

時(shí)間:2021-07-02 11:04:16 和平 我要投稿





  Today I read "the voice of a Chinese child" for a long time. I think how much he loved peace because of the glorious sacrifice of peace. "Daddy" at the last bury, the mouth read "peace", "peace"! How he loved peace! "Father" sacrifice is glorious, "father" spirit is lofty.

  The flower of peace, though beautiful, is easily destroyed. Therefore, peace requires the common defense of all the people of the world.

  "Peace is better than war," bacon said. It's because peace is when children bury their fathers and their fathers bury their children in war. Yeah! When peace is good, everyone loves it, no war, no war, no black hair. How cruel the war was, the smoke filled the air, and the great grief of the loss of a loved one. Diffuse war battlefield, the young soldier was hit by a ruthless shells, fall one by one, they don't know but the soldiers behind their loved ones will work......, cruelty.

  The white dove, with her body covered with wounds, fled the call of death. Flying in the smoke of the sky, overlooking the land of greed and desire. My hometown died in the war. Blood osmotic wing, tears gushed out the eye socket, brimming with injury, broke through the block of the storm, the distance the sanctity of the olive branch is my hope, I want to stop the spread of the evil, let peace sky blooms.

  Ah! Peace! Ah! Peace!


  I have seen a picture taken by a foreign journalist, which clearly shows how the Japanese were doing their work on our land.

  It was August 28, 1937, when the Japanese army was in Shanghai, and most of the buildings in the city had been bombed out. A young couple brought their children to take the train to take refuge in the country, and then a big bang, dozens of shells from the sky, or home a few minutes ago in the waiting room was razed to the ground, in a twinkling of an eye is full of bloody corpses. The ruins were stained with blood. The overpass was blown away. On the shell struck, cover the couple without thinking of the child in the body, after the end of guns, the boy didn't know what happened, he was scared to cry to shout mom and dad, he did not understand his mom and dad don't hear him cry, he does not understand that he could no longer see mom and dad smile, he can no longer act in mom and dad's arms, he became an orphan.

  I was so sad that I cried when I saw the scene. War has not only brought disaster to the people, but also the number of families who have been displaced and displaced by the war. The nanjing massacre, the great bombing of chongqing and the living experiment of bacteria weapons, the Japanese invaders committed heinous crimes in our country.

  War has always been with the history of mankind, and no matter what it is, it cannot be avoided. Think of the poor children who lost their parents in the war. I grew up to be a peacemaker, to unite people all over the world, so that all children in the world can have a happy home. The desire for peace and the elimination of war is the dream of all mankind.


  Maintain peace and stop war.

  War is a terrible thing, guns, bombs, tanks, warplanes, torpedoes, landmines are a great deal of harm, we must maintain peace and stop war.

  I read a story about huang jiguang. At this time, a soldier fell down, another soldier was injured, roll over, huang jiguang self body also bullets in huang jiguang tried multiple injuries, tenacious climb to shelters, from shelters for less than 10 meters, our hero bravely stood up I saw him like a steel giant, at shelters for ferociously for, with self chest blocked the muzzle of the enemy... The victory of the battle, our hero sacrifices huang jiguang for the safety of the people of the motherland, for the liberation of the Korean people and heroic dedication; His shining image is always in our hearts.

  I read this one, I deeply moved, there are many people like huang jiguang, who gave their young life, and the life of the self forever.

  I often wonder how many people have lost their lives because of the war, and how many have broken up because of the war. We should act in concert to preserve peace. Stop "murderers" - war.


  The war brought heavy suffering to people and destroyed harmonious families. To tear up the perfect dream; The buildings were bombed.

  On August 28, 1937, a mother was carrying a child who was under three years old to Shanghai south station. The child was in her mother's arms, and she said, "mom, where are we going?" "We're going somewhere to avoid the war." "Said the mother, touching the child's head." is that place funny?" Yi? Why doesn't father go with us? The mother sighed and said, "dad's in the war." At that moment, a bomb went down, and the thousands of people in the station panicked, fled, cried, cried, broke into pieces. Suddenly, the smoke billowed and the flesh flew. Mother holding a child hurriedly walked into the room next to escape, but unfortunately, the bomb to the house down, at the last moment of life, mother to child into a safe place, but nature itself, was hit by a bomb, in this way, had a happy family, because the Japanese bombing, has been destroyed. All of a sudden, the tall buildings turned into ruins, and the crowded and bustling platform suddenly became rare and deserted, and the remains were everywhere. The bone was thin and thin, and the ragged child sat on the bloody ground and cried out, "mother, mother, where are you? Dad, dad, where have you been? His eyes were so frightened and helpless that his little heart seemed to be torn to pieces. The instant light, his fate has changed, no love his father and mother, no brothers and sisters, no warm family, only left helpless him.

