

時間:2024-08-14 19:05:28 賽賽 觀后感 我要投稿




  刮痧英文觀后感 1

  The differences between Chinese and western cultures

  ---from the movie “Gua Sha”

  This term, I have taken an elective course on western culture and enjoy movies and airwaves, and watched many films, such as “Gua Sha”, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, “A Christmas Carol”,” Legally Blonde”, “The Proposal”,“Friends”,“Gone with the Wind”. But what impresses me most is the film “Gua Sha”, which English name is “The Treatment”.

  Gua Sha is a movie about the difference between Chinese and American culture. The story happens in a Chinese family who lives in American. It mainly related the hero Xu Datong, who is a Chinese, had struggled for 8 years, tried hard to assimilate into American culture, and he as a video games designer in St. Louis had a great success and got his bosss approval and friendship. He and his wife, Jian Ning, son, Dennis, led a happy life in America. He also brought his father from china to live here together.

  One day, Dennis was stomachache, the grandpa used the Chinese traditional therapy to help him to scrapping, named Gua Sha, which leaves bright red marks on the skin. And then, once Dennis had an accident and went to the hospital, the doctor saw that the scar on his back, he doubts if the children was abused at home, so he called the American children protection center, so it causes a lawsuit of child abuse. Thereby, this happy family happened a series of unfortunate.

  At the hearing, whatever Xu Datong explained to the judge and the plaintiff about Gua Sha, the Americans always misunderstood. The opposing lawyer distorted the Chinese classics” Xi You Ji”, and his boss point out he had hit his son on the victory meeting, these all made Datong angry very much, scolding on the spot. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. Because of the cultural difference, the father faces misunderstanding in the eyes of American. Thus, it made Datong break up families, and later he resigned, lost his friend and job.

  Later his father found the truth, went to explain that was him to Gua Sha for Dennis, not Datong, to Datong’s first counsel for the defense, John, along, and decided to leave America. At the airport, the old man want to saw his grandson, so Datong went to the welfare- house secretly to bring Dennis to the airport to see his grandpa off. On their way back, the police found Datong took Dennis, Datong and Dennis played jokes with the followed up police cars……

  John went to Chinese personally to experience the Chinese traditional treatment--“Gua Sha”, and hurried back to America to tell the accuser and the judge about his experience in it, and ask them to annul Datong’s result of sentence.

  In the film’s last, Datong for the sake of seeing his son on Christmas Eve, he climbed up the pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives in Santa Claus dress. At last, John sent thejudiciaries rescind durance in time. And Datong climbed into the house, stayed with his families together again. The end is perfect. “Gua Sha” is known by the American law. The family gets together at last. But the cultural difference between countries leaves us thought-provoking. In US, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental IIgrants’ lives and all of these are due to simple misunderstanding between cultures.

  The film “Gua Sha” is based on a Chinese traditional treatment which is not well-known by most foreigners. Indeed, Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine, In Asia it is usually done with a coin, Chinese soup spoon, slice of water buffalo horn, or even a slice of ginger. It need repeatedly scrape some acupoint in the patients skin to treat the patient’s illness. It’s very useful treatment for patient.

  Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between Chinese Culture and Western Culture. In American law, parents shouldn’t leave child alone and can’t ill-treat their own children. If they break this law, parent may be taken to the police station, or what’s worse, their children will be separated from them. However, the family in the film gets in this trouble. These laws are good for children’s growing-up, but the rules don’t work in China. In China, parents have duties to look after their kids, including beat them the moment children don’t obey their words. In American, it’s illegal, children are protected by laws.

  What’s more, the Americans don’t understand the Chinese traditional culture, often misinterpret, and even ignore it, so it results in many unfair for Chinese.

