

時間:2023-10-19 10:21:52 玉華 英語作文 我要投稿




  袁隆平的英語作文 1

  Who will feed China in the 21st century? This is a sharp proposition put forward by American economist Gordon Brown in the 1990s. "Relying on scientific and technological progress can feed the Chinese people." Yuan Longping answered this question with a resounding scientific achievement.

  Yuan Longping, flat head, small face, rustic. And it is this unattractive old man, with his unremitting efforts and amazing talent, in the ancient land to create extraordinary miracles. At present, in China, half of the rice fields are sown with his hybrid rice, and 60% of the annual rice harvest comes from his hybrid rice seeds. What are the forces that bind the fate of one person and positively influence the fate of hundreds of millions of people? What is the force that makes him persist in the research of hybrid rice and finally achieve success?

  When it comes to super hybrid rice, the inarticulate Yuan Longping has a long story to tell. When others asked him the secret of success, he gave a pithy answer with "knowledge + sweat + inspiration + opportunity".

  Facing the future, Yuan Longpingren is full of dreams, he hopes that hybrid rice from the current world rice area of 10% to 20%, to achieve a total increase of 30 million tons, and truly benefit all mankind. Yuan Longping used scientific knowledge in the ancient land of China to round the dream of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, and realized a myth that shocked the world.

  I sincerely admire him - a science and technology to benefit mankind grandpa Yuan Longping.






  袁隆平的英語作文 2

  Have you ever eaten rice? This rice is made of rice, rice must say Grandpa Yuan Longping.

  Grandpa Yuan Longping is the father of hybrid rice in China. For decades, Grandpa Yuan Longping has won numerous honors.

  Grandpa Yuan Longping was born in Beijing on September 7, 1930, and was born in De an County, Jiangxi Province. In order to prevent people in the world from suffering from hunger, Yuan Longping studied hybrid rice, and the grain increased by Yuan Longpings hybrid rice every year could feed 80 million more people. Grandpa died in Changsha on May 22, 2021 due to multiple organ function failure. He was 91 years old.

  When Grandpa Yuan Longping first joined the work, Chinas rice yield was about 200 kilograms per mu, and now, the highest rice yield per mu has reached 1,500 kilograms, which shows that Grandpa Yuan Longping has made a very high achievement for Chinas hybrid rice.

  We should learn from Grandpa Yuan Longping, take him as an example, learn more knowledge, grow up to play their own abilities, and be a person who contributes to society.






  袁隆平的英語作文 3

  Yuan Longpings grandfather, born in 1930 in Beijing, Dean County, Jiangxi Province, lived in Changsha, Hunan Province. Chinese hybrid rice breeding expert, known as Chinas "father of hybrid rice", academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is the person I admire most.

  Regrettably, Grandpa Yuan Longping passed away at 13:07 on May 22, 2021 in Changsha at the age of 91. This admirable courtyard has passed away from this world and left us. Yuan Longpings grandfather was determined to become an agricultural expert when he was in middle school, so after graduating from high school, he chose agronomy as his major and embarked on the road of studying agriculture.

  Grandpa Yuan Longping once said that he had a dream: the rice yield in the field was very high, as high as sorghum, the ears were as long as broomsticks, and the grains were as big as peanuts, and he sat under such rice ears to enjoy the cool. This dream has not yet come true, why did you travel? Witnessing the hearse passing through the streets of Changsha, my tears kept spinning in my eyes, and Grandpa Yuan, who had fought for his life to eat enough food for the people, left us like this.

  Now, Grandpa Yuan Longpings dream of cooling down has not been realized. We young people in the 21st century should study hard, study hard, and rely on science and technology to realize Grandpas dream.





  袁隆平的英語作文 4

  He is known as the "father of hybrid rice". Dr. Swaminas, director general of the International Rice Research Institute, once said that "his achievements are not only a source of pride for China, but also a blessing for the whole world." He is -- Yuan Longping.

  Yuan Longping set up a test field in Changsha, Hunan province. He forgot that he was an intellectual, and on a scorching summer day, Yuan Longping, in the hot sun like fire, struggled to identify one plant, one ear and one ear to find the male sterile line that he dreamed of mixed in the rice field. The July sun baked the earth, into the fields like a hot stove, sweat flow layer after layer, a layer of salt on the back, skin tanned bright. Dragging his heavy body back to work every day, the assistant told him to rest at home tomorrow, he went. Yuan Longping said: "Why dont we both go together, so that we can find the male sterile line faster." He so hard to work in the rice field, on the perennial home in the paddy field of farmers are not afraid of hardship. His actions were puzzling, and many peasant brothers asked him: "You are an intellectual, you get a salary every month, and you give lectures and do experiments every day." And the farmers share this suffering; Why do you suffer this?" Yeah, why is that? They do not know that Yuan Longpings heart hides a dream for the benefit of all mankind, so that mankind can overcome hunger. Every time at this time, Yuan Longping will hold a cigarette bag and smile, and then drill into the endless rice fields.

  Yuan Longping is such a happy way of living in poverty, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of loss, he will get encouragement and inspiration from every small progress in the cause of hybrid rice, and never care about personal gains and losses.




  袁隆平的英語作文 5

  Grandpa Yuan Longping is recognized as the "father of hybrid rice" in the world. Without him, many people would still be hungry, and we would not be able to eat such delicious rice.

  Im reading an article about Grandpa Yuan Longping. Reading, I could not help crying, and we should also eat well in the future, not to waste every grain of food.

  Grandpa Yuan Longping is a master of the country, and the country has created a miracle for China. He once had such a dream: rice is taller than sorghum, the grain is bigger than peanuts, he sat under the ear of the rice to enjoy the cool. In order to let more Chinese people have enough to eat, in order to let more grain harvest, he can be said to be painstaking.

  Grandpa Yuan Longping dedicated his whole life to the country, he is not only concerned about the country and the people with the world in mind, but also like a fighter who never admits defeat.

  After I grow up, I also want to be like Grandpa Yuan Longping, not afraid of difficulties, study hard, and become a useful pillar of the society!






  袁隆平的英語作文 6

  Yuan Longping has tens of millions of yuan in research funds in his hands, but his life is extremely simple.

  A habit formed over the years, he likes to go to the ridge, whenever he has time to go to the experimental field to observe, to breathe the atmosphere of the field. If the success of his career has changed anything in his life, it is that from the 1980s, his transportation to the experimental field has changed from a bicycle to a motorcycle. He thought it was light and fast. Unexpectedly, playing motorcycles and racing became a great pleasure in his life.

  The seedlings in the field are divided, the ears are turned, the flowers are raised, and the fruit is produced. He stepped on the motorcycle, quickly jumped onto the road, turned into the path, slipped on the ridge, the vigorous figure flashed in the patches of green or golden brilliant rice fields. Over the past ten years, he has changed eight or nine different brands of motorcycles. Now, in his 70s, he often rides his motorcycle around the fields.

  At the end of 2001, persuaded by friends, Yuan Longping bought a Sail family car. Friends told him that riding a motorcycle is "meat wrapped in iron", driving a car is "iron wrapped in meat", or driving a car is safer. He learned to drive with great enthusiasm and felt good about it. Sometimes he drove his car to the edge of the field. He also said with a smile that he was going to get a driving license.





  袁隆平的英語作文 7

  My hero-Yuan Longping

  Yuan Longping is one of the most famous scientists in the world. He was born in 1930 in Beijing. From 1950 to 1953, he studied in Southwest Agricultural College. He worked very hard. In 1964, he made a special study of rice. In 1974, he developed a new kind of rice. Farmers could get much more rice than before. In the 1980s, Yuan Longping travelled around the world and gave advice about growing rice. In 2004, he won World Food Prize. Now, he is still helping many countries of the world grow more rice .

  Yuan Longping is called “Father of Hybrid Rice(雜交水稻之父)”. His work makes him a hero in the world.




  袁隆平的英語作文 8

  Who knows the dishes are hard, whenever I read this verse, I will think of a figure, a farmer wearing a hat, wearing blue clothes, standing in the endless rice fields, he is Yuan Longping grandpa, Yuan Longping grandpa for the father of hybrid rice, but not long ago he died because of illness, forever left us.

  Grandpa Yuan has been making contributions to hybrid rice all his life, in order to let us eat enough, he and his team developed hybrid rice, Grandpa Yuan is really great, he makes your hunger disappear forever, your grandpa is really great, but also very strong, he is also very strong, understand a goal must work towards this goal, After I saw Grandpa Yuans actions and behaviors, I felt very ashamed. A 90-year-old grandpa has worked so hard. As a young pioneer, I should be strong and brave and go forward bravely.



  袁隆平的英語作文 9

  Grandpa Yuan Longping is the father of rice in China, and also the first person to invent hybrid rice in human history. The rice and millet we can eat today are the hybrid rice varieties invented by Grandpa Yuan Longping. The rice ears are not only high, but also the rice grains are full and the number is quite a lot.

  But ………… It is such a great character, and finally failed to escape the shackles of the years. On May 22, 2021, Academician Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice in China, passed away at the age of 91.

  The death of Yuan old caused a huge sensation, the reason is because Yuan Longpings three words are no longer a simple character code, and have become the spiritual sustence of Chinese children. Grandpa Yuan Longping has two dreams, one is his dream of enjoying the cool, and the other is that his hybrid rice can be popular all over the world, and the dream of enjoying the cool has been achieved. Its not long before another hybrid rice takes the world by storm.

  From the beginning of the research and development of hybrid rice, these three words have represented the survival of adversity, representing the unremitting struggle in difficulties and dangers. These three words have witnessed too many historical moments, he watched Chinas reform and opening up, he and China went to the world together, he issued a unique voice on behalf of China, and it can even be said that his life precisely reflects the whole process of China from standing up, getting rich and then becoming strong.

  This is Yuan Longping, a great man, we should learn from his courage to innovate and good at studying advantages.






  袁隆平的英語作文 10

  All parents know Yuan Longping, who was born in Beijing on September 7, 1930. His ancestral home is De an County, Jiangxi Province. He is a non-party person and now lives in Changsha, Hunan Province. Chinese hybrid rice breeder, known as Chinas "father of hybrid rice", academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He said he got what he got by accident! Lets take a look at his story!

  Many people have asked Yuan Longping: now everyone calls you the "father of hybrid rice", at the beginning, why did you study agriculture, why did you embark on the road to study hybrid rice

  Yuan Longping replied: "Learning agriculture is due to an accident: a trip in the first grade of primary school, the teacher took us to a private garden to visit, I saw the peaches on the tree red, a string of grapes."

  Because of this desire in his childhood, after graduating from high school, Yuan Longping was admitted to Chongqing Xianghui College (later renamed Southwest Agricultural College). After graduation in 1953, Yuan Longping was assigned to Anjiang Agricultural School in Hunan Province and became a teacher.

  Because of this accidental choice, so far, Yuan Longping has been busy in the field for more than 50 years.






  袁隆平的英語作文 11

  Everyone has an idol in his heart, some students worship movie stars, some students worship pilots, some students worship singers... And my idol is the "father of hybrid rice in the world" - Yuan Longping.

  Yuan Longping, born in Beijing on September 7, 1930, is a member of the Han ethnic group. He was born in De an County, Jiangxi Province. The famine caused by natural disasters greatly shocked Yuan Longpings heart, and he clearly realized that: the country is people-oriented, and the people take food as the heaven, which is the law of human survival.

  He secretly made a vow: we must research high-yield hybrid rice, so that the worlds suffering people can eat enough, so that mankind away from hunger! Based on an in-depth study of biogenetics, as well as careful observation and deliberation, he demonstrated natural hybrid rice.

  After countless setbacks and failures, he finally succeeded. He not only solved the problem of feeding more than one billion Chinese people, but also brought good news to mankind. Now Grandpa Yuan Longping is more than 90 years old, and he is still trying to contribute his life to the cause of rice in China.

  I also want to study hard, like Grandpa Yuan Longping to contribute to their motherland!






  袁隆平的英語作文 12

  China has a lot of great people, from ancient times to today, all patriotic, really admirable. Of all the great Chinese, I think Yuan Longping is the greatest.

