

時(shí)間:2024-01-03 15:16:30 佩瑩 平安夜 我要投稿
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  1、Christmas Eve, hide peace and taste apples.


  2、May you smile and enjoy happiness on Christmas Eve!

  3、Peace is fire, which brings you the warmth of winter.

  4、On Christmas Eve, I send you an apple, wishing my friend a safe life.

  5、The bell rings on Christmas Eve. May you be happy and healthy.

  6、Keep your peace on Christmas Eve.

  7、How many women were tricked out to eat apples on Christmas Eve, but ended up eating bananas!

  8、On Christmas Eve, go on the road with peace. May happiness accompany you every step.

  9、Buy apples, send blessings, be safe and healthy.

  10、The apples on Christmas Eve exude the fragrance of friendship.

  11、Wish you in advance: Wishing Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas!

  12、The message of peace is sent to you. May everything go well with you.

  13、May good luck take care of you forever, and wish you peace and happiness all your life.

  14、Its Christmas Eve. On a happy night, I give you my blessing.

  15、send your blessings and wish you happiness.

  16、Peace on Christmas Eve and a happy Christmas Day!

  17、Bless you on Christmas Eve, wishing you peace and happiness forever.

  18、Happy Christmas Eve and a safe life!

  19、On Christmas Eve this year, I wish you all rich, thin and beautiful.

  20、Hold the hand of peace and let happiness go with you.

  21、愿我的祝福你藍(lán)天一樣照耀你,愿我的短信像白云一樣飄向你,愿我的祝福像微風(fēng)一樣吹向你,愿我的祝福像短信一樣送給你:祝平安夜快樂,圣誕節(jié)快樂!may i wish you the blue sky shine upon you,let my messages like white clouds float to you,i like the breeze blow a blessing to you,i like sms send to you a blessing:i wish a happy christmas eve,merry christmas!

  22、冬至平安夜圣誕元旦節(jié)節(jié)相連,幸?鞓方】灯桨簿o接而來,親情友情愛情真情情情相牽,牽掛關(guān)懷祝福撲面而來。祝天天快樂。successively connected to the winter solstice,christmas eve,christmas,new years day,happy, happy, healthy and safe followed, family love, friendship, love, love qingqing lead, care, care and blessing。 i wish a happy day。

  23、平安夜,平安雪花墜落并綻放,嚴(yán)寒卻彌漫著溫馨;平安短信書寫并投遞,簡短卻字里行間透露著我的祝福。平安夜,只愿你平平安安,快快樂樂,如雪花雪白。christmas eve, christmas snow falls and bloom, cold is filled with warmth。 peace message writing and delivery, brief but her my blessing。 will be safe and happy christmas eve, only wish you, such as snow white。

  24、新年的鐘聲即將響起,落葉飛舞著,溫馨洋溢著,真情蕩漾著,祝福伴隨著,多少個(gè)不眠之夜都不及今天的平安夜來得幸福而快樂,溫暖著這個(gè)不一樣的夜晚。the new year bell will be ringing, falling leaves flying, is permeated with warmth, rippling the truth, blessed with, how many sleepless nights are not as good as todays peace night of happiness and joy, warm the night。

  25、平安夜,送大禮,吉祥如意從天而降。平安夜,送問候,幸?鞓啡缂s而至。平安夜,要開心,圣誕禮物數(shù)不勝數(shù)。平安夜,送祝福,祝你心愿一定實(shí)現(xiàn)。luck and christmas eve, gift from the sky。 on christmas eve, send greetings, happiness and about to。 on christmas eve, happy, christmas gifts。 on christmas eve, send blessings, i wish you the best wishes must be implemented。

  26、飄落的雪花,組合成平安的形狀;讓真摯的祝愿,包含著平安的內(nèi)容;在平安夜的晚上,傳遞著有關(guān)平安的祝福。朋友,平安夜里,愿你平安,愿你快樂!the falling snow, combined into the shape of a peace;let the sincere wish, contain the content of peace;on christmas eve night, convey about the blessing of peace。 friend, christmas eve, peace be to you, wish you happy!

  27、平安夜離不開溫暖的火爐,圣誕節(jié)離不開繽紛圣誕樹,圣誕老人離不開馴鹿,我離不開你——我的棉襪子,我要把你放在床頭裝禮物!圣誕快樂!christmas eve leave the warm stove, cannot leave the colorful christmas tree christmas, santa claus is dependent on the reindeer, i can not do without you, my cotton socks, i want to put you on the head of a bed gift!merry christmas!

  28、圣誕將至氣氛濃,短信祝福情意重;洗洗襪子掛床邊,裝滿禮物樂無邊;掃掃煙囪生火爐,溫暖節(jié)日心滿足。預(yù)祝你:平安夜美夢綿綿,圣誕節(jié)快樂連連!christmas atmosphere will be thick, sms blessing affective weight;wash your socks hanging bed, full of present joy endless;sweep the chimney stove, warm heart meet the festival。 i wish you:dream on christmas eve, merry christmas!

  29、流星劃過夜空,我的愿望隨之飄過。燭光照亮廳堂,我的幸福隨之產(chǎn)生。快樂就在今晚,平安夜祈禱平安常在。愿你的平安夜與我一起度過,共賞美景,共創(chuàng)明天!a meteor across the night sky, i wish。 the resulting lit hall, i happiness。 happy tonight, christmas eve to pray for the peace in bloom。 wishing you a christmas eve and i spent together, enjoy the beauty, create tomorrow!

  30、平安夜,報(bào)平安,平平安安迎圣誕;跨萬水,越千山,祝福接力問候傳;鹿蹄急,雪橇快,圣誕禮物堆成山;爐火旺,驅(qū)嚴(yán)寒,圣誕樹下美夢圓。圣誕快樂!on christmas eve, report peaceful, safely to meet christmas;across the river, the mountains, the blessing relay greetings, deer hoof, sled, christmas gift mountain;cold fire, flooding, christmas tree dream round。 merry christmas!

  31、寒冬無情人有情,牽掛之心沒有停,過完冬至平安夜,圣誕祝福在進(jìn)行,朋友思念情不斷,一聲問候心溫暖。元旦問候先奉上,幸福溫馨到永遠(yuǎn)。節(jié)日快樂!winter ruthless people love, caring heart didnt stop, after the winter solstice christmas eve, christmas greeting on, friend miss feeling, a warm greetings from heart。 on new years greetings and first happy warmth forever。 a happy holiday!

  32、雪夜的靜謐,心靈的沉淀,自由的飛翔,星光的燦爛,美麗的煙花,美麗的心情,幸福的生活,快樂的狂歡,真摯的祝福,平安的夜晚。平安夜,愿你身體健康,幸福平安!hakodate is quiet, the heart of the precipitation, free flying, star bright, the beautiful fireworks, beautiful mood, happy life, happy carnival, sincere blessings, peace night。 on christmas eve, wish you good health, peace and happiness!

  33、今晚,翻檢心中所有的酸甜,最是把你來惦念,相識(shí)相交已經(jīng)多年,情真自不必多言,友誼之花綻放你我心田,平安夜祝你一生幸福,四季平安。tonight, looks over all the sweet and sour in the heart, the most is to miss, do you know the intersection has for many years, feeling the need not say more, the flower of friendship blooms you my heart, i wish you a happy life on christmas eve, four seasons peace。

  34、平安夜,夜夜平安,今夜冬風(fēng),明朝春風(fēng),室外寒氣,室內(nèi)暖意,祝福聲起,禮物飛來。今夜是平安夜,祝君來年事事如意,天天美滿。圣誕快樂!on christmas eve, peace, and night tonight wind in winter, spring breeze, the ming dynasty cold outdoor, indoor warm, soul。but about beats, gifts。 tonight is christmas eve, wish you all the best in the coming new year, happy happy every day。 merry christmas!

  35、彩燈閃爍,美麗的色彩映照你我;圣誕狂歡,歡樂的氛圍籠罩你我,鐘聲悠揚(yáng),悅耳的音樂陪伴你我。祝你的平安夜是幸福夜,祝你的圣誕節(jié)是狂歡節(jié)!the color of the lights flashing, beautiful shine upon you and me;christmas carnival, the atmosphere of joy over you and me, melodious bell, sweet music to accompany your me。 i wish you a happy christmas eve is the night, i wish your christmas is carnival!

  36、平安夜是一首溫馨的歌,因?yàn)槟愣兊妹烂顒?dòng)人;圣誕節(jié)是一首快樂的詩,因?yàn)槟愣兊镁蕣Z目。我的短信是一陣清新的風(fēng),因?yàn)榘l(fā)給你而變得活潑生動(dòng)。祝圣誕快樂!christmas eve is a sweet song, become beautiful because of you;christmas is a poem of happiness, because you and become a splendid。 my message is a fresh wind, become lively and vivid because of the sent to you。 wishing you all a merry christmas!

  37、平安夜,想和你一起度過,十指相扣,兩心合一,守護(hù)屬于我們的浪漫,聽著彼此的心跳聲,那是世上最動(dòng)聽的旋律,親愛的,愿你平安快樂,幸福健康!on christmas eve, want to and you spent together, the net be buckled, the unity of two hearts, guardian belongs to our romantic, listen to each others heart beat, it is the worlds most beautiful melody, my dear, i wish you a happy peace and happy and healthy!

  38、聽說我幸福滿分,我決定全部送給你,冬至驚喜十分,平安夜溫馨十分,圣誕浪漫十分,事業(yè)激情十分生活美滿十分,加上夢想給力十分,希望你萬事順心,幸福漲滿分。heard i happiness full marks, i decided to send to you, all very surprise on the winter solstice, christmas eve is very sweet, very romantic christmas, career passion is very, very, happy happy life and dream is to force, hope you all well, happiness get a full mark。

  39、本短信由圣誕老人負(fù)責(zé)創(chuàng)作,由快樂負(fù)責(zé)編寫,由幸福負(fù)責(zé)發(fā)送,由幸運(yùn)負(fù)責(zé)傳遞,由我負(fù)責(zé)投資,提前送到你的手機(jī),愿你:平安夜如意,圣誕節(jié)愉快!this text the santa claus will be responsible for the creation, the happiness is responsible for the writing, the happiness is responsible for the sending, the luck is responsible for the transfer, im in charge of the investment, sent to your mobile phone in advance, i wish you:christmas eve, christmas is happy!

  40、平安夜,鐘聲響,喜悅溫馨把歌唱!雪花飛,心里美,祝福平安家更美!祝平安夜快樂!愿你平安到永遠(yuǎn)!開心到永遠(yuǎn)!on christmas eve,the bell ring,the joy and sweet singing!snowflakes fly,sweet pink-fleshed radish,bless peace home more beautiful!i wish a happy christmas eve!peace be to you forever!happy forever!

  41、平安夜,送你一個(gè)蘋果兩個(gè)橙,保你平平安安心想事成,再送你百事可樂一瓶,愿你快快樂樂樂無窮!祝你平安夜快樂,圣誕節(jié)快樂!christmas eve,send you an apple,two orange,protect your horse safely and to send you a bottle of pepsi wish you happy joy endless!wish you a merry christmas eve and merry christmas!

  42、平安夜送你蘋果,祈福你一生平安幸福;圣誕節(jié)送你個(gè)香橙,保佑你一世心想事成;狂歡夜送你個(gè)火龍果,祝愿你一輩子紅紅火火。silent night send you apple,bless your life safety and happiness;christmas to send you a orange,bless you forever horse;carnival night to send you a dragon fruit,i wish you all your life thriving。

  43、平安夜里祝平安,平安夜里話平安。平安是福,平安是寶,平平安安活到老!祝你出入平安,老少平安,萬事平安,收到短信一生平安!christmas eve i wish peace,peace talk peace at night。 peace is a blessing,peace is a treasure,go in peace live!wish you in peace,and peace,all peace,receive sms life peace!

  44、天空飄落潔白的雪花,轉(zhuǎn)眼間平安夜又到,思念久違的你,不知你一切可好,小小短信把深深的情意捎,祝你平安夜快樂,生活幸福!the sky falling snow,white christmas eve in a twinkling of an eye to again,miss out you,i dont know everything okay,you little messages the deep affection to give,i wish you a happy christmas eve,happy life!

  45、平安夜你要安安穩(wěn)穩(wěn)地睡覺,攢夠力氣第二天快樂地生蛋,過幾天再快樂地圓蛋。為慶祝生蛋圓蛋的快樂,再歡天喜地快快樂樂地過年!christmas eve you sleep to be steady,saved energy the next day happily eggs,round egg happily back in a few days。 to celebrate the joy of the eggs round egg,and then happy happy new year!

