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  幼兒園英語顏色說課稿 1

  First, teaching materials and design ideas

  The color is very familiar to us, the color throughout every corner of the world, it can be said that we live in a world full of color, no color of all things, our life will be dim and dark color, make the world beautiful color, also beautify the hearts of children in our lives and we live in the world is not no color.

  When the children playing blocks, they often put it down, whenever the building blocks of riotous with colour children ate meal nutrition in kindergarten, they will go home to mom and dad said: "the kindergarten meal really beautiful, delicious", when the children finished a painting, they will have a special the satisfaction of their work, it is because of the color of the charm.

  The "Outline" pointed out: "education activities should be suitable for children at this level, but also has some challenges; not only meet the practical needs of children, but also conducive to the long-term development of things; and both close to the lives of young children to select childrens interest, but also conducive to the development of childrens experience and view." So I designed this event to "know color - red and yellow green".

  Two. Talking about the target of activity

  The goal of activities is the starting point and destination of educational activities, which plays a guiding role in the activities. According to the age characteristics and actual situation of small class children, I set the activity target as the following three aspects.

  1, understand the goal: recognize, distinguish red, yellow, green, in the activity to find out the corresponding color.

  2, ability objective: to develop childrens observation, memory and imagination.

  3, emotional goal: to experience the joy of the teacher and the companion game, so as to stimulate the childs desire for knowledge.

  Three. Preparation for activity preparation

  For in order to complete the goal of service activities, activities and activities must be ready to adapt to the target, so I can do the material preparation: red, yellow, green box, cards, old newspapers and the layout of the environment, but also consider the children have contact with the color of life experience.

  The focus of this activity is to make children know and distinguish red, yellow and green; the difficulty is to find the color that corresponