- 相關(guān)推薦
In spring,the mother pig took the little pig LuLu to the foot of the mountain.They planted some watermelon.
When summer came,there were many big round watermelons in the field.
One day,the sun was burning like a fire,it was terribly hot on the ground.The mother pig said to the little pig:"Lulu,go to the field to pick a watermelon back,ok?" Lulu said happily:"Ok! No problem."
Then he ran to the watermelon field.When he got to the field,he was happy to find so many big green watermelons.He chose one of the biggest watermelon and picked it from the vine.Then he held it with his hands trying to lift is on his shoulder to carry it home.
"Wow!Its so heavy!" Lulu tried several times,but he failed.And he was socked with sweat.He wiped his sweat off and decided to have a rest.
Suddenly he saw the monkey Pipi.He was playing with a hoop.Lulu patted his head and said:"Ive got it." He thought,the round hoop can roll,the watermelon round too,then it can roll too.He then put the big melon on the ground and rolled it forward quickly.
At last he got home with the watermelon.The mother pig knew the story,she exclaimed:"My child,youre really clever!"
有一天,太陽光火辣辣地照著大地,天啊,可熱了。豬媽媽對小豬說:“嚕嚕,你到咱們的地里摘個大西瓜回來解解渴吧!”小豬嚕嚕高興地說:“好吧!”說完就往西瓜地里跑。到了地里一看。呵,到處躺著大西瓜,水靈靈的,真惹人喜愛!嚕嚕挑了個最大的摘了下來。它雙手摟著西瓜,想抱起來放在肩上扛回家。“喲,好重呀!”嚕嚕試著抱了幾次都沒有抱起來,還累得滿頭大汗。 它直起身來,擦了擦臉上的汗水想休息一下,再去試試抱西瓜。突然,它看到小猴皮皮在山下邊的馬路上滾鐵環(huán)玩呢。小豬嚕嚕一拍后腦勺高興地說:“有了,我有辦法了!笔裁崔k法呢?小豬嚕嚕心想:鐵環(huán)是圓的,可以滾動。西瓜也是圓的,不也可以滾動嗎?想到這兒啊,小豬嚕嚕顧不上休息,把大西瓜放在地上。咕嚕嚕,咕嚕嚕地向前滾,一直把西瓜滾到家里。
She was awakened by a shock,so sudden and severe that if Dorothy had not been lying on the soft bed she might have been hurt.As it was,the jar made her catch her breath and wonder what had happened; and dog Toto put his cold little nose into her face and whined sadly.Dorothy sat up and noticed that the house was not moving; nor was it dark,for the bright sunshine came in at the window,flooding the little room.She sprang from her bed and with Toto at her heels ran and opened the door.
多蘿茜被一陣突如比來的劇烈的震動驚醒,如果她沒有躺在柔軟的床上,她可能會受傷的。震動使她屏住呼吸,尋思著發(fā)生的事;小狗托托把它冰冷的小鼻子放到她的臉上,凄慘地哀叫著。多蘿茜坐起來,發(fā)現(xiàn)房子不動了,天也不黑了,明亮的陽光從窗口照進來,照滿了小屋。她從床上一躍而起,跑過去開門,托托跟在 她腳邊。
The little girl gave a cry of amazement and looked about her,her eyes growing bigger and bigger at the wonderful sights she saw.
The cyclone had set the house down very gently in the midst of a country of great beauty.There were lovely patches of greensward all about,with stately trees bearing rich fruits.Banks of attractive flowers were on every hand,and birds with rare and brilliant plumage sang and fluttered in the trees and bushes.A little way off was a small brook,rushing and sparkling along between green banks,and murmuring in a voice very grateful to a little girl who had lived so long on the dry,gray prairies.
旋風(fēng)極為輕盈地把房子降落在一個風(fēng)景秀麗的國家的中央。到處是一塊一塊的綠草地,莊嚴(yán)的樹木結(jié)著豐饒?zhí)鹈赖墓麑。斜坡上遍布若迷人的鮮花,鳥兒們披著軍見的亮麗的羽毛.在樹木和灌木叢間歌唱飛舞。不遠處是一條小溪,沿著綠色的'堤岸奔流不息,熠熠發(fā)光,發(fā)出潺潺的流水聲,這對于一個在干旱的灰色草原上 住了很久的小女孩來說實在太令人愉快了。
While she stood looking eagerly at the strange and beautiful sights,she noticed coming toward her a group of the queerest people she had ever seen.They were not as big as the grown folk she had always been used to; but neither were they very small.In fact,they seemed about as tall as Dorothy,who was a well-grown child for her age,although they were,so far as looks go,many years older.
當(dāng)她站在那里,急切地注視著這些奇特美麗的景觀時,她注意到一群人向她走來,這是她見過的最奇異的人。他們沒有她看慣了的成人那么高大,但他們也并 不是非常矮小。事實上,他們似乎和多蘿茜一樣高,按照年齡來講,多蘿茜算是一個長得很高的孩子。從外貌來看,這群人比她大許多。
Three were men and one a woman,and all were oddly dressed.They wore round hats that rose to a small point a foot above their heads,with little bells around the brims that tinkled sweetly as they moved.The hats of the men were blue; the little womans hat was white,and she wore a white gown that hung in pleats from her shoulders.Over it were sprinkled little stars that glistened in the sun like diamonds.The men were dressed in blue,of the same shade as their hats,and wore well-polished boots.The men,Dorothy thought,were about as old as Uncle Henry,for two of them had beards.But the little woman was doubtless much older.Her face was covered with wrinkles,her hair was nearly white,and she walked rather stiffly.
他們當(dāng)中有三名男子和一名婦女,全都穿著古怪。他們戴著圓帽子,帽子離頭有一英尺高,中間聳起一個小小的尖頂,帽檐四周拄著小鈴鐺,他們一動,鈴鐺就發(fā)出悅耳的叮鈴聲。男人們的帽子是藍色的,女人的帽子呈白色,她穿著一件帶褶的白色袍子,從肩膀上垂下來,上面閃耀著小星星,在陽光下像鉆石般耀眼。 男人們身著藍色衣裳,色調(diào)和帽子一致,腳穿擦得亮閃閃的靴子。多蘿茜想,他們和亨利叔叔年紀(jì)差不多,因為其中兩個長著胡須。但婦人無疑就大多了,她滿臉皺紋,頭發(fā)幾乎全白,走起路來相當(dāng)僵硬。
When these people drew near the house where Dorothy was standing in the doorway,they paused and whispered among themselves,as if afraid to come farther.But the little old woman walked up to Dorothy,made a low bow and said,in a sweet voice:
"You are welcome,most noble Sorceress,to the land of Munchkins.We are so grateful to you for having killed the Wicked Witch of the East,and for setting our people free from bondage."
Dorothy listened to this speech with wonder.What could the little woman possibly mean by calling her a sorceress,and saying she had killed the Wicked Witch of the East? Dorothy was an innocent,harmless little girl,who had been carried by a cyclone many miles from home; and she had never killed anything in all her life.
But the little woman evidently expected her to answer; so Dorothy said,with hesitation,"You are very kind,but there must be some mistake.I have not killed anything."
"Your house did,anyway," replied the little old woman,with a laugh,"and that is the same thing.See!" she continued,pointing to the corner of the house."Them are her two feet,still sticking out from under a block of wood."
Dorothy looked,and gave a little cry of fright.There,indeed,just under the corner of the great beam the house rested on,two feet were sticking out,shod in silver ,shoes with pointed toes.
Chicken and duck are playing outside.Xiaoya falls into a small pit.However,the pit is too deep.No matter how it jumps up,it cant jump out of the pit.Its worried.When the chicken saw the duckling trapped in the small pit,it thought for a while and said,Ill go back,and Ill come back right away.When he came back,he had a bucket in his hand.He went to the neighborhood and beat buckets of water and poured it into a small pit.The water in the pit gradually filled up and the duckling was saved.
I have a beautiful fairy tale book.The name of this fairy tale book is the story of the princess.This book is purple.There are four beautiful princesses on the cover.They are snow white,Princess Ariel,Princess Molly and Princess Belle.This book is about some kind princesses.I want to read this story book happily.
My father is very busy on work everyday.He leaves home every morning before I get up.And then he will have a whole day work.Sometimes he doesnt have time to have dinner with me.But every night he will tell Fairy Tales for me before I fall asleep.He never stopped doing this.So,on the bookshelf of my room,there are many Fairy Tales books and most of them are not new.Every night reading time is the happy time for my father and me.
Since I was a little baby,my parents read simple stories for me.
They bought me many cartoon books with stories.They were my bedtime stories.
Among all the interesting stories,I like fairy tales most,because they are often beautiful love stories between prince and princes or Cinderella.
They are so moved and full of love.Besides,in fairy tales,no matter how much they suffer,they will always live a happy life in the end.The happy endings bring hope and satisfaction to people,making us hopeful to our own lives.Every time I read fairy tales,I put myself into the story,imagining I am one of them.Thats wonderful.
AN antand aLollypop.
One day,an ant went out and found a lollypop.Itlooked at the lollypop for a while,and then it ran back to his home to telleverybody the big news.Soon,lots of ants ran down the road to take thelollypop home.