  The film has deep impression to me. I’m not only proud of the extensive and profound Chinese culture, but also moved for the Chinese original ethical concept. In the movie, it embodied that Datong was so filial to his father everywhere, for example, for father get a green card, he admitted that was him to Gua Sha for his son, asked his wife not to tell the thing about Dennis’s law case to the old man to avoid his worried…… And the heart between Datong and Jian Ning was very deep, though they quarreled many times for Dennis’s case. The husband’s

  wohlwollen to his wife, he chose to separate to let his wife to stay with Dennis, and the wife’s care for the family, do the housework after work, look after the old and the young in the family……The most impressing scene to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son to climb a pipe to the ninth floor, despite his danger. Datong, the grandpa and Jian Ning, their love to Dennis, was deeply moved to everyone. The film reflects the kind to each other and loves each other in a traditional Chinese family, giving expression to the great of Chinese spirit.

  刮痧英文觀后感 2

  The film "Gua Sha" impressed me deeply and made me think about something about culture. I feel that "Person in the United States, it is very difficult to blend into local culture." through this film. It mainly talked about what happened to a Chinese family in American society.

  After years of hard work, Xu Datong, a Chinese IIgrant to the US, has finally achieved success as an outstanding video game designer. With his promising career and loving family, he feels that he has become a true American. However, clothes can be changed, colour of skin cant . Language can be learned, way of thinking cant. They are always Chinese, something is deeply rooted, some insistence come from nature. Datong’s father comes over from China, and uses a traditional Chinese medical technique, called guasha, to treat Datong`s son, Dennis. Unexpectedly, an American doctor thinks the bruises on Dennis` back left by the guasha treatment are signs of child abuse, and the finger is pointed at Datong. The film “Gua Sha-the Treatment” reflects the difference of value and culture views between western society and orient society. China society has been receiving impact of Confucianism for thousands years. Confucianism is known as paying attention to human relationship and ethic. Piety, courtesy and loyalism are most important ethic. But in Western culture which is more emphasis on individualism, independence and equality. So conflicts in culture and value are unavoidable. These conflicts have shown in the story.

  The moving also reflects some difference between Chinese education and Western education. In Chinese culture, physical punishment is commonly used by Chinese family. They think that will help children to growing up. But in western society it is absolutely forbidden. Any abusing children was viewed as illegal conduct. As to show respect to friends, Da Tong Xu punished his own son physically in front of friends. But this was misinterpreted as violence by his foreign friends. This is a misunderstanding in culture between East and West. To some point, this phenomenon

  reflect Chinese face view, Da Tong Xu punished his own son physically to show fathers majesty and power of binding, in order to give face to his friends. But to American, this manner was regarded as inglorious conduct. Why? Because Chinese pay much attention to face, which can be understood hardly by Westerners. Westerners also emphasize face, but not complicated far from Chinese in interpersonal relationship.

  How to avoid the tragedy of the story? Conflicts cant be avoided in intercultural communications. We must strengthen the East-West cultural exchange and learning, and only with respect and inclusion to different cultures will it be possible to avoid the culture and values of conflict. Take an active part in East-West cultural communication, build the mutual trust to avoid superiority of own culture, try to understand other countries culture.

  Gua Sha , this method would inevitably leave bruise on the skin, and the story begins here, when the visiting grandpa who does not speak any English used this traditional practice to treat the grandson when both son and daughter-in-law were at work. In the moving, the grandpa asked himself painfully,"Gua Sha-the Treatment have used in Chinese for thousands years, why cant be use in American?" To grandpa and most Chinese audiences, Gua Sha-the Treatment is so common in Chinese, it seems that they take Westerners should know it for granted, its their fault because they dont know it. This was the easiest error to be made in intercultural communications, namely, impose own culture on another culture and use own view to evaluate others. Just because of misunderstanding of different cultures, there are so many tragedies happened on orient IIgrants in the corners of American society.

  刮痧英文觀后感 3

  Chinese immigrants struggle to hold onto their American dream after the husbands father(Xu Zhu)comes for a visit from mainland China and gives a si-mp-le Chinese Medicine therapy called Gua Sha to his grandson.

