

rg2021-06-11 15:24:00 ףZ ҪͶ


1Please reply immediately. Ո؏(f)


2A prompt reply will greatly oblige us. Ѹٴ(f)ʹ҂dzм

3A prompt reply would greatly oblige us. r؏(f)С

4A prompt reply would help us greatly. Ѹٴ(f)O؎҂

5As the matter is urgent, an early reply will oblige. roմ(f)ʹ

6Best wishes to your wife.Ո醖

7Give my love to the children.ӂ

8Ill surely remember you and your invitation to him.һD(zhun)_(d)ĆՈ

9May we remind you that we are still awaiting your early reply. ҂҂?ni)ȻڴĻ؏?f)

10May we request the favor of your early reply? ҂ՈٝյõĴ(f)?

11Mr. Smith sends you his respects.ʷ˹

12Please favor us with your reply as early as possible. Ոo҂Ĵ(f)M









