

時間:2021-06-13 20:34:59 演講稿 我要投稿



  Hi. I'm here to talk to you about the importance of praise, admiration and thank you, and having it be specific and genuine.


  嗨。我在這里要和大家談?wù)?向別人表達贊美,傾佩和謝意的重要性。 并使它們聽來真誠,具體。

  And the way I got interested in this was, I noticed in myself, when I was growing up, and until about a few years ago, that I would want to say thank you to someone, I would want to praise them, I would want to take in their praise of me and I'd just stop it. And I asked myself, whyI felt shy, I felt embarrassed. And then my question became, am I the only one who does thisSo, I decided to investigate.

  之所以我對此感興趣 是因為我從我自己的成長中注意到 幾年前, 當我想要對某個人說聲謝謝時, 當我想要贊美他們時, 當我想接受他們對我的贊揚, 但我卻沒有說出口。 我問我自己,這是為什么? 我感到害羞,我感到尷尬。 接著我產(chǎn)生了一個問題 難道我是唯一一個這么做的人嗎? 所以我決定做些探究。

  I'm fortunate enough to work in the facility, so I get to see people who are facing life and death with addiction. And sometimes it comes down to something as simple as, their core wound is their father died without ever saying he's proud of them. But then, they hear from all the family and friends that the father told everybody else that he was proud of him, but he never told the son. It's because he didn't know that his son needed to hear it.

  我非常幸運的在一家康復(fù)中心工作, 所以我可以看到那些因為上癮而面臨生與死的人。 有時候這一切可以非常簡單地歸結(jié)為, 他們最核心的創(chuàng)傷來自于他們父親到死都未說過“他為他們而自豪”。 但他們從所有其它家庭或朋友那里得知 他的父親告訴其他人為他感到自豪, 但這個父親從沒告訴過他兒子。 因為他不知道他的兒子需要聽到這一切。

  So my question is, why don't we ask for the things that we needI know a gentleman, married for 25 years, who's longing to hear his wife say, "Thank you for being the breadwinner, so I can stay home with the kids," but won't ask. I know a woman who's good at this. She, once a week, meets with her husband and says, "I'd really like you to thank me for all these things I did in the house and with the kids." And he goes, "Oh, this is great, this is great." And praise really does have to be genuine, but she takes responsibility for that. And a friend of mine, April, who I've had since kindergarten, she thanks her children for doing their . And she said, "Why wouldn't I thank it, even though they're supposed to do it"

  因此我的問題是,為什么我們不索求我們需要的東西呢? 我認識一個結(jié)婚25年的男士 渴望聽到他妻子說, “感謝你為這個家在外賺錢,這樣我才能在家陪伴著孩子,” 但他從來不

  去問。 我認識一個精于此道的女士。 每周一次,她見到丈夫后會說, “我真的`希望你為我對這個家和孩子們付出的努力而感謝我! 他會應(yīng)和到“哦,真是太棒了,真是太棒了! 贊揚別人一定要真誠, 但她對贊美承擔了責任。 一個從我上幼兒園就一直是朋友的叫April的人, 她會感謝她的孩子們做了家務(wù)。 她說:“為什么我不表示感謝呢,即使他們本來就要做那些事情?”

  So, the question is, why was I blocking itWhy were other people blocking itWhy can I say, "I'll take my steak , I need size six shoes," but I won't say, "Would you praise me this way" And it's because I'm giving you critical data about me. I'm telling you where I'm insecure. I'm telling you where I need your help. And I'm treating you, my inner circle, like you're the enemy. Because what can you do with that dataYou could neglect me. You could abuse it. Or you could actually meet my need.

  因此我的問題是,為什么我不說呢? 為什么其它人不說呢? 為什么我能說:“我要一塊中等厚度的牛排, 我需要6號尺寸的鞋子,” 但我卻不能說:“你可以贊揚我嗎?” 因為這會使我把我的重要信息與你分享。 會讓我告訴了你我內(nèi)心的不安。 會讓你認為我需要你的幫助。 雖然你是我最貼心的人, 我卻把你當作是敵人。 你會用我托付給你的重要信息做些什么呢? 你可以忽視我。 你可以濫用它。 或者你可以滿足我的要求。

  And I took my bike into the bike store-- I love this -- same bike, and they'd do something called "truing" the wheels. The guy said, "You know, when you true the wheels, it's going to make the bike so much better." I get the same bike back, and they've taken all the little warps out of those same wheels I've had for two and a half years, and my bike is like new. So, I'm going to challenge all of you. I want you to true your wheels: be honest about the praise that you need to hear. What do you need to hearGo home to your wife -- go ask her, what does she needGo home to your husband -- what does he needGo home and ask those questions, and then help the people around you.

  我把我的自行車拿到車行--我喜歡這么做-- 同樣的自行車,他們會對車輪做整形。 那里的人說:“當你對車輪做整形時, 它會使自行車變成更好。” 我把這輛自行車拿回來, 他們把有小小彎曲的鐵絲從輪子上拿走 這輛車我用了2年半,現(xiàn)在還像新的一樣。 所以我要問在場的所有人, 我希望你們把你們的車輪整形一下: 真誠面對對你們想聽到的贊美。 你們想聽到什么呢? 回家問問你們的妻子,她想聽到什么? 回家問問你們的丈夫,他想聽到什么? 回家問問這些問題,并幫助身邊的人實現(xiàn)它們。

  And it's simple. And why should we care about thisWe talk about world peace. How can we have world peace with different cultures, different languagesI think it starts household by household, under the same roof. So, let's make it right in our own backyard. And I want to thank all of you in the audience for

  being great husbands, great mothers, friends, daughters, sons. And maybe somebody's never said that to you, but you've done a really, really good job. And thank you for being here, just showing up and changing the world with your ideas.

