

時間:2023-04-25 17:39:09 毅霖 季節(jié)類英語作文 我要投稿
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  秋天來了英語作文 篇1

  Summer brother gone, autumn aunt came again, she took the summer brother's class. Since the autumn aunt came later, the weather cooler, no longer welcome as warm as summer brother, autumn aunt finally let the weather slow a slow, or else, not let the weather happy dead, then we may suffer The.

  I heard the autumn aunt came, the tree father was very happy, big tree father happy, can be infected with the above small leaves, they heard, that is, popular drink spicy, these small leaves are drunk, small face are Become glowing. Some fruit trees, also heard the arrival of the autumn aunt, happy to produce a lot of fruit, the fruit trees themselves almost collapse.

  From summer to autumn, many people from the short sleeve into a long sleeve, from shorts and skirts into a trousers.

  Autumn aunt came, the world a lot of things have changed, the weather has changed, the plant has changed, people's clothes have changed ...... a lot of things have changed.

  I really like the fall!

  秋天來了英語作文 篇2

  There is a yard next to my house, and the yard is planted with several sweet - scented osmanthus trees. In the autumn, the golden sweet-scented osmanthus open, scattered on the ground like a broken gold, fragrant.

  One day, I came to a small courtyard, far to smell the long fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus. Went to the hanging tree, readily picked up a sweet-scented osmanthus, really beautiful. The next day, I called my mother to pick up the sweet-scented osmanthus, we first with oil paper cloth in the tree under the shop, my mother in the tree hard to shake, I picked up one by one on the ground. High above the shake, I got a bamboo pole, mother with bamboo pole to play. From morning to noon finally picked a basket of sweet-scented osmanthus. I said: "Mom, we have a few days to eat sweet-scented osmanthus dumplings it!" Mom said: "Well, this idea is good yo." A few days, my mother and I started the dumpling, the sweet-scented osmanthus into the soup pot , Like a fairy Sanhua, really beautiful ah I tasted, sweet and sweet, taste great. Osmanthus can be used more, you can do sweet-scented osmanthus cake, sweet-scented osmanthus sugar ... ...

  We eat their own hand picking sweet-scented osmanthus, heart sweet.

  秋天來了英語作文 篇3

  Some people say that autumn is red, because one fall, Maple leaves are red; some say that autumn is yellow, because one to the fall, ginkgo leaves on the yellow; some people say that autumn is golden, because one to fall , The field becomes golden yellow ... ... no matter how others say, I think the autumn is colorful.

  Every morning, the touch of the red day to the world, "called" played thousands of people in the sleep. This is the first color of autumn.

  Morning, the sun has red to gold, the tens of thousands of gold to the world to sprinkle. At this time, people immediately full of energy, refreshed. This is the second color of autumn.

  Afternoon, after lunch, people began to enjoy afternoon tea. Afternoon tea is generally coffee. This is the third color, brown.

  Night, we are painting, writing, figure ...... This is the color of paper, white.

  At night, people went out to sleep. There is a black inside the lullaby, there are a bag of black hypnotic powder, black is the fifth color.


  You see, fall is not colorful?

  秋天來了英語作文 篇4

  Autumn, days of high clouds, cool breeze, fruitful, Jin Gui fragrance. Autumn is a beautiful, beautiful season. Autumn, bloom, the fruit mature, in the autumn orchard, the green leaves withered, and my brother Liu Sibo ran out to the grandfather of the orchard, ran into the orchard, we sat on the grass to enjoy the beautiful autumn.

  There was a breeze blowing in the orchard, some of the leaves were blown away from the dance, with the Monkey King turned over the somersault cloud. We have seen to fly to the south of the geese, but also are arranged in the "people" in the orchard over the fly, as if people are hard to say it After a while I, I said: "We are better than the first pick Apple." Brother said good. We ask the grandfather to help us take the ladder, we began to climb. We quickly climbed up, and finally I won, I picked a large basket of water, round yo apple. We picked the apple to eat a feeling really sweet.

