinated, the leaves suddenly moved and made a "rustle" sound. I thought happily: it should be the little monkey coming out. It seems that the finale is about to begin. Sure enough, as I expected, the little monkeys came out, and then one, another, another... Some little monkeys jumped to the top of the mountain and jumped around happily; Some little monkeys swing around with trees and vines; Others are playing around together. It's so interesting.

  Just then, the leaves moved again. I looked at the leaves with expectant eyes. I thought to myself: what kind of monkey will come out this time? I'm looking forward to it! From time to time, a monkey came out and looked around slowly. I was surprised to find that the monkey still held a lovely little monkey in his arms. I think: she should have brought her baby to see me. The little monkey looked at me with innocent eyes, and I was fascinated at once.

  "We're going home." Cried mother. Alas, how time flies. I looked at the little monkey reluctantly and said, "goodbye. I'll see you again next time."

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇35

  The spring breeze bursts, the sky is clear, the annual qingming festival comes again, our school has three days off. My father took me to the grave, and the people who died in our house were buried in the north mountain of my house, which is far away from my home.

  I remember when I was a child, my father took me to the grave on the day of tomb-sweeping day. I was always happy to go to the grave, because my father burned paper money before the grave, so I did not care about me, so I played around until my father came to me. I don't know when to start, I go to the grave no longer play and play, but one by one look at each grave.

  I can't wait to go to the grave with my father. Halfway down the road, I suddenly had a question, "why tomb?" So I asked the father, father reel up "on April 5, is China's traditional tomb-sweeping day, began about the zhou dynasty, has two thousand five hundred years of history, the tomb-sweeping day at the beginning is a very important solar term, the tomb-sweeping day arrived, and rising temperatures, it is spring season of spring, so have" melon seeds before and after the tomb-sweeping day, kinds of beans, "qingming festival", "afforestation, the farmer's proverb. There is also a custom on qingming festival, the day of qingming not to move fireworks, only to eat cold food. The father paused, and then said, "the tomb on tomb-sweeping day remembers loved ones, and on the other hand sacrifices to the ancestors, hoping that the ancestors will bless the family's well-being."

  I saw people coming and going to the grave, looking and watching, and my father was calling me again. After a while, we came home. I feel very tired. Nevertheless, although very tired, but I am very happy, learned knowledge, with own action, expressed the ancestor's memory and respect, I think must be very meaningful. You must go, too.

  我的清明節(jié)假期英語作文 篇36

  "As" th sentence confirmed by the wonderful nature, yesterday the wper under light rain, my heart heavy like a rock, because want to master and old milk grave, before, I don't understand the real meaning of the qing Ming day, until today after sweeping the tomb, I understand the true meaning of tomb-sweeping day!

  At seven o 'clock in the morning, we prepare to master and old milk grave, grave a fresh thing for me, we take tools and set off.

  Walking the winding mountain road, I can't wait, after about an hour, we came to the master and old grandma's grave, a year didn't come, graves are covered with wild grass, you well after the divion of labor, began to busy, everything in place, we started to burn money, along with the smoke, I seem to see their shadow, they told me: study hard and cherh life.

  Yes, life short, happy every day to live, to continuously surpass ourselves, surpass ourselves, dream will come true; The superego, the dream into power; Beyond the self, to create beautiful life! I think life constantly transcend self, beyond the dream!!!!! Panoramic view of the city house on the mountain, the mountain was full of golden golden in the rape, deep breath, deep and remote light fragrance, fresh air, the flowers with irrestible power explanation of the meaning of life!







英語作文 我的假期01-26






