

時(shí)間:2022-02-14 10:11:21 動(dòng)物類英語作文 我要投稿




動(dòng)物英語作文 篇1

  On Wednesday, a sunny, I am cheerful mood and partners in the teacher led down the zoo visit.

  We just go into the zoo attracted by a burst of applause in the past. Follow the applause, we went to HouYuan, there was a sea of people, and we squeeze some time to see the monkeys. Those monkeys looks too interesting, mostly with a long brown hair, a face like a heart-shaped, small eyes, like peanuts, and a clever long tail; More interesting is their action, some monkeys in the trees, some in to another monkey monkey tickling, and the monkey is swinging in the tree; I will be in the hands of peanut threw a inside, see those monkeys like arrow immediately rushed over, a clever little monkey grabbed peanuts in confusion, with two dexterous hand fast break peanuts, taste with relish.

  Greets me after a colorful peony parrot, it's head like a dazzling sapphire, glittered in the sun, wearing a green armor, it's really beautiful! Then I heard the birds melodious songs, really made me relaxed and happy. Alive then, I saw only a kangaroo in a small house to play, finally let me sit up and take notice is the big baboon, eldest brother elder brothers give it food grade five, my brother throw not shelled peanut, baboon break does not open, with the hand to peanuts, rub, rub on the ground, the skylight, finally put the peanut peeling, baboon carefully taste the delicious peanuts, how delicious! The most I have a special liking to the peacock, a male peacock wearing blue crown, wearing coloured "small jacket", her nose up one, like a "big broom", really made my amazing, so beautiful, wow! I excitedly cried: "look, the peacock." Open slowly, the peacock's tail, a fan, a fan, like a fairy in dance, feather on the spot like small eyes, against the background of the sun is very bright, peacock slowly rolling, show its charm, and a squeaking sound, "it's really like a fairy!" I love not himself commended.

  Time passed in a hurry, it's back to school, we are reluctant to leave the zoo, everything here is so beautiful, so we regretted leaving.



  之后,映入我眼簾的是一只五顏六色的牡丹鸚鵡,它的頭頂像一顆璀璨的藍(lán)寶石,在陽光的照耀下閃閃發(fā)光,身披“綠鎧甲”,可真美!然后我聽到了鳥兒悅耳的鳴叫聲,真是令我心曠神怡。接著,我看到一只只活蹦亂跳的袋鼠在小房子里盡情的玩耍,最后讓我刮目相看的是阿拉伯大狒狒,五年級(jí)的大哥哥們給它丟食物,哥哥把沒剝殼的花生扔進(jìn)去,狒狒用手掰不開,便把花生在地上搓呀搓,費(fèi)了九牛二虎之力,終于把花生剝開了,狒狒細(xì)細(xì)地品嘗可口的花生,多好吃呀! 最令我情有獨(dú)鐘的就要數(shù)孔雀開屏了,公孔雀頭帶藍(lán)皇冠,穿著五光十色的“小褂子”,尾巴一翹一翹的,像一把“大掃帚”,真是令我驚嘆不已,太美了,哇!我興奮地叫道:“快看,孔雀開屏了!,孔雀的尾巴徐徐張開,一扇一扇,像一位小仙女在翩翩起舞,羽毛上的斑點(diǎn)像一個(gè)個(gè)小眼睛,在陽光的襯托下顯得格外耀眼,孔雀緩緩轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)起來,在展現(xiàn)它的風(fēng)姿,并且發(fā)出吱吱的叫聲,“真像仙女下凡啊!”我情不自盡地贊嘆道。


動(dòng)物英語作文 篇2

  Cats are interesting animal.Sometimes, it's just like a wave upon the sand -- you cannot catch it forever ! Like moonheam--no one can hold it in his hand . Always lively , never fell tired .

  But actually , if you want to find a word which can describe them , the best answer is 'as cute as a little girl , kind but naughty .

  Their eyes will become green at night . They like fish very much . Fish are just thier life ! Cats also need people to take care of them .

  They ' re so lovable that there are so many people 'd like to feed them , and play with them .

  They are very careful in life. When they are in danger , cats' eyes will be much bigger , their tails will be like a stick and ' shout ' very loud . After the danger , cats will relax and then promptly go to sleep again!

動(dòng)物英語作文 篇3

  furry, smart, intelligent, fast, strong, aggressive, enormous, gentle, fun, shy, friendly, endangered, laws, zoos, feed, etc.

  One possible version:

  My favourite animals are pandas. I like them very much because they are gentle and shy. They are also friendly to people. And they look funny, too. Their eyes are the most interesting part. The black circles around their eyes make them look like they are wearing glasses or have just been in a fight. Their favourite food is bamboo leaves. They don’t like to move around very much. In fact, they prefer to sleep all day if they can.

  But now pandas are endangered. For one thing, people have destroyed many of their habitats. For another, they don’t have enough food to eat. We must think of ways to protect them. I think we should build more panda zoos and plant more bamboo for them.

  I hope everyone can do something for animals, so that we can keep our world rich and colourful and full of interesting animals.

動(dòng)物英語作文 篇4

  Dog is my favorite animal. The reason why I like it most is because it’s very competent. Dog is the best friend for mankind. It is also the best companion for the old people.

  The dog can feel the human nature. So many old people will raise dogs if their children are not with them. The old can give their love for their children to the dog to make themselves feel warmly.

  I believe the seeing eye dog is very famous.

  They are special dogs. Those dogs will guide their owners whose eyes is blind to go the correct way. See, I say dogs are very competent.

動(dòng)物英語作文 篇5

  Elephants are the biggest animals on land as well as the second tallest animal in the world.It weighs some ninety kilograms and is about one metre tall when born.When it is 12 years old,it grows to three meters tall and does not grow any more since then.Elephants are the only animals that have a long nose.Elephants are usually grey in color,having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of their mouth.They can use the trunk as a hand.Elephants have been a vital tool for people to do many things like moving trees or heavy logs.With its trunk,an elephant can pick up a 270kg tree,or pick up a peanut.Elephants have the biggest ears of all the animals.Usually moving in groups and caring for each other,elephants are known to be gentle.However,the number of elephants becomes smaller and smaller because of the human's ruthless capture,which I think should arouse people's attention.


  大象是陸地上最大的動(dòng)物,也是世界上第二高的動(dòng)物。它出生時(shí)重量有九十千克,高約一米。當(dāng)它12歲的時(shí)候,它長(zhǎng)到三米高,在那之后便不長(zhǎng)個(gè)了。大象是唯一一種擁有長(zhǎng)鼻子的動(dòng)物,通常是灰色的,它有著長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的象鼻,在嘴的兩側(cè)各長(zhǎng)有一個(gè)大大的象牙,它們的鼻子就相當(dāng)于它們的手。 大象是人們的得力助手,通過象鼻,它們可以幫助人類移動(dòng)樹木和沉重的原木。 大象可以舉起一棵重達(dá)270千克的樹木,也可以拿起一顆花生。 大象擁有所有動(dòng)物中最大的耳朵。 大象通常群居并且互相照顧,性子非常溫和。然而,由于人們對(duì)大象無情的捕獵,大象的數(shù)量變得越來越少了,我認(rèn)為這應(yīng)該引起人們的重視。