  We continue to enjoy the beautiful autumn. Autumn is colorful, full of the joy of harvest, it is intoxicated.

  秋天來了英語作文 篇5

  The hot summer was passing by, and the beautiful autumn came quickly.

  Autumn is a harvest season, is a fragrance of the season. Autumn scenery is beautiful, the feeling is soft, the sound is wonderful, the taste is sweet.

  Into the small park, greeted the eyes of a red color. Approached a look, is a maple. The red leaves on the maple lit my glasses. A piece of leaves fall down, spread to the earth, like a red carpet, feet up comfortably. I picked up a maple leaf from the ground, saw the red leaves like a small fan, lying in my palm beautiful.

  Go to the road, I found the autumn girl is a small painter, it is red to the maple leaf, the yellow to the silver leaves, the color of the dye painted on the plane trees, the rest of the red, purple, yellow, white Gave the chrysanthemum fairy, it constitutes a colorful picture.

  Autumn wind mother came, it blowing blowing, blowing off the children are playing the hat, blowing the summer girl's hot. Fall come!

  秋天來了英語作文 篇6

  Autumn came, autumn came. You see, tree mother and grow a golden hair, really beautiful!

  Autumn came, the earth is golden, the farmer uncle is busy harvesting crops, sorghum nodded to us, corn against everyone laughing, small mice also began to save food.

  Every day on the road, the original street vendors selling watermelon stalls disappeared, instead of them are fragrant and crisp big apple and a string of purple grapes, how delicious it!

  Autumn is a bumper season, I went to the Qinling Wild Animal Park, there are many persimmon trees, knot a lot of red glowing persimmon, and chestnut trees, covered with hair chestnuts, also wrapped in plush shell, mature chestnuts are lost On the ground, I picked up a lot of chestnuts, but also stripped to eat, very good to eat.

  Autumn is really a golden fall, bumper autumn.

  秋天來了英語作文 篇7

  The weather came and the weather became cool. There was a swan of geese in the sky, and they were in a row for a while.

  There are three colors in the tree next to the road, green, orange, and red. In the field, the farmer uncle is busy harvesting corn. Small green vegetables wearing grass green uniform, look very air. Orchard, fruitful, red big apple like crowded with a fat doll, clawed green leaves look out. The red persimmon is like a small lantern hanging on a tree. Purple Yingying's grapes are like purple gems. Go to the park to play the children are wearing a long sleeves.

  Autumn is colorful, he gave the red maple, maple leaves like a stamp in the air falling down. It gives the yellow ginkgo tree, ginkgo tree leaves like a small fan. Grandpa plays tai chi under ginkgo tree.

  Autumn is the colorful season, is the harvest season, I like the fall!

  秋天來了英語作文 篇8

  Autumn is not like spring flowers blooming, aromatic and pleasant, not like the summer there are so many small creatures in the singing, but no winter snow wrapped, but he is in my heart is a colorful season.

  Although the autumn is not bright spring, but she has a unique landscape, to the autumn, cool breeze, waves of breeze blowing, blowing the flying maple leaf, red maple leaves like a colorful butterfly, with the The wind turned gracefully in the air until slowly fell to the ground, in the spring, summer, winter, that can see the beauty of this, only the autumn of this cool breeze season, the leaves covered with slopes, dyed Red field, from afar, hillside and field a golden, spectacular.

  Although the autumn did not like the kind of silver white clothes in winter, but it has a golden veil, see, fall one, the plants scrambling to the barber shop hair, they have to say 'fall to the other people have to hair Falling yellow hair, I can not lag behind, go, go to the barber shop dyed yellow hair. 'Not far behind the plants are happy to go hair, come back, each plant has a golden hair, beautiful.

  Autumn, a day of high clouds, cool breeze of the season, like a unique night pearl, unique.