  Da Tong(Tony Leung Ka Fai)is the father who is trying to integrate his Chinese cultural beliefs into his daily American reality, especially when dealing with his bo(Hollis Huston)and best friend, who is too quick to believe the worst about Da Tongs treatment of his son, Dennis. Da Tongs failures show his confusion about the differences between his original Chinese culture and his new American home. Even within his family there is conflict because Grandfather cant speak English and is excluded from many conversations because Mother(Wenli Jiang)wants only English spoken in her home for the benefit of her American born son. Da Tong and his wife are very well educated and understand that their childs best chances for succein America, and for him not to experience the same troubles theyve had during the past 8 years, are to speak without an accent. They even go so far as to insist the boy use a fork and knife instead of chopsticks, even when its obvious they are still eating Chinese style food, served in the normal way: communal dishes for the food and smaller, individual rice bowls for each person. Mother seems a bit inflexible in her insistence on being as American as possible, while Da Tongs cultural leanings are just as strongly Chinese, although not by conscious choice.

  Da Tongs love for his son is tested severely when Da Tong tries to balance it against respect for his boss. When Da Tongs son hits his boss son, Da Tong insists on an apology that seems

  unnecessary and makes Da Tong look stubborn and uncaring. Da Tong gives his boy a light rap on the head when he refuses to apologize and the boy cries to his mother that the reason he hit his playmate was that the other boy called Da Tong stupid, one of many examples of doing the wrong thing to protect your family.

  The conflict arising from doing the wrong thing out of love or respect for ones family or closest friends continues throughout the movie, and every way Da Tong turns, he finds failure and encounters both obvious and subtle forms of anti-Chinese racism.Even Chinese folklore about the Monkey King, Sun Wu Kong, that Da Tong incorporates into a video game he designed is used to provoke his pride when hes vulnerable and fearing for the loof his son. Da Tong is misunderstood by everyone, family, friend, and foe, even though he has only the best intentions, and he carries the responsibility quite heavily, ma-ki-ng one wrong turn after another.

  Gua Shashows how a persons cultural beliefs are so deeply set within oneself that it is usually impossible to examine why you do most anything, from how you dreand talk to whom you love and respect and how you show it. The invisible nature of ones cultural beliefs also makes it difficult to impossible to explain yourself to others when questioned. Da Tong experiences an excruciatingly painful and difficult struggle while trying to protect his son, an ordeal that forces him to examine the validity of some of the most vital things he thought he knew about his identity, his Chinese culture, and the new American world hed chosen as his home.

  The movie showed me how normal it is for people to look for ways that their culture is superior to others and how the misunderstandings arising from different cultural perspectives can seem very large, but can be nullified with si-mp-le, 2-sided explanations when people are willing to listen.

  It appears this film is not readily available in the USA, but its the best Ive seen at highlighting the differences between American and Chinese culture. Parts of the movies dialog are only in Chinese and Ive yet to find a DVD with English subtitles, although its easy to get the gist of whats going on during those short passages. The credits are a combination of Chinese and English, holding true to the integration of both worlds. Ive noticed some important roles are not credited here on IMDb, such as Judge Horowitz, who was played by Alexander Barton.

  刮痧英文觀后感 4

  Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture. Xu datong is a video games designer in St. Louis. When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha(a Chinese traditional treatment)on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences. But the most impressing scene to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives. I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture. He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed.

  It’s about assimilation into American culture, and not assimilation in an ”International” city, like SF or NY or LA or Chicago, but St. Louis, MO(actually shot there)。 Really great acting, interesting story.

  Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patient’s acupuncture acupressure massage points. It works in similar principles like that of acupuncture acupressure massage. This method would inevitably leave bruise on the skin, and the story begins here, when the visiting grandpa who does not speak any English used this traditional practice to treat the grandson when both son and daughter-in-law were at work.

  Sadly, in US, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental immigrants lives and all of these are due to simple misunderstanding between cultures.Gua Sha: Step-by-Step, by Arya Nielsen.If an acupuncturist is trained in Classical Chinese medicine, they will do this technique in their practice for pain, and for acute or chronic illness.

  刮痧英文觀后感 5

  When I first saw this film’s name ,I considered it as a movie that told us something about Chinese traditional therapy treatment. However , after the movie , I realized guasha was just a symbol of the difference between Chinese culture and western culture , and there were many aspects we should have a deep consideration .

  At the beginning of the film , Xu Datong slaps his son Denis on his face before the crowd , because Denis hit the son of Xu’s son and Xu just want to show the respect to his boss Quinlan , that time Quinlan feels puzzled and says“what a Chinese logic”. Of course , an American can never know a Chinese logic of interpersonal relationship which has been prolonged more than 2000 years . Chinese can wronged their children in order to maintain friendships and leader-member relation ,while American think everyone is equal and free .

  In addition , they can also never understand Chinese hit their children because of loving them . In America , people pay more attention to the right of children which can be seen from the law-beating children or leave them alone is illegal , but a Chinese old proverb says “ Spare the rod , spoil the child” .

  Another scene which makes me deliberate is that the lawyer vilifies Sun Wukong in A Journey to the West as a symbol of

  barbarism and violence in the court ,then Datong is eaged and then rushes to fight the lawyer . We all can know the reason ,because Sun Wukong is a hero on behalf of justice , representing Chinese traditional values and virtues .

  Guasha Treatment tells us that the key to avoid the conflict of different cultures is mutual understanding and tolerance.

  刮痧英文觀后感 6

  Last week, I’ve watch the film named GUA SHA. Actually, GUA SHA has another professional form as skin scraping. But I think it was not correctly enough. GUA SHA is a traditional medical treatment. The main function is to accelerate blood circulation. It has a good effect on hypertension, heatstroke and so on. Once upon a time, our ancestors had told us generation by generation. We all believed its influence.

  The story of this film happened in America. The hero, Datong Xu, an Chinese people made a great succeand realized his American dream. He said, he loved America and America is an place filled with opportunities in a victory meeting. But an unfortunate thing came to him. One day, his five-year-old child called Denis got a fever. The grandpa can’t understand the English introductions on the drugs. So he did GUA SHA for Denis. Unexpectedly it became the evidence for child abuse. Datong Xu was accused of child abuse. On the court, one after another witnetestified his bad behavior to his child. He can’t explain clearly about GUA SHA. In the face of so many distorted allegations, he became crazy. Meantime, he was deprived of Denis’s custody. He was forbidden to meet Denis. His father decided to return to China. Everything changed. He lost his harmonious family, his trust friends, his perfect job. He lost everything. He was forced to live in the slum. In the slum, the couple hugged and cried together.

  At Christmas, he missed his son very much. Then he pretended as Santa Claus to see his son secretly. The guide didn’t let him in. He climbed the water tube. At that time, police came. He can see Denis. He succeeded at last.

  The film reflects the cultural shock in foreign country. Finally the hero overcame the obstacles through his endeavor. It deeply impressed me that the difficulty we must face in the foreign country, because of the distinguished culture. Only more munication we make, leproblems it may appears. It is a long way for us to go. We should put it in mind.

  刮痧英文觀后感 7

  Last year,when I have the public elective course,our teacher introduces a film to us which is his favorite that time,I was just angry at foreigner’s ignorance and deeply moved for Datong’s love for his this time,I watch this film again from different point of view--the intercultural communication.

  Cultural differences are the most important point in the intercultural the beginning of this film,Datong with his family is attending his own victory banquet,his son Dennis hits his friend Paul,Paul’s parents think that’s ok,it’s just a fight between two ver,Datong and his wife Jenny have different reactions towards that y is a woman who is deeply affected by western thoughts,she doesn’t blame his first,Datong asks his son to apologize to his friend Paul,but Dennis refuses to do Datong is very angry because he thinks that he makes his friend loses his e,Datong strikes Dennis in his yone including his wife are western parents regard it as family violence,while Datong as a traditional Chinese parent thinks that beating is a sign of affection and cursing is a sign of he has done is to teach his son to show respect to other there,we can see the cultural differences between western parents and Chinese parents in treating their children.

  From my perspective,I think Datong is a grows up

  in China,but immigrates to western country Datong is familiar with Chinese culture,meanwhile he is affected by western usually treats his son by traditional Chinese ways,but sometime he treats his son like a foreigner example,he can share secrets with his son and respect his ,that is why I say Datong is a contradiction.

  The highlight of this film is about the debate on the hearing and

  that is the most obvious part of cultural differences in the intercultural defense lawyer of Child Welfare Agency has the evidence to charge him of abusing his son,they find a nurse who is responsible for Jenny’s says that Datong choose to save his wife not the child when Jenny is in danger during parturition,and he even doesn’t give the child chance to ver,Datong holds different opinion about argues that if his wife live,they can always have more kids,just as a Chinese famous saying goes where theres life theres we can know the different concept between Chinese people and this film,there are two big misunderstandings about Chinese is about Journey to the West and another one is about defense lawyer says that Sun Wukong is representative of violence,while the truth is Sun Wukong is a good and honest hero and represents our traditional values and her misunderstanding is

  about ha is a traditional Chinese medicine cure without medical ver s it has become the direct evidence of abusing conflicts in this film is the conflicts between two totally different it deserves us to ponder over.

  From this film,we should know that if we want to get knowledge of intercultural communication,the first step is to understand cultural differences.

  刮痧英文觀后感 8

  Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture. Xu datong is a video games designer in St. Louis. When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha (a Chinese traditional treatment) on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse. In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences.

  But the most impressing scene to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives. I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture. He wants to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed.

  刮痧英文觀后感 9

  Gua Sha is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture. Xu datong is a video games designer in St. Louis. When his father visits from China, he performs Gua Sha (a Chinese traditional treatment) on his grandson, which leaves bright red marks on the skin and causes a lawsuit of child abuse.

  In the court, Datong loses his mind so that finally he loses custody of his son. I think this scene is shocking and thought-provoking to most of the Chinese audiences. But the most impressing scene to me is the ending. Datong wants to see his son in Christmas eve, he has to climb a pipe to the ninth floor which his son lives. I think the pipe is not only a pipe, but also a gap, a deep gap between American and 5000-year Chinese culture. He wancts to climb over the gap and he will never succeed, perhaps no Chinese people really could succeed.

  刮痧英文觀后感 10

  “Scrape” is indeed a good film for us to see. When I was seeing the film, I was touched by its wonderful plot. The film narrates that the main character named Xu Datong came to America 8 years ago and he realized his American Dream. He has a successful career and a happy family, everything is going well. But one day, he was told that his son was maltreated by himself. The truth is that his son Denis has a fever and a stomachache, but his grandfather can’t understand the English instructions on the medicine bottle. Therefore, he uses the traditional Chinese medicine therapy “Guasha” to cure his grandson, which becomes the evidence of the father’s abuse to his son. And the traditional Chinese therapy “Guasha” seems to be the tool that is used to maltreat children in the eyes of foreigners. In China, scrape is a very normal thing for people to accept, and why it becomes so complicated and difficult for foreigners to acknowledge the traditional Chinese therapy. Facing with the new explanation of traditional Chinese culture and moral standard by prosecution lawyer, Xu Datong loses his mind and is hard to calm down. The judge announces to exploit his right of guardianship over his son. And he is not allowed to meet his son and he is very angry at the time of the scene. When the defense lawyer of the opposite talks about the role named “Monkey King”, we can see that many foreigners are unfamiliar with the Chinese culture.