  Yuan Longping is the father of hybrid rice, mention him, the vast majority of people admire him, Yuan Longping listed such a formula: knowledge + sweat + inspiration + opportunity = success

  In 1960, the rare natural and man-made disasters brought serious food famine, and the people were yellow and thin... Yuan Longping also experienced the pain of hunger himself. He witnessed the harsh reality, remembered the old society and the hardships of the people, so he wanted to cultivate new rice with his wisdom.

  It took him 9 years to realize the three-line matching in 1973, and selected and bred the first hybrid rice combination with strong, excellent and high yield that was widely used in production - Nanyou 2. Internationally known as the "father of hybrid rice"

  I sincerely admire him - a science and technology to benefit mankind Yuan Longping.






  袁隆平的英語作文 13

  Grandfather Yuan Longping said: "People are like a seed, to be a good seed." If the seeds are healthy, each of us can have a deep roots and flourish." Our nation can continue, heroes continue to emerge, I think the most valuable is that many such as Yuan Lao great country, planted a seed in our hearts.

  I used to think that as long as they were alive and didnt even have to do anything, wed always have the confidence, because we still had them. But now they are tired, and we, as the successors of The Times, must pass on the torch and pick up the burden. When we go to meet them, we can look up and say, "We did not fail, we inherited the light."



  袁隆平的英語作文 14

  Eternal memorial - a generation of great man Yuan Longping!

  On May 22, 2021, our "father of hybrid rice" - grandfather Yuan Longping passed away at the age of 91. Its a sad day.

  Grandfather Yuan Longping is the pioneer and leader of hybrid rice in China. In the past half a century, he has not afraid of hardships, persistent pursuit, bold creation and brave climbing, and has fed 20% of the worlds population with 10% of the cultivated land. The promotion has solved Chinas problems and made great contributions to world food security.

  Regardless of the cold and heat, you will see a bent old man in the field carefully observing the grass seedlings, he has traveled all over the country. Every inch of the field has left his footprints, every ear of rice is printed with his great achievements.

  Yuan Longping grandpa is a real cultivator, he is famous all over the world, but only focus on the field, he has two dreams, "one is the grass under the cool dream, one is the hybrid rice covering the world dream", now his dream has come true, he can rest in the kingdom of peace.

  A porridge a rice, when think hard-won; Cherish food, practice CD action; Is our best way to commemorate Grandpa Yuan!







  袁隆平的英語作文 15

  Yuan Longping is known as Chinas “father of hybrid rice”.Its said that in China, we eat depending on “Two Ping” --Deng Xiaoping, who made the policy of System of Production Responsibility, Yuan Longping, who invented hybrid rice. Yuan Longping, who was born in September, 1930, graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute.

  He has been working on agriculture education the research into hybrid rice since he left the institute. In the 1960s, when China was suffering serious famine, he came up with the idea of hybrid rice, which has a high yield. Ten years later, he succeeded in inventing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice. Yuan devoted himself to the research into agriculture, was honored by UNESCO FAO. Although he is 70 years old, he is still working on the research into agriculture.



  袁隆平的英語作文 16

  Yuan Longping, the winner of the highest national science and technology award, is recognized as the "father of hybrid rice" in the world; and "Yuan Longping stock", the only outstanding stock in Chinas stock market under the name of a person. However, when we saw our alumni at first sight, our first impression was that he was so ordinary that he was a little like a farmer coming out of a mountain village! You see, his skin color is so dark, his body is so thin, and his wrinkles are so deep.

  I remember once, when a pictorial published his picture, the editor mistook the words "the joy of farmers after harvest" under the picture. Although this is a minor accident in the publishing industry, it also shows that Yuan Longping is too much like a farmer. He walked in the street, really belongs to the kind of people who will soon be submerged in the sea of people.

  "On Hybrid Rice", this is the topic of the report Yuan Longping gave to our alma mater. This topic seems to be very common, without any rhetorical use, not to mention any academic show off. But we deeply know that behind this seemingly ordinary topic, there are too many non ordinary.