  I seem to be a maple leaf, fell to the ground, looking at the blue sky, I will come back next year.

  Autumn, no spring girl blossom, no summer hot, no winter plum, but it is in my mind is unique season.

  秋天來了英語作文 篇9

  In the twinkling of an eye, the spring passed, the summer passed, and the autumn came again.

  Out of the house, waves of fresh autumn wind blowing, very cool, no spring soft, autumn wind is not hot summer wind, no winter wind cold, but I prefer the autumn breeze.

  Into the campus, the students have put on a thick clothes in the morning, the playground can always see the students exercise the body figure, noon, the students after a lesson after the tired will go to the campus to play, while breeze blowing , The hearts of the troubles have disappeared without a trace, at night, after dinner, the students will go to the playground to go for a walk, the breeze blowing immediately blown away the feeling of hot, replace him is cool and comfortable.

  Into the woods, I saw the ground covered with leaves, to the earth covered with red carpet, far from looking like, for the upcoming meeting of a grand ceremony, ready to cover the carpet. Trees are shaky leaves, as if a burst of breeze blowing, the leaves will fall like it seems. Birds are neatly squatting toward the south, when they fly, from time to time turned away from the direction of the woods to see, as if to say goodbye to their plant friends say it!

  Into the fields, the fields are mature crops, and a burst of autumn wind blowing over the sorghum waist, corn rods in the whirring of the autumn proudly stand upright. This time the farmer can be busy, but look at the harvest crops, farmers uncle also exposed a smile, I guess they are certainly thinking: this year is a good harvest season.

  Autumn, autumn is a cool season, autumn is a bumper season.

  秋天來了英語作文 篇10


  The leaves of Wutong trees flickered in the sky and then came down hard. Autumn is coming, another year, I sigh the speed of time.


  I squatted silently watching the autumn coming. Leaves fell from the tree in a hurry. In a hurry, it seems to cover up a big secret. I would happily pull out the leaves, looking for the secret that I think is very big, but there is no leaf under the leaves, the thick cement road seems to laugh at me. Looking up at the sky, I can see the same sky for thousands of years.


  The temperature began to drop in autumn. I put on a windbreaker myself, put my hands in my pocket, stood at the intersection with a lonely posture, and watched people rush past me in thick clothes. Sometimes someone would smile at me. I think this smile would be the most beautiful ornament in my life.


  Is autumn here? I look up at the sky and often ask myself that. The floating clouds in the sky are ever-changing, and the sky is extremely broad. Eyes staring at the sky that lonely blue, empty, just like my empty youth.


  It looks like autumn is really here. Everything has a new atmosphere, the autumn day seems to be shorter and shorter, sitting on the balcony to see the sun gradually sinking, sometimes the brain suddenly emerges the picture of Baipu's "tianjingsha. Autumn": "the sunset in the lonely village is lonely, the smoke is clear, the old tree is cold and the crow is flying in the shadow". I'm afraid it's only in autumn.


  Autumn will be far away. When autumn comes, winter will not be far away. After winter, it will be full of vitality. In autumn, the reason why trees lose their leaves is to save energy for next year. But I can't die, next year my life is a reincarnation.


  Autumn brings not only harvest, but also death, joy and sorrow. Autumn is a changeable season, it also does the same actions as clouds, unpredictable

  秋天來了英語作文 篇11


  Autumn has come, the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, and they have all fallen down, like a yellow butterfly dancing. The autumn wind blows gently, sending out a series of exhortations.



  Autumn is coming, the fruits are fragrant, the fiery red apples are as red as the flaming fireballs; persimmons are like lanterns hanging on the tops of trees; pomegranates can't close their mouths and show their agate like teeth. They are all greeting the arrival of autumn.


  In autumn, it blows away the heat and enthusiasm of summer with coolness and coolness, and brings the coldness, loneliness and fruits of autumn.