  Analyzing from the aspect of Chinese and Western’s thoughts, the

  western countries are controlling the world with their strong economic and military strength, and they try to centralize unify the western model of the civilized world. Therefore, they start to smear and debase other civilization pattern. The western society is never research extensive and profound Chinese culture seriously and they don’t know more about the Chinese culture. As a result, foreigners are unable to understand “Guasha” in the movie. As we all know, thoughts of western people are more open than us, but they can’t accept the thing without any scientific proof.

  In the aspect of education, when the Chinese parents deal with the fight between two children, they will educate their own child firstly, while the western parents will respect the truth. So Xu Datong’s action to educate his son is seen as violence even abuse. The traditional Chinese notion is that parents give birth to their child and they have the right to educate them well, other people are with no right to interfere. However, parents are just legal guardian to their children in America, and they have no right to scold their kids and to say nothing of fight their children. Therefore, the Chinese notion of education is rather different from the western notion of education,

  Legally, America is a legal system country, law exists in the every corner and every dispute can be solved by the way of law. They emphasize on the truth and evidence. Finally, Xu Datong was announced

  to leave his son, according to law, the court’s adjudication is right. But many Chinese people are unable to accept it, which we can see the difference between China and America. We have to acknowledge that American people emphasize personal rights; they use law and social institutions to limit people’s action, especially to the protection of juveniles. They think everyone is equal and has their own rights. We can learn something good from American law.

  In conclusion, cross-cultural communication may have some conflicts. In order to reach the agreement, we should learn to respect other different cultural customs in the process of cultural communicating. We need to have tolerant attitude, and eliminate national prejudice and adhere to the principle of equal culture.

  刮痧英文觀后感 11

  Some time ago, I watched a movie called Guasha. It is a movie about the differences between American and Chinese culture.

  There’re a lot of conflicts in this movie, such as the criteria of abusing children, the using languages between the different generations, the ways of teaching children. Of course, the main one is Chinese traditional values and American ones. It is showed on three characters, Datong, his wife and Grandpa.

  Datong is the central character that the director chose to express the theme. His words, his actions, his thoughtway, all represent the Chinese traditional values. His wife are very well educated and wants only Engllish spoken in her home. As an old Chinese, Grandpa can accept the American values partly, but not to follow.

  Undoubtely, Iam feeling a lot from that movie. The most important is the Culture Shock.

  刮痧英文觀后感 12

  Charlie from the "Rain Man" brings out the hospital until the beginning of "Rain Man" returned to the hospital is the films central narrative paragraphs, occupy the entire film is 2 / 3 over. This progreis the procemore like road-mode, and this car is a big important paragraph of the props and bearing. The film also made a conscious decision to use other modes of transport instead of cars to complete the film "family" theme of the portrait. When Charlie prepared with "Rain Man" on the airplane, "Rain Man" showed extreme panic and anxiety, and enumerated in the previous periods crash. In no way Charlie circumstances had promised to "Rain Man" take automotive requirements. At this point, and directing were reached to extend the use of narrative time and space vehicles, and create a relatively broad narrative environment.

  The whole car is the bearing of the incident, the theme is the cornerstone of good play. In the two-person trip to the middle of a "Rain Man" suddenly reminded of his underpants, he was required to return to the Charlie designated places to buy designated underpants. This has been a strange burn up his brother Charles at this time the dilemma. Abnormal helplehe angrily left the car, walked alone one person complained loudly, when he can look back again, my brother has not the car, but to sell his underpants that direction going. At that moment, the car empty, represented the brothers emotion and the way of thinking on the alienation and difficult to communicate, so倆人have left their places of spiritual exchange - automotive, suddenly created a separation empty art results. When Charlie and later, "Rain Man" won large amounts of money in the casino after playing and traveling together when Suzanne, the atmosphere is warm, because the narrow space in this car represents the soul of communication between the brothers, let them at the same time bathed in golden sunlight, the spring water fountain also like the ease of mind and a cheerful background music and exciting dance issued輕捷crisper, and drop people droplets sound. In these two areas, car apparently served as a "family" of communication sites, was a sharp contrast, and the plot laid a foundation for further development.