  In 1978, Yuan Longping and his family of seven were huddled in two damp and moldy huts separated from the bathhouse by wooden boards, and they were constantly subjected to the taunt of "uneasy teaching, thinking only of crooked ways". But it is in this context that his hybrid rice research has finally achieved decisive results. Is it all that ordinary people can do?

  We surrounded Yuan Longping with flowers in our hands and rushed to the lecture hall where he was the speaker. We were so enthusiastic that we were not inferior to chasing the most popular star in our mind. We know that we may not fully understand his "hybrid rice", but we will use our hearts to understand every word of the master.

  His first line of opening was: "Im just an ordinary person..."

  Enough, even if we only understand this sentence, its enough! From Yuan Longping, we understand the relationship between ordinary and great.

  This is the main feeling Yuan Longping gave us. Its enough.









  袁隆平的英語作文 17

  Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930.He graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in China in 1953.In 1973he in cooperation with othershe was able to cultivate a type of hybrid rice species which had great advantages.It yielded 20 percent more per unit than that of common ones.

  So now many countries of the world began to grow the rice.grow more rice than before good.



  袁隆平的英語作文 18

  Yuan Longping (born September 7,1930) is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator,known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.His "hybrid rice" has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa,America,and Asia —providing a robust food source in high famine risk areas.

  Mr.Yuan won the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award of China in 2000,the Wolf Prize in agriculture, and the World Food Prize in 2004.He is currently is DirectorGeneral of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center andhas been appointed as Professor at Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha.He is a member of the Chinese Acade my of Engineering,foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences (2006) and the 2006 CPPCC.

  Mr.Yuan was born in Beijing,China.He loves playing Majong and the Erhu (Chinese violin),swimming and motorcycling.




  袁隆平的`英語作文 19

  When it comes to academician Yuan Longping, everyone is no stranger. He is the father of hybrid rice in China, the pioneer of hybrid rice research, the winner of the Medal of the Republic, and the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. The rice grains we eat are all varieties of rice invented by Academician Yuan Longping.

  It is he who has paid a lot for Chinese agriculture, so that we can get out of poverty; It was he who watched Chinas reform and opening up and gave people abundant food. As someone who works with rice every day, we expected him to be the kind of person who would be bent over the field with his trouser legs rolled up. But the real academician Yuan Longping subverts our imagination, he cultivates rice every day, and gradually forgets that he is an intellectual. His vitality and spirit are worthy of our study and admiration!

  When Yuan Longpings grandfather took the college entrance exam, he wanted to study agriculture, but his parents did not agree, and he said: "Teacher training is a major event, without farmers to farm, you can not survive." That convinced my parents. After four years of learning, he said a sentence that touched me: "Many people have ideas about studying agriculture, but I have never regretted studying agriculture!"

  Just a few days ago, Academician Yuan Longping left us, and our hearts hurt like a knife. Academician Yuan Longping is a real hero, we should learn from academicians! Hail the hero!





  袁隆平的英語作文 20

  Yuan Longping (born September 7,1930) is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator,known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.His "hybrid rice" has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa,America,and Asia —providing a robust food source in high famine risk areas.Mr.Yuan won the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award of China in 2000,the Wolf Prize in agriculture and the World Food Prize in 2004.He is currently is DirectorGeneral of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center and has been appointed as Professor at Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha.

  He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences (2006) and the 2006 CPPCC.Mr.Yuan was born in Beijing,China.He loves playing Majong and the Erhu (Chinese violin),swimming and motorcycling.



  袁隆平的英語作文 21

  I have a special admiration in my heart, and Im talking about this person. His profession and his person were probably small, because he was a farmer. But his actions show that he is very great, he is Grandpa Yuan Longping.

  Grandpa Yuan Longping is a person that none of us can forget.

  Because he Yuan Longping is also a person that every one of us can not forget. Because without him, we dont even have enough to eat, Grandpa Yuan Longping is not great, but also kind, even the country to Yuan Longping grandpa bonus. Grandpa Yuan Longping not only did not use it to eat, drink and wear, but used it to hybrid rice, so that our food to a higher level.

  Grandpa Yuan Longping. He is also an expert in hybrid rice, and he is also a recipient of the Medal of the Republic, but such an excellent person, but on May 22, 2021. In Changsha, Hunan died at the age of 91, that day was really sad.