  秋天來了英語作文 篇12

  秋天來了,地上到處是落葉,還有冷風向人們宣告:秋天的確到了! 秋天來了,大雁們排著整齊的隊伍向南飛去! 秋天來了,稻田里一片金黃,谷穗笑彎了腰,胖乎乎的棉桃吐出一團團雪白的花朵。顆粒飽滿的高梁漲紅了小臉!

  Autumn is coming, the ground is full of fallen leaves, and the cold wind announces to people: autumn is indeed coming! Autumn is coming, the geese are flying south in a neat line! Autumn is coming, the rice field is golden, the ear of the grain is smiling and bending, the plump peach spits out a bunch of snow-white flowers. The grainy sorghum is red in the face;

  秋天來了,蘋果樹上掛滿了紅彤彤的大蘋果像紅紅的太陽,葡萄樹上結滿了一串串葡萄像一顆顆美利閃光的珍珠,梨樹結滿了黃澄澄的`梨,像一個個可愛的葫蘆兄弟! 秋天來了,不知不覺的來到我們身邊,給人們述說了自己是愛的季節(jié)! 是豐收的季節(jié)!

  Autumn is coming, the apple tree is full of big red apples like the red sun, the grape tree is full of clusters of grapes like pearls of Meili, the pear tree is full of yellow pears, like lovely gourd brothers! Autumn is coming, unconsciously came to us, told people that they are the season of love! It is the season of harvest!

  秋天來了英語作文 篇13

  Autumn is coming! The yellow-yellow red leaves are a colorful stamp, sent the autumn harvest and beauty.

  In the field, the rice is happy to laugh at the waist. The wind is blowing, picking up a bio golden waves, showing a charming smile. Autumn, as if surfing on Valley, the peasant is looking at it, from the bottom of the heart, a blossom bloom on the face.

  Those grains are even more exciting, this is not, high silence and corn, standing into a row. They are greeted the welcome of the fall.

  The hillside is hot, those big trees are playing with each other with a thick branch. What do you do? They are taller than this year!

  The fruits in the orchard have long been anxious, and one by one is rushing to scatter seductive fruit. Singing under the tree, singing, they are writing autumn music.

  In the sky, a row of geese flew over the blue sky. They hand down, and they will be "human" words for a while, and they will be "one" words, they are called, just like military parade, dance in the sky.

  At this time, in the garden, in the fields, those beautiful flowers are fighting. They are striving for the most fragrant, who is the most beautiful. So desperately disseminated the taste of the seductive autumn, outside the ten miles, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles away, can smell the rich taste of autumn.

  Hehe! Autumn has come!

  秋天來了英語作文 篇14

  It’s the middle of September now and the autumn has come. The hot days have gone. It’s cool in the morning and at night. It’s more comfortable than ever. But the weather is a little bit dry, so we must drink more water. In the northern part of China, the leaves turn yellow and look beautiful, but in the south, there is little change. I love autumn very much because I like the scenery in the autumn.


  秋天來了英語作文 篇15

  The most beautiful transformation nature has given to mankind is the alternation of four seasons. If someone asks me what I like, I will answer that I like the scenery of the four seasons. I especially like the spring of the grass and the catkins flying; But prefer to have a strong fruit flavor, the scenery like painting autumn.

  Summer girl left, beautiful autumn as the appointment. Although the world still retains the hot summer, but the beautiful blue sky also gives us the silk cool. This is the smell of autumn.

  At this time, the sky white clouds are soft embedded in the blue sky, and the naughty white clouds seem to be a zoo like the sky. A cloud naughtily becomes a running rabbit, while the next cloud turns into a fierce tiger, as if to eat the rabbit. The clouds in the sky are changing, which is really enjoyable. The wild geese are in line, one at a time, and one in a herringbone. They seem to say, "I'm going to fly to a warm place."