  Apart from the car, also used in the film, such as the telephone, television, such as the product of modern science and technology to social reality of the state of some of the hidden side of refraction, and have a certain amount of social satire role. However, the greatest irony in the film, or for "Rain Man" Charlie irony.

  "Rain Man" is suffering from "autism" a claof people is excluded from the normal world outside. The film "Rain Man" Raymund is typical. He has done things always behave properly all the things I asked Chen unchanged. He and others fear that exchanges and contacts, everything in the world is limited to the plane, dogmatic understanding of their behavior is the "otherness" in total disregard of the environment and the changes only according to its own subjective sense of action . And past performance of "non-normal" film, the film "Rain Man" Apart from congenital disability, but also has some "normal people" do not have some talent. In the movie, the director repeatedly demonstrated his interest and the unique digital extraordinary memory capacity, and intensified this individual acts, the leading clues, the entire narrative become an important motive exists. The film also uses its own characteristics that created a special effects comedy and drama tension. From a certain perspective, "Rain Man" films of this role is the focus of the entire drama. Tablets comedy links, the motives for contradictions in his possession were to be embodied. If Charles and Suzanne se-x, the unknown rational Raymund enter their room, and Suzanne and together up. This in his personal unconscious, without creating a logical act of endlejokes in the film. More importantly, his behavior aroused the discontent Charlie, but also for the further development of narrative and character level two opposing laid the foundation for mutual dissolution.

  刮痧英文觀后感 13

  It’s about assimilation into American culture, and not assimilation in an International city, like SF or NY or LA or Chicago, but St. Louis, MO (actually shot there). Really great acting, interesting story.Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patient’s acupuncture acupressure massage points. It works in similar principles like that of acupuncture acupressure massage.

  This method would inevitably leave bruise on the skin, and the story begins here, when the visiting grandpa who does not speak any English used this traditional practice to treat the grandson when both son and daughter-in-law were at work.Sadly, in US, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental immigrants lives and all of these are due to simple misunderstanding between cultures.Gua Sha: Step-by-Step, by Arya Nielsen.If an acupuncturist is trained in Classical Chinese medicine, they will do this technique in their practice for pain, and for acute or chronic illness.

  刮痧英文觀后感 14

  After watching the movie Gua Sha which about the differences between American and Chinese culture .I do more believe that there are a lot of differences among distinct countries ,such as language,the way of expressing love and interacting with other people, interpersonal relationship,family values and so forth.

  At the beginning of this movie, when the leading actor Xu Datong wins a prize then he says, he loves America and America is an place fills with opportunities .However ,misfortune may be an actual blessing, one day, his five-year-old child called Denis gets a fever, Xu Datongs father does not know the introduction of the medicine so he does Gua Sha on his grandson, which leaves red marks on skin and in hospital causes a lawsuit of child abuse.In court, Xu Datong explains clearly about Gua Sha is just a Chinese traditional treatment,while these Americans does not know this kind of treatment.Meanwhile confronting many distorted allegations, he loses his temple. As a result, he is deprived of Denis’s custody. He is forbidden to meet Denis.

  Because of cultural differences. Xu Datongs father returns to China. For Denis’s custody , Xu Datong resigns his job,he loses his peaceful family.It reflects the cultural shock in foreign country. Finally the couple overcome the obstacles through their efforts.

  It also should be reminded that the scene:when the hero Xu Datong explains to his son he beats his son for love,and his son does what his father dose to his friends and talks with his father he loves his friend.Yes,we Chinese do believe it .But American may not understand it as we do not know why they emphasize so much on privacy.Maybe as the scene Xu Datong explains he beats his son for showing face to his superior who does not understand the the way of expressing love and interacting with other people and interpersonal relationship. So do we.