  Although Grandpa Yuan Longping is gone, his soul has always accompanied us, and the rice bowl in our hands is the personal public of Grandpa Yuan Longping. As long as we do not waste a grain of rice in our hands, a bite of food, so that Grandpa Yuan Longping died there is something to eat. It does pay off, so from now on, we will not waste a single meal. No picky eaters, no meals.

  This is Yuan Longping overnight, a great selfless dedication of the people.







  袁隆平的英語作文 22

  May 22, 2021, is a dark day. Academician Yuan Longping, "the father of hybrid rice", died suddenly. He is a true cultivator. When he was a village teacher, he already had the courage to subvert the world authority; When he was famous all over the world, he still only focused on the field. Light fame and wealth, a farmer, sow wisdom, harvest wealth. His lifelong dream was to free everyone from hunger. Like to see the rice beans thousand heavy waves, the most is the wind Yuan Longping!

  Yuan has spent half his life working on hybrid rice to increase the yield of rice so that everyone in the world can eat. He had a dream, in the dream, the rice seedling grew as high as the sorghum, the rice ho was longer than the broom, the rice was as big as the peanuts, he would enjoy the cool under the rice ears. For 50 years, he changed the world one seed at a time, but left himself only one small wish - to enjoy the shade under the grass.

  When most of the elderly are enjoying their old age, the 90-year-old Yuan still personally went to the field to see the rice, rice let him spirit, even if tired, in seeing the success of their own rice technology, fatigue has long disappeared, only full of joy.

  You may be dead, but your soul lives on.





  袁隆平的英語作文 23

  Do you know who invented hybrid rice? Yes, it is him, "Yuan Longping".

  Grandpa Yuan dressed in plain, dark skin, loving smile makes people feel amiable at a glance, he smiled, wrinkles on his face, as if telling the traces of years, he looked at the rice in the field slowly squatting down, with rough hands stroking the mature rice, he said, "My biggest wish in this life is to let everyone get rid of hunger, so that the world can eat!"

  But unfortunately, Grandpa Yuan left quietly without saying goodbye to us. The news made me heartbroken. People all over the country have shed tears of sadness, I wish Grandpa Yuan could stay with us for a few more days, even if we are willing to accept an hour.

  I will never forget the three words "Yuan Longping", I will save food, do not waste food, take Grandpa Yuan as an example, study hard, grow up to contribute to the country.





  袁隆平的英語作文 24

  Today at school, we learned the deeds of Yuan Longpings grandfather. Known as the "Father of hybrid rice", Grandpa Yuan has been dealing with rice all his life. For the cause of hybrid rice, Grandpa Yuan has been committed to science as life for decades. At the beginning of his research, many people said that he was asking for trouble, and he answered candidly: "In order that everyone is no longer hungry, I am willing to eat this pain." The simple and difficult research conditions, the threat of a major earthquake for breeding in southern Yunnan, and the failure of thousands of experiments could not shake Grandpa Yuans determination to study hybrid rice. A strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and strong agriculture must first strengthen seed production.

  Grandpa Yuan knows this very well. It is because of his decades-long scientific research spirit that we can make delicious meals on the table late today, so we cant waste food!



  袁隆平的英語作文 25

  Who works hard in the fields? Who is busy working and making the field their home? Who saved the people from the food problem? All kinds of questions point to a great scholar - Yuan Longping.

  Grandpa Yuan Longping devoted his whole life to the national hybrid rice research work and always cared about the country and the people. His research achievements in hybrid rice have solved the food problem for China and even many countries. People in Pakistan praised Yuan as "the man who ended hunger", and he said in an interview that his original intention to study rice: "You young people have not experienced famine, do not know the importance of food, a grain of food can save a country, or it can trip a country."

  In the study of hybrid rice, Grandpa Yuan Longping went to Sanya Nanhong Farm every year for hybrid rice breeding and seed production, after numerous tests, finally in November 1970 successfully developed hybrid rice. Sadly, he died of organ failure at the age of 91, and we pay tribute to Grandpa Yuan Longping.

