

時間:2024-04-01 18:04:36 英語作文 我要投稿
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英語作文400字 篇1

  Our world is colorful.There are many kinds of color like black,pink,white,blue,brown,green,red,gray,purple,yellow and blond。

  Spring is green.The flowers are yellow,red and pink.Summer is red.Fall is yellow.Winter is white.Trees are light green,in Spring.But trees are dark yellow,in Fall.

  I love the colorful world.





英語作文400字 篇2


  剛到教室門口,就聽見清脆悅耳的鈴聲“叮鈴鈴,叮鈴鈴地叫著,我三步并作兩步地走上樓梯,直奔教室,找了個座位坐了下來。哇,今天好不可思議!只見一個 外國老師側(cè)著身子,就像一只”螃蟹“一樣走進了外面的教室,逗的我們哭笑不得。頓時,教室里像炸開了鍋一樣,同學們七嘴八舌地議論著,我仔細打量著這位外國老師。只見她穿著一件暗綠色的衣服,一條黑黑的.褲子,那胖嘟嘟的臉上長著一雙炯炯有神的眼睛,一個挺的高高的鼻子和一張小巧玲瓏的嘴巴,她長著一頭烏黑光亮的頭發(fā),看著是那么的祥和。只見她和顏悅色地說:”你們好(hello)!“全體同學也異口同聲地說:”你好(hi)!“然后,我們便進入正題了。老師給我們做了一個游戲,游戲規(guī)則是:數(shù)字里面有4的就拍手,有7的就拍頭。游戲開始了,老師叫我們?nèi)w起立。我們一個個從1(one)一直數(shù)到30(thirt),誰說錯了就坐下去。一場激烈的對決以后,有兩個人勝利了,老師獎給他們一人一個大博士,游戲結(jié)束了。下課了,同學們一窩蜂似的沖出教室,跑下樓梯,開開心心地回家了。


英語作文400字 篇3

  Mama,that summer,on the way to Klitsemi,my straw hat flew down the mountains.Mama,do you remember,the old straw hat you gave to me ?

  I lost that hat long ago, it flew to the foggy canyou. Mama,I wonder what happened to that old straw hat which fell down the mountain-said and whirled out of my reach like your heart. Suddenly that wind came up,stealing my hat from me. Swirling gust of wind blew it higher ,and higher 鈥︹?Mama,that old straw hat was the only one I really love.But I lost it,no one could bring it back,like tha life you give me.

  Mama,that summer,on the way to Klitsemi,I lost me straw hat.The lilies along the road wilted.And under that straw hat,the crickets wept every night ?

英語作文400字 篇4

  你是Alice。你的朋友Bonnie很快就要到你的鄉(xiāng)間小屋拜訪,但你卻要出去一會兒。留一張便條給她,告訴她食品在哪兒,告訴她一個人在屋里時應注意些什么。 Dear Bonnie:

  Your friend Gao Ming

  I will be away for a while. The key to the cottage is under the doormat, and the food is in the refrigerator. After entering the house, lock the door from inside at once. The cottage is far away from the nearest town, and the area is not quite safe from burglars. So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution, there is no danger”. Have a nice stay here.

  Yours, Alice

英語作文400字 篇5

  Last week Chang Feng Park held a flower show. I went to visit it with my friends.

  I was very glad to see so many eautiful flowers in the park. I was really amazed to see a sea of colourful flowers.

  They told me that some rare flowers came from Taiwan.

  Thousands of people stoped and watched them carefully.

  I took many pictures there . Taiwan has always been a part of our country.

  I am sure sooner or later we can go there to see many more beautiful flowers.

  What great fun it will be.

英語作文400字 篇6

  Last year,my friend gave me a little dog。 I was fond of him very much。 I liked to play with him after school and he liked to follow me wherever I went。 I was very glad that I had a body guard。

  Last winter I was very busy with my lessons and came home very late every day。However,no matter how late I went home,my dog used to stand at a comer near my school waiting for me。 When I passed there,he barked two or three times then ran towards me。 It seemed that he was calling me。

  My dog not only,took good care of me,but also was respoasible at home。 When strangers came to my house,he barked at them but not hurt them。 What a lovely dog he is!