  To conclude,it is no need to worry the cultural differences and cultural shock as long as we deal with it appropriately.Although there are some difficulties, we should remember that doing as the Romans do and many things will be easy.

  刮痧英文觀后感 15

  Its about assimilation into American culture, and not assimilation in an ”International” city, like SF or NY or LA or Chicago, but St. Louis, MO (actually shot there). Really great acting, interesting story.

  Gua Sha is a treatment in traditional oriental medicine in which a wooden board repeatedly slides across the patients acupuncture acupressure massage points. It works in similar principles like that of acupuncture acupressure massage. This method would inevitably leave bruise on the skin, and the story

  begins here, when the visiting grandpa who does not speak any English used this traditional practice to treat the grandson when both son and daughter-in-law were at work.

  Sadly, in US, this is a story that repeats itself many times in the area where many oriental immigrants lives and all of these are due to simple misunderstanding between cultures.Gua Sha: Step-by-Step, by Arya Nielsen.If an acupuncturist is trained in Classical Chinese medicine, they will do this technique in thEir practice for pain, and for acute or chronic illness.

  刮痧英文觀后感 16

  Movie“The Treatment”was directed by Zheng Xiaolong.Chinese famous actor Liang Jiahui was the hero,and his partner is Jiang Wenli.The story center on the difference between Chinese Culture and America Culture. And the main thread of the movie is the misconception about the“ Gua sha treatment”.It reflects the conflicts caused by the cultural differences between the east and west ,which lead chinese into all kinds of troubles,but finally,sincere and love solve all the affairs well. The movie is shocking and thought-provoking to me,indeed i really felt angry when i saw the scene that the American lawyer defame the classic——and the personification of justice Sun Wukong.China is a country with 5000 years of civilization,so no one could stand the insult to our culture.Xu of course gets irritated,but the patriotism be used by the lawyer.Xu finally lose the case,the judge announce that Xu was not allowed to meet with his son and deprive the his custody. Let us look the first scene at the begining of the movie:Xu Datong was rewarded because his achievement on game development.His family was perfection and his career was successful,“one day I will become one of you,a truly successful American,today this award proved that America is a true land of opportunity and I am the living proof of that”he said proudly. But not everything goes perfectly,at the dinner party,Xu hit his son Denis because Denis hit his bosss son.Xus boss of course could not understand the behaviour,but Xu said that he hit his son was to show the respect to his boss.And from the Americans perspective,it was ridiculous,they thought that everyone is equal and hit children to show respect to others is totally inconceivable.

  Because of the difference between west and east culture,Xu lose his job.You may think its terrible,but the more incredible thing is that Gua sha treatment became the proof of child abuse.Xu Datong was abused,he and his wife did every efforts to win the case,but there is a gulf between east and west culture,and to win the case means to leap over the gulf.Its tough and unbelievable. Xu lose his job and friends.Not only that ,his father had to come back to China and his family was ripped apart.All the shock made Xu and his wife feel despair, the most poignant thing was his son know nothing about what was happened and eager to see Xu.

  In order to find out the truth of the matter,the lawyer experience the gua sha treatment personally,which became the turning point of the story.On Christmas eve,when Xu faced danger to climbed on the pipes to see his son,the lawyer also brought a good news:Xu could come back to home aboveboard. I was moved by the love between father and son,not only Xu Datong and Denis,but also Xus father and he.Chinese Culture discreet inherit,in the movie i saw the inherit of love.Family is our harbour,parents are our supporters.They devoted countless love to us ,you cant imagine what impossible things they will do for us.So Chinese always pay great attention to Filial piety. Without first-hand experience,you will never know the influence of the culture conflict between east and west.But the movie vivid display the contradiction,it must be a shock to Chinese.At the same time,it can promote the exchange of oriental and occidental cultures.The whole story is easy to understand but is profound. For me,it becomes more vital to learn about the culture among all over the world.Because you never know what kind of culture you will face one day.