  "Busy life, ten thousand mu of rice flowers", Grandpa Yuan Longping, your life is devoted to the study of hybrid rice, even though it has been fruitful, but never stopped the pace of research. You are the hero in our hearts, we will remember you all our life, Grandpa Yuan Longping, you are the brightest star in the night sky!





  袁隆平的英語作文 26

  "At noon on the hoeing day, sweat drips down the soil. Who knows the dishes, every grain are hard." This poem reminds me of Grandpa Yuan Longping, "the father of hybrid rice in the world". When I heard that he had died of organ failure, I felt a great pain in my heart.

  In order to solve our food and clothing problems, Grandpa Yuan Longping has more than one-third of his life in the study of rice, think of here, he is so old, still contributing to the society, we have what reason not to study hard and contribute to the society?

  Yuan Longpings grandfather has two dreams in his life, one is a cool dream under the grass, he said: "I once dreamed of the hybrid rice, as high as sorghum, can enjoy the cool!" And that grain of rice is as big as peanuts." When I heard what he said, my tears flowed like waterfalls. His second dream is the hybrid rice covering the world dream, he also said: "I also had a dream, the rice ah, everywhere." Speaking of this dream, he smiled very brightly, but I smiled with tears. Happy because he is a hero in my heart, sad because he can always dream of that dream...

  Although Grandpa Yuan Longping is dead, he always lives in everyones heart, he is the hero of every one of us!





  袁隆平的英語作文 27

  Yuan Longping (September 7, 1930- May 22, 2021), male, Han nationality, born in Beijing, independent of political parties, from Dean County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province. Famous agricultural scientists at home and abroad, pioneers and leaders of Chinas hybrid rice industry, close friends of the CPC, outstanding representatives of non party figures, winners of the "Medal of the Republic", former vice chairman of the CPPCC Hunan Provincial Committee, former director of the National Hybrid Rice Engineering Technology Research Center, and academicians of the CAE Member, are known as the "father of hybrid rice".

  Yuan Longping is committed to the research, application, and promotion of hybrid rice technology. He invented the "three-line method" of indica hybrid rice, successfully developed the "two-line method" of hybrid rice, and created a super hybrid rice technology system. And proposed and implemented the "Three Crops, Four High Yields Project", utilizing the technological achievements of super hybrid rice, published 6 Chinese and English monographs, and published more than 60 papers.



  袁隆平的英語作文 28

  Grandpa Yuan Longping, he is the father of hybrid rice. Do you know that the rice we eat now is what Grandpa Yuan Longping came out of hard work. In addition to these, Grandpa Yuan Longping has two great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream. One is the dream of cooling under the grass, which probably means that the grass seedlings grow tall, high enough to cool, probably this meaning, and the other is the dream of hybrid rice covering the world, which is to let hybrid rice cover the world.

  Grandpa Yuan Longping is a person worthy of tribute in my life, we should learn from him, to think of the motherland. Yuan Longpings grandfathers wish in life was to grow rice, and when he was young, he convinced his parents to go to work in the fields. I got a certificate.

  But Yuan Longping grandpa has passed away this year, I miss him very much, I have only seen his photos, I think: if I can see him in person would be good.

  I will remember his appearance, his voice, his Chinese dream, and everything he has done for us, I have not forgotten, I also want to take over the red flag of the revolution, I want to make our food more.

  Yuan Longping, I want to salute you: thank you, I will not forget you.






  袁隆平的英語作文 29

  Yuan Longping (1930-2021), a native of Dean, Jiangxi Province, an academician of the CAE Member, a well-known agricultural scientist at home and abroad, the pioneer and leader of Chinas hybrid rice industry, the winner of the first National Highest Science and Technology Award, and the winner of the "Medal of the Republic", is known as the "Father of Hybrid Rice in the World".

  Dedicated to the research, promotion, and application of hybrid rice throughout his life, he invented the "three line method" indica hybrid rice, successfully developed the "two line method" hybrid rice, and created a super hybrid rice technology system, making outstanding contributions to Chinas food security, agricultural scientific development, and world food supply.



  袁隆平的'英語作文 30

  You have changed the world with a seed, and the social wealth you have created has only two words to describe it - priceless.