  In the field, people sit on the country path, like wandering in the golden sea. The rice that laughs to bend like the golden wave, pushes people forward the pace. One after another, with the help of the sun, cottonseed out of the shell. Snow white white is like a white cloud doll with a tone, hanging on the branch and refusing to come down. Uncle Gaoliang was desperately puffing his cheeks and his face was red, but he refused to be angry. For a long time, a sorghum field was a red blood... At a glance, a group of harvest scenery in the field was very popular.

  In the orchard, a gust of fruit fragrance came to the nose. Look at the red apple, the yellow pear, the purple crystal grape. It is impossible to help but to pick it off and bite it, and the flesh is full.

  In the evening of autumn, sunset is a beautiful scenery on the hillside of the sky.

  Autumn is a colorful picture. I love the picturesque autumn.

  秋天來了英語作文 篇16

  Autumn is coming. Qiufeng girl comes to Zhongshan Park with gentle steps.

  In this autumn Sunday morning, my mother and I embarked on a happy journey with a happy mood. Along the way, I looked around like a naughty little monkey. See the farmers in the hard drying rice The golden paddy field seems to put a golden garment on the earth. It's very beautiful! After a while, Zhongshan Park arrived. I quickly get out of the car and run into "Zhongshan Park" as soon as I step into the gate, I can smell the fragrance of chrysanthemum. First of all, the four characters "Zhongshan Park" hanging on the door were shining in the sunshine, as if they were clapping to welcome the tourists. Chrysanthemum on both sides of a neat line, competing to open. As if silently for next year's Asian Games blessing. What fascinates me most is the peacock, which says "celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China". Yes! It's not easy for China. It used to be an old, broken and backward China. Now it's listed as a world power. As a Chinese, I'm really proud and proud. Come on, China! This beautiful peacock is made of chrysanthemum, silk flower and other plants. Peacocks open their screens to welcome guests and dance. With Longgui flower beds on both sides. The atmosphere of celebrating the birthday and welcoming the guests is full of elegance.

  Along the path, turn around. In front of my eyes is a sea of chrysanthemums, chrysanthemums get the world. The bright chrysanthemums are blooming. There are rice milk silver treasure, Spring Township silver mountain, purple phoenix dance, Xiaguang.

  I like the white chrysanthemum the most. Its flowers are as big as a bowl, so pure, like carved with white marble, floating like clouds and pale instruments. Purple phoenix dance like a purple ball, graceful, head slightly lower, like a shy little girl.

  Next to it is a tall tree - Eucalyptus grandis. Under the big tree, there are groups of small chrysanthemums. They are dressed in beautiful clothes. The petals are pure white like milk, and the heart in the middle is enviable carmine. They are close together and dance hand in hand. It's like some lovely little girls. Chrysanthemum has many uses. Its roots, stems and leaves can be used as medicine. Making tea with flowers can clear the liver, improve eyesight, relieve Qi and eliminate heat. Dry chrysanthemum can be used as pillow, sachet and craft bouquet. Moreover, it has always been a favorite dish on the table. Ah! I don't know. I'm scared. It turns out that the whole body of the little chrysanthemum is treasure, which can be viewed, used as medicine, and used as food therapy. No wonder people have a preference for chrysanthemum since ancient times. Today I can harvest a lot, autumn is really a harvest season, as long as you carefully observe, there will be harvest. It wasn't until the sun was kissing Xishan that I remembered it was time to go home.

  Goodbye, beautiful Zhongshan Park, next year I will come to harvest the mystery of chrysanthemum, goodbye!

  秋天來了英語作文 篇17

  One sunny morning, my mother and I went to pick pitaya with many friends. The car swayed along the dirt road in the field of Wangniudun, and the sugarcane guards lined up to welcome us. The banana trees swaying in the wind showed off a string of golden bananas, which made it difficult for me to suppress the idea of taking advantage of others. Think about pitaya. I've seen pitaya before. On the fruit stand, it looks like an orange. It's full of rose red and attached with large scales with green edges. The fruit trees that produce such a large fruit must be like the litchi trees I'm familiar with, with green leaves and red fruits, and full of bent branches. Since to pick fruit is inevitable to climb the tree, think of climbing the tree is not their own weakness, there is a desire to try.