  46、所謂平安,就是身體健康,無病無恙。事業(yè)有成,無克無難。生活美滿,無波無折。今天是平安夜,愿主賜予你這一切。祝幸?鞓。the so-called peace,is healthy and disease-free。 successful,no,no。 happy happy life,no wave,no discount。 today is christmas eve,may the lord give you all of this。 i wish a happy happiness。

  47、愿你的事業(yè)興旺的像不滅爐火,愿你的財(cái)富累積的像漫天雪花,愿你的心情快樂的像禮堂鐘聲,愿你的幸福美滿的像初上華燈。平安夜快樂。let not your career flourishing as put out the fire,i wish you wealth accumulation as man snowflakes,let your mood happy like hall bells,wish you happy like lights on the early。 happy christmas eve。

  48、平安夜里報(bào)佳音,莫分尊貴與主賓;人間真情賽真金,朋友之間心連心;凝聚思念發(fā)短信,愿你節(jié)日開心事事順心天天歡心,圣誕快樂。christmas caroling,noble and guest;human feelings of gold,between friends heart to heart;miss text cohesion,wish you happy holidays and all well,happy every day,merry christmas。

  49、這條短信是平安夜的平安大使,聲聲向你報(bào)平安,讓這安心的旋律,陪伴你安心度過今晚,度過明晚,度過今后的每個(gè)夜晚。平安夜快樂!this message is christmas eve peace ambassador,sound to offer safe,to reassure the melody,with peace of mind you spend tonight,spend tomorrow night,spend every night in the future。 happy christmas eve!

  50、平安夜到了,美妙的鐘聲又要敲響,讓它敲響你年的幸運(yùn)之門,帶給你一整年的健康平安幸?鞓啡缫饧。提前祝你圣誕快樂!on christmas eve,wonderful bell to ring again,let it knocking on your door in,bring you a whole year of health peace,happiness and auspicious。 wish you a merry christmas in advance!

  51、雪花在平安夜飄舞,帶著我的祝福飛進(jìn)你的心窩。我按動(dòng)快樂的鋼琴鍵,用真誠為你彈奏圣誕贊歌,愿你在新的一年里無憂無慮,天天快樂!playing snow on christmas eve,with my blessing flew into your heart。 i clicked happy piano keys,with playing christmas carols for you sincerely,wish you happy in the new year,happy every day!

  52、平淡是真,平靜是情,平坦是路,平緩是心,平安是福。平安夜來了,用平平常常的文字送去我真真切切的祝福。愿你收入平穩(wěn)上升,事業(yè)平步青云!really is flat,peace is love,is a smooth road,gentle heart,peace is a blessing。 christmas night,with ordinary text sent to my real wish。 i wish you a steady income rise,cause pollution!

  53、平安夜的鐘聲回響在小路,我送你一棵真誠的圣誕樹,上面閃著我們友情的回顧,掛滿了我對你的祝福,愿好運(yùn)永遠(yuǎn)把你呵護(hù),愿你一生平安幸福。christmas bells resounded in the lane,i send you a sincere christmas tree,above the review of our friendship,full of my blessing to you,wish good luck always put your care,peace be to you a lifetime of happiness。

  54、我喜歡車,所以選擇本田了;我喜歡投資,所以看中房產(chǎn)了;我喜歡實(shí)在,所以選你做朋友了;平安夜想到你了,你快給我祝福吧,別再讓我悲劇了!i like cars,so choose the honda;i like investment,so take a fancy to the property;i like it,so choose your friends;silent night thinking of you,you are quick to give my blessing,dont let me tragedy!

  55、平安夜,請閉上眼,我把禮物悄悄送:送你一盞圣誕燈,照亮你的好前程;送你一個(gè)小鈴鐺,一搖快樂在身旁;再送一聲祝福話,愿你幸福美佳佳。on christmas eve,please close your eyes,i send gift quietly:send you a christmas light,light up your good future;happy to send you a small bell,a shake on the side;to send a blessing,wish you happy beauty jia jia。

  56、度過吉祥平安夜,迎來喜慶圣誕節(jié)。歡天喜地來慶賀,愁云慘霧全拋舍。圣誕老人送大禮,福祿壽喜都不缺。圣誕鐘聲傳入耳,祝你天天都喜悅。for peace and prosperity for the night,bringing in the christmas festival。 merrily merrily to celebrate,gloom all behind。 santa claus gift,ferro shouxi has everything。 christmas bell incoming ears,i wish you joy every day。

  57、平安夜你將搭載平安列車起程,從此你會(huì)天天一路平安,月月一路平安,年年一路平安,還有你的家人和朋友也會(huì)一生平平安安,平安夜快樂!christmas eve you will pick up peace train depart,every day from now on you will be a good journey,yueyue bon voyage,bon voyage,every year there are your family and friends will be life in peace,happy christmas eve!

  58、當(dāng)平安夜的鐘聲回響在小路,我送你一棵真誠的圣誕樹,上面閃著我們友情的回顧,掛滿了我對你的祝福,愿好運(yùn)永遠(yuǎn)把你呵護(hù),愿你一生平安幸福。when christmas eve bells resounded in the lane,i send you a sincere christmas tree,above the review of our friendship,full of my blessing to you,wish good luck always put your care,peace be to you a lifetime of happiness。

  59、平安夜,夜夜平安,今夜冬風(fēng),明朝春風(fēng),室外寒氣,室內(nèi)暖意,祝福聲起,禮物飛來.今夜是平安夜,祝君來年事事如意,天天美滿.圣誕歡樂! Christmas Eve, Christmas night, the spring breeze, the wind tonight, indoor outdoor cold air, warmth, blessing, a gift from. Tonight is Christmas Eve, wish you all the best next year, happy every day. Merry Christmas!

  60、The falling snow, combined into the shape of a peace; Let the sincere wish, contain the content of peace; On Christmas Eve night, convey about the blessing of peace. Friend, Christmas Eve, peace be to you, wish you happy!

  61、Let not your career flourishing as put out the fire, I wish you wealth accumulation as man snowflakes, let your mood happy like hall bells, wish you happy like lights on the early. Happy Christmas Eve.

  62、Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.愿你擁有美麗的圣誕所有的祝福.

  63、To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.

  64、Wish all the best wishes for you.

  65、Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the ing year.

  66、思念像最美的白雪飛舞,祝福像搖曳的燭光溫馨,星光像可愛的眼睛釋放光芒,蘋果像純真的孩子綻放笑臉,我把裝滿禮物的盒子送到你的身旁,告訴你,平安夜天使會(huì)來到你的身邊,扇動(dòng)潔白而圣潔的翅膀,用盡所有的力量保護(hù)你一生平安. missing is like the most beautiful snow flying, blessing like candlelight warm, lovely eyes shine like stars, like apple innocent children smile, I put the box full of gifts to you, tell you, Christmas Eve, the angels will e to your side, white and holy flapping wings, exhausted all the power to protect the safety of your life.

  67、wishing you a white christmas.

  68、Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season.值此佳節(jié),祝你全家圣誕歡樂.

  69、Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season.

  70、Spring Festival blessing: I wish you a day after day, every day is Sunday, after a year after year, year after year is a year, after night after night, and night is Christmas Eve, older age, happiness is at the age of peace. Happy year of the monkey.

  71、Let`s share the happiness of Chirstmas.

  72、Mountains and rivers cannot separate us.Merry Christmas.遠(yuǎn)隔千山萬水,也隔不斷我對你的思念.祝你圣誕快樂.

  73、This message is Christmas Eve peace ambassador, sound to offer safe, to reassure the melody, with peace of mind you spend tonight, spend tomorrow night, spend every night in the future. Happy Christmas Eve!

  74、時(shí)差讓我們隔離,空間讓我們看不到彼此的微笑,但簡了的些許文字,是我對你祝福的化身,讓異鄉(xiāng)行走的你不那么孤單,因?yàn)橛形,一向都存在,平安夜歡樂! the time difference makes us isolate, the space lets us not see each others smile, but the simplified text is the embodiment of my blessing to you, let the foreign place walk you not so lonely, because has me, always exists, Christmas Eve is joyful.

  75、平安夜鬧一鬧,幸福生活更美妙;平安夜笑一笑,一生平安活到老;平安之夜,信息到,愿我的朋友開心歡笑,把歡樂擁抱,把平安抓牢! Christmas Eve downtown a downtown, happy life more wonderful Christmas Eve; smile, peaceful life style; Christmas Eve, message to let my friends happy laughter, happy to embrace, to hold peace!

  76、It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again

  77、Tonight, looks over all the sweet and sour in the heart, the most is to miss, do you know the intersection has for many years, feeling the need not say more, the flower of friendship blooms you my heart, I wish you a happy life on Christmas Eve, four seasons peace.

  78、Christmas Eve, Christmas snow falls and bloom, cold is filled with warmth. Peace message writing and delivery, brief but her my blessing. Will be safe and happy Christmas Eve, only wish you, such as Snow White.

  79、The sky falling snow, white Christmas Eve in a twinkling of an eye to again, miss out you, I dont know everything okay, you little messages the deep affection to give, I wish you a happy Christmas Eve, happy life!

  80、May I wish you the blue sky shine upon you, let my messages like white clouds float to you, I like the breeze blow a blessing to you, I like SMS send to you a blessing: I wish a happy Christmas Eve, merry Christmas!

  81、On Christmas Eve, want to and you spent together, the net be buckled, the unity of two hearts, guardian belongs to our romantic, listen to each others heart beat, it is the worlds most beautiful melody, my dear, I wish you a happy peace and happy and healthy!

  82、On Christmas Eve, the bell ring, the joy and sweet singing! Snowflakes fly, sweet pink-fleshed radish, bless peace home more beautiful! I wish a happy Christmas Eve! Peace be to you forever! Happy forever!

  83、Christmas atmosphere will be thick, SMS blessing affective weight; Wash your socks hanging bed, full of present joy endless; Sweep the chimney stove, warm heart meet the festival. I wish you: dream on Christmas Eve, merry Christmas!

  84、Christmas Eve you will pick up peace train depart, every day from now on you will be a good journey, yueyue bon voyage, bon voyage, every year there are your family and friends will be life in peace, happy Christmas Eve!

  85、Merry Christmas! Dont forget to hang up the sock!

  86、雪花還沒飄下,煙花尚未璀璨,圣誕老人還沒睡醒,小鹿駕車還未出發(fā),襪子還沒掛上窗前,大家的祝福還沒有漫天彌漫.而我提前出發(fā),祝你平安夜平安,圣誕節(jié)歡樂,浪漫無邊. the snowflake has not yet floated, and the fireworks are not yet bright. Santa Claus has not waken up yet. The fawn has not started driving yet, and the socks have not hung on the window yet. And I set out ahead of time, I wish you peace on Christmas Eve, Christmas happy, romantic boundless.

  87、Wish you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long.

  88、Wish you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season.

  89、Christmas Eve you sleep to be steady, saved energy the next day happily eggs, round egg happily back in a few days. To celebrate the joy of the eggs round egg, and then happy happy New Year!

  90、We will be shavings Christmas at David s this year.You are welcome to join us!

  91、Eat a green apple. I wish you eternal youth and never grow old!

  92、Apple is round like your face. It is safe in your hand and sweet in your heart.

  93、Christmas Eve, I wish you peace and old age!

  94、May you and I cherish each other and be very happy on Christmas Eve.

  95、send blessings, wish you peace, the most romantic snow, wish you a happy Christmas Eve!

  96、Dear, I wish you peace, happiness and health.

  97、Christmas Eve, let go of the busy, unload the baggage, let happiness fill your heart!

  98、I wish you a happy night and happiness for a million years!

  99、On Christmas Eve, I wish you a healthy family.

  100、On Christmas Eve, when the bells are ringing, good luck will come.

  101、May you and I stay with each other forever on Christmas Eve.

  102、Christmas Eve, spread joy, auspicious atmosphere floating thousands of miles.

  103、Christmas Eve today: Eat an apple, and enjoy peace and joy.

  104、send an apple to bless you and wish you peace all your life.

  105、The starlight on Christmas Eve shines with warmth and joy.

  106、May you never think of Shu, and live in peace!

  107、I have a wish on Christmas Eve, that is, to be with you and not to be separated.

  108、On Christmas Eve, I send you an apple, wishing you peace all your life and happiness every day.

  109、May you be healthy and happy on Christmas Eve!

  110、Christmas Eve to send you Christmas fruit, wish you peace and happiness!