  非常簡單。 為什么要關(guān)心這個呢? 我們談?wù)撌澜绾推健?我們怎么用不同的文化,不同的語言來保持世界和平? 我想要從每個小家庭開始。 所以讓我們在家里就把這件事情做好。 我想要感謝所有在這里的人們 因為你們是好丈夫,好母親, 好伙伴,好女兒和好兒子。 或許有些人從沒跟你們說過 但你們已經(jīng)做得非常非常得出色了。

  界顯示著你們的智慧,并用它們改變著世界。 感謝你們來到這里, 向世






  I was appreciated by Edward Wilson’s on biological diversity. He introduce the biological diversity and wish we could build up the Encyclopedia of Life to preserve lift. That’s also my wish. We all know that many species disappear every years and Human-forced climate change alone again, if unabated could eliminate a quarter of surviving species during the next five decades. In normal, one specie would turn into a different form or disappear on the earth finally, but it may take a long time. However it become faster because of the environment pollution.

  What I want to say is that biological diversity is a valuable wealth of all human beings and provide a good environment for the survival of mankind. It is the foundation of human society's survival and development. At the same time, people rely on the ecological system to purify air, water, etc.

  All nature Creatures are interdependent and mutually restricted. The vast of one specie indicates that many species are about to die, but we could do nothing. Now it’s time for us to do something, not only the Encyclopedia of Life, just all what we can do. To search for life, to understand it and finally, above all, to preserve it.


  How people achieve their dreams

  When we think about the dreams we have, and the dent we want to leave in the universe.it is striking to see how big of an overlap there is.between the dreams that we have and projects that never happen.so I’m here to talk you today about five ways how not to follow your dreams.

  One :Believe in overnight success.you know the story, rightThe tech guy built a mobie app and sold it very fast for a lot of money.You know ,the story may seem real,but I bet it’s incomplete.If you go investigate further,the guy has done 30 apps before,and he has done a master’s on the topic,a Ph.D.He has been working on the topic for 20 years.your overnight success story is always a result of everything you’ve done in your life through that moment.

  Two:Believe someone else has the answers for you.Constantly,people want to help out,rightAll sort of people:your family ,your friends,your business partners,they all have opinions on which path you should take.And let me tell you,go through this pipe.But whenever you go inside,there are other ways you have to pick as well.And you need to make those decisions yourself.No one else has the perfect answers for your life.And you need to keep picking those decisions,rightThe pipes are infinite and you’re going to bump your head,and it’s a part of the process.

  Three,and it’s very subtle but very important:Decide to settle when growth is guaranteed.So your life is going great,you have put together a great team,and you have growing revenue,and everything is set,time to settle.Even if I did little, sales would be okay. But okay is never okay. When you’re growing towards a peak, you need to work harder than ever and find yourself another peak.Maybe if I did little, a couple hundred thousand people would read it, and that’s great already. But if I work harder than ever, I can bring this number up to millions. And I can already see a higher peak.there’s no time to settle down.

  Fourth tip, and that’s really important:Believe the fault is someone else’s. I constantly see people saying, “yes, I had this great idea, but no investor had the vision to invest.” “oh, I created this great product, but the market is so bad,the sales didn’t go well.” Or, I can’t find good talent;my team is so below expectations.” If you have dreams, it’s your responsibility to make them happen. Yes ,it may be hard to find talent. Yes the market may be bad. But if no one invested in your idea,if no one bought your product, for sure,there is something that is your fault. You need to get your dreams and make them happen. And no one achieved their goals alone. But if you didn’t make them happen, it’s your fault and no one else’s. be responsible for your dreams.

  And one last tip, and this one is really important as well: Believe that the only things that matter are the dreams themselves. Once I saw an ad , and it was a lot of friends , they were going up a mountain, it was a very high mountain, and it was a lot of work. You could see that they were sweating and this was tough. And they were going up, and they finally made it to the peak. Of course, they decided to celebrate, rightI’m going to celebrate, “yes we made it ,we’re at the top!” two seconds later, one looks at the other and says, “okay let’s go down.” Life is never about the goals themselves. Life is about the journey. Yes, you should enjoy the goals themselves, but people think that you have dreams, and whenever you get to reaching one of those dreams, it’s magical place

  where happiness will be all around. But achieving a dream is a momentary sensation, and you life is not. The only way to really achieve all of your dreams is to fully enjoy step of your journey. That’s the best way. And your journey is simple it’s made of step. Some steps will be right on. Sometimes you will trip. If it’s right on, celebrate, because some people wait a lot to celebrate. And if you tripped, turn that into something to learn. If every step becomes something to learn or something to celebrate, you will for sure enjoy the journey.

  Believe me, if you do that, you will destroy your dreams.