But some flies flew on the lollypop,they grabbed the stick,and they took the lollypop and the ants up into the air! The flies want to takethe lollypop to their home,but the ants grabbed it very tight,so the lollypop(only the candy on the stick,not the stick) felled down,and crashed into lots of tiny pieces.So,each of the ants and flies took one piece home.
A little black spider took away the lollypops stick,and what did it get for? A swing made of the lollypops stick!
Shakespeare said,"books are the nourishment of the world." During the winter vacation,"Andersens fairy tales" let me absorb a lot of nutrients and accompany me to thrive.
In the fairy tale,I met the daughter of the sea who risked her life to save others and let the prince get happiness; Admire the brave,firm,optimistic and cheerful little tin soldier.No matter what difficulties he encountered,he didnt defeat him.He still needs to be a firm tin soldier; Also deeply sorry for the tragic fate of the little match girl,and even couldnt help but want to help her in the fairy tale world and loudly tell people to be kind; In the book,I also know the generous and smart soldier in the lighter box.He got everything he wanted with wisdom and kindness,and also helped the poor people.
These beautiful fairy tales let me understand what is sacrificing oneself to save others,what is the kindness of dripping water when the spring returns,and what is insatiable greed and self eating evil consequences...Each story in Andersens fairy tales is a kind of moral,which teaches us the truth of being a man.
"If there are not many beautiful fairy tales in childhood,there will be a lack of the most transparent happiness and fantasy in life; if there are not many classic stories in childhood,there will be a lack of the most essential purity and happiness in life." Lets go to fairy tales to find the pure truth,goodness and beauty!
After reading Andersens fairy tales,I couldnt help thinking.
Among the works written by Andersen,I was most moved by the ugly duckling.The story takes place in early spring.The duck mothers are busy hatching eggs.The ugly ducklings mother is no exception.After three,seven,twenty-one days of incubation,the ducklings were finally born.They are all beautiful,lovely and clever.But the ugly duckling is very ugly.His companions called him "ugly duckling".Because they are ugly,they are often scolded and discriminated against by other animals.Even his brothers and sisters didnt show him a good face.The ugly duckling had no choice but to leave this sad place.After leaving home,he experienced countless difficulties and setbacks,and finally became a white swan from an "ugly duckling".
I seem to have read about the hardships of the ugly ducklings efforts to seek recognition.Hans Christian Andersen is a Danish,and his life is full of ups and downs.The story of the ugly duckling turning into a white swan is actually about himself.
The little match girl,the daughter of the sea,the emperors new clothes...In these countless stories,I understand countless truth.
The book "Andersens Fairy Tales" brought me into a dreamy world and made me gain a lot."Ugly Duckling" It was born,because it looks very ugly,others laughed at it,looked down upon it,it suffered and suffered,but its own efforts finally flew into a beautiful swan.The story of the ugly duckling tells us the truth,no matter what you do,you must not be afraid to endure hardships and persevere in order to achieve success.Although I am not smart,I believe that if I work like an ugly duckling,one day I will become a little girl who sells matches."It is about a poor little girl who sells matches in the cold.She did nt sell a match all day,did nt earn a penny,and was cold and hungry.She lit the match and saw the stove,roast goose,beautiful Christmas tree,and finally flew to the sky with her grandmother in fantasy ...Little girl The frozen picture made me burst into tears.Compared with the little girl,I lived really happy.I have delicious food,beautiful clothes,cute toys,beautiful campuses,parents love,but I do nt understand Cherish.If a match girl comes to my house,I will take good care of her and let her enjoy the warmth of the family like me.There are also articles in fairy tales,some of which describe the beautiful qualities of the characters,and some show the innocence of friendship ...The book "Andersens Fairy Tales" made me understand that there are sweets and bitters in life,and I learned how to cherish life.I like "Andersens Fairy Tales".
In China,there are millions of people learning English e to difficulties.Today,I want to introduce some good ways for English learning.
Firstly,fall in love with English.There is a good saying that interest is the best teacher.As long as you love something,we would like to figure it out deeply.So does English.Once you development your interest in English,you definitely will want to learn it by heart no matter how many difficulties you meet.Your interest is the biggest motivation to learn,which will force you to find some effective ways to learn.
Secondly,make a good plan for your study and practice it strictly.Learning is a long and tough journey that needs patience as well as methods.A good plan is one of the most effective methods.Learning schedule,content,step,target and so on are included in a plan.Besides,you should pay attention to the mistakes you make.In your plan,you should set sometime aside to correct the mistakes you make and make sure that you would never make such mistakes again.
Finally,make good use of all materials you can get.Nowadays,there are plenty of materials for us to learn English,such as newspaper,magazine,radio,TV,the internet and many other media.They contain almost all information in the world.We can get news as well as knowledge when we use them.Besides,the knowledge we get in the class is far more enough,so that its necessary for us to broaden our knowledge after class by using various learning materials.