  Although we live in a peaceful environment, the god of peace has no permanent presence, and many areas are filled with the smoke of war, and the evil bullets threaten the delicate "flower of peace". I can't help but called for "save the children, for peace not war" to people no longer lose a happy and harmonious family, the world should agree to act, to maintain peace, to prevent war, ring the bell for the war, let us live in a world full of sunshine, flowers, and love!


  Peace is the life many people desire. But there are people who want to make war and destroy peace.

  "Boom! How many happy and happy families were destroyed by the bombs; How many children have lost their father; How many wives have lost their husbands, and how many mothers have lost their sons...

  The battlefield of the smoke, the loss of many lives, the personality is the recent Iraq war. That day, I turn on the TV, elegantly heart-pounding meat jumped picture immediately reflected in the screen: in a hospital, a child lying on the bed and cried, from their big eyes can see despair; At a certain station, there was a big explosion, which killed many people. There was a pile of dead bodies, and some blew their hands; Some of them have blown their feet, and some of them have broken their heads... At that time, I thought: if there is no war, there will be no accident.

  The bullet of sin. Don't show up again! You will disappear forever! You make people all over the world hate, because you are so ruthless, you let a young life disappear in this world!

  Peace! Come down to earth! People on earth are eager to get your moisture. If every day of earth is filled with peace and love; How perfect the world will be! Look! On the grass, friends were frolicking happily; The old man talked in the shade. The blind man could not cross the road. The pupil came to help him across the road. The teacher teaches the seeds of knowledge to the students in the spacious classroom. And... and... People understand love, know how to help each other, and understand a lot. A lot of...

  Peace, how long will it last? I'm dying for peace!


  Do you understand? It's probably about to start right now, right! It's none of our business, but it's all about other lives! Why war? All because of human greed and ambition! The "flower of peace" has fallen, overshadowed, and is a charred flower. This flower is the life of human beings all over the world. Without it, it is like a baby without milk, without water, without food. If it is you, will you feel better?

  As the soldiers attacked the city, the thrilling scene resounded in my mind. The anti-fascist old soldiers who fought in the past are also the world's. More should belong to the world, is the eternal call to peace. The anti-fascist war, which had cost mankind a great deal in the past, was a return to humanity in the absence of world war 60 after the war. However, in these 60 years, local wars have not been interrupted, regional conflicts have become common, power politics, hegemonism and various terrorist activities have become new threats to human security. On this day, Japan, the war criminals of that year are still being honored, the right wing is trying to be the drama of the fascist, still in the act of...

  Let the world join hands and call for peace. Let the smoke of the war disappear forever! "Flower of peace" you know how cruel it is.


  I like peace doves very much, because I see them as if they see peace. They brought the hope of peace to the hearts of every child, and made my heart grow bright, and opened a window of soul in the perfect heart.

  Through that window, I saw the broad blue sky, the sky full of the love doves, the care and the thoughts of the country, so that the heart of the other party like a warm, comfortable. Everywhere there are flowers symbolizing peace, and everything in the world calls for the perfection of peace.

  Suddenly, a shot rang out, breaking the peace of peace. The war began, and suddenly there were clouds in the sky, and a loud and loud noise threatened the delicate flower of peace. The birds were smothered by fireworks and beaten by merciless bullets. At that moment, the cries of the children, the cries of the people and the sounds of all souls are mixed into one. They want peace!

  But bullets and guns are relentless, and they keep killing innocent people. "Why go to war and restore peace to the world?

  "All the people begged. But the leaders of those countries are still fighting for self-interest. When the fighting stopped, I saw a sad picture of the beautiful city that had become so miserable. Some were crying over their dead relatives, others praying that the war would end soon. In this way, a perfect place becomes a murderous hell.

  The dove flew away, and there was a wound in my heart that could not heal. The people of the world need peace, stop war, and let peace remain in the world.


  What do people want most? Peace, eternal peace, not annihilated peace! On the battlefield, we can only be a life, we can be brutally killed at any time, left to relatives only panic and sad, that is what a painful thing ah!

  Although we are living in a peaceful environment at the moment, who has thought that people in other parts of the world are still suffering from war. Remember not long ago I saw on TV Syria is still at war, there was a child, unfortunately been bombs killed, her mother tearfully witnessed it all, but could do nothing, in the world the most painful thing is this. Seeing this, I can't help but shed tears, children in the smoke of war, they always live in panic, because the moment will be the danger of life. Children who live in hunger only live to be satisfied. Our childhood is carefree, every day is play, is the happiest time in our life.










學(xué)生作文 我們熱愛(ài)和平07-25