  You have been on the road of scientific research, you have solved the problem of food and clothing for 1.4 billion people in China, you have been to the International Rice Institute to carry out cooperative research and technical exchange meetings, you have been the first to carry out research on the utilization of rice hybridization in China.

  You are a weathered and thin old man, your black skin is the color kissed by the sun, the years have left a line of wrinkles on your face, hair has been rushed to the flow of time dyed white, you stride into the field, looking at the harvest of rice, face showing a happy smile, in the sunshine, it is so quiet. Your rough hands gently caressed the rice, and your eyes filled with joy.

  You are kind, lovely, honorable, you also have a funny soul, not to admit defeat. Your life is not in a few words can be told, even if you have not met but by its grace, heart and you are divided into close.

  You are a god who can really let us eat - Grandpa Yuan Longping.

  I want to tell you that I want to learn from your spirit of never giving up, optimistic and positive attitude, simple and noble character. When I grow up, I want to make contributions to my country like you.







  袁隆平的英語作文 31

  Yuan Longping is a respected scientist. He has a noble character, is indifferent to fame and fortune, and lives a simple life. Regardless of wind or rain, he works in the experimental field every day, with only one mind to benefit the entire people. Yuan Longping is a Chinese scientist worthy of respect from the world. His pioneering hybrid rice not only made outstanding contributions to Chinas food production and development, but also promoted over 30 million acres in some countries in Asia and Africa, making outstanding contributions to world food security and receiving praise from relevant United Nations organizations and many countries around the world. It is not accidental that Yuan Longping moved the world at this World Seed Conference. Yuan Longpings responsibility, breadth of mind, and contribution are like a mirror, reflecting the shining spiritual character of a citizen and a scientific worker.

  Its easy to imagine that Yuan Longping, who has such a big title and so many honors, if he wants to further accumulate wealth and truly value his "value", there is obviously no need to go through much trouble. Advertising or setting up a company with his bonus that can maximize profits are feasible methods.

  But Yuan Longping is already "satisfied" with his monthly salary of over 6000 yuan, and although he still has some "savings", he will wear a shirt worth 15 yuan, shoes worth over 100 yuan, and a watch worth 260 yuan... For such frugal "world-class scientists" and "technology stars", I dont know how many people who pursue overnight wealth, do everything for money, and spend money recklessly should feel ashamed of this! Not only that, Yuan Longping, who is almost eighty years old, has also taught a lesson to the increasingly utilitarian society. That is, by the age of 100, he also wants to stay in the field, solve the problem of food and development for more people, and achieve greater research results for humanity.

  So, should countless "young people" relative to the age of Yuan Longping take Yuan Longping as an example and strive for a more meaningful life instead of just considering a more "profitable" life?





  袁隆平的英語作文 32

  Mr. Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, left the land he had worked for all his life, but he also remained in our hearts forever.

  For children born today, the reason for hunger is still unknown. But for the older generation, they cherish food very much. They have experienced famine before, and when they were hungry, they also cooked tree bark to eat. Their appreciation for food has also been passed down from generation to generation through them.

  Mr. Yuan Longping once said, "The rice bowl of the Chinese people must be in their own hands." Although the food crisis has been lifted, China is also facing many new crises, with constant international conflicts and urgent breakthroughs in science and technology. Mr. Yuans words also apply to this new era. I have two dreams, one is the dream of enjoying the cool under the Hexia River, and the second is the dream of hybrid rice covering the world. For these two dreams, Yuan Longping devoted his life to the hybrid rice industry. As a great mother, he planted the seeds of hope in the hearts of a great man, and after many years, this seed filled the rice bowls of generations. As the rice was about to ripen, I remembered a letter Yuan Lao once wrote to his mother: Mom, the rice is ripe, I have come to see you. This time, their mother and son can reunite well. At this moment, the gentleman finally no longer needs to remember his mother in the letter. They have already reunited in another world. In the future, when the wind blows the rice waves, it must be the echo of the gentlemans soul.

  And the only thing we, those fortunate enough to live in the same era as our husband, those who have been blessed by his grace to fill their stomachs, can do is to eat well, eat three meals a day, and often remember Yuan Gong.