  After walking along the simple bamboo and wood fence for a long time, the car turns into the same simple bamboo and wood gatehouse and stops in a small open space - the orchard. In front of my eyes is a vegetable like flat and marginal land, more than one meter high, green and green, dotted with red fruits. Yes, that is the Pitaya I have seen, but I can't see the tree height and leaf green in my imagination, but there are piles of cactus, not cactus shaped or spherical, but branches and vines, and three edges, There are countless thorns on the edge of that kind of thing, it turned out to be - immortal - Human - Palm -! Pitaya is like a small red lantern hanging on the branches, I carefully look at these gadgets, Sha is beautiful, Sha is lovely. After a few laps in the garden, I couldn't help salivating. Ready to start! Take good tools, after the demonstration of Uncle workers, we went to pick pitaya separately.

  My mother and I searched together, as if we had found a treasure, and finally found a big pitaya. My mother held the deep pitaya steadily. I cut it carefully for fear of getting the Pitaya meat. I kept thinking: slow, accurate, slower, more accurate, more careful... I finally cut it. My mother took a picture of Zhang Xiang as a souvenir! The second, the third, I was ready to pick the fourth, just when I was ready to cut it off, a pitaya branch and leaf like to test me, suddenly bounced back, the thorn just hit my face, it felt so painful! I comfort myself like this: it's the so-called "pain in pain, taste sweet in sweet"! Unconsciously, a large basket full of Pitaya has been submitted to my scissors. Ha ha, a complete victory! The taste of success is so cool.

  I gently waved goodbye to the fire dragon orchard and brought back my good mood, good memory and the setting sun all the way.

  秋天來了英語作文 篇18

  Autumn, days of high clouds, cool breeze, fruitful, Jin Gui fragrance. Autumn is a beautiful, beautiful season. Autumn, bloom, the fruit mature, in the autumn orchard, the green leaves withered, and my brother Liu Sibo ran out to the grandfather of the orchard, ran into the orchard, we sat on the grass to enjoy the beautiful autumn.

  There was a breeze blowing in the orchard, some of the leaves were blown away from the dance, with the Monkey King turned over the somersault cloud. We have seen to fly to the south of the geese, but also are arranged in the "people" in the orchard over the fly, as if people are hard to say it After a while I, I said: "We are better than the first pick Apple." Brother said good. We ask the grandfather to help us take the ladder, we began to climb. We quickly climbed up, and finally I won, I picked a large basket of water, round yo apple. We picked the apple to eat a feeling really sweet.

  We continue to enjoy the beautiful autumn. Autumn is colorful, full of the joy of harvest, it is intoxicated.

  秋天來了英語作文 篇19

  It's Septeber. Autun is cing. But where is autun? I a tld that the s ls higher with few cluds in autun. I raise head and l at the s. It aes n difference with the s in suer. And trees arund are still green. Then I ce t the fields. I find the crn in the ear. Apple trees nearb are fruiting well. The harvest seasn is cing. I uped with . This is autun. I fund it!


  秋天來了英語作文 篇20

  Xia Ge has gone to the autumn grandfather.A small fruit on the trees in the garden is like a small lantern that floats frozen.Autumn came a sorghum smile red face: wheat, bent waist.The leaves on the autumn wind roll up a wave of waves.Under the tree, golden rain.A few busy figure in the field is being cutting golden golden.

  A row of geese flying in the evening sky.Sun sunset sprinkles water into a golden mirror.After the setting sun, it is a little bit to fall in the nest.In this hazy night on the street, there are still many people in the street scene, exceptional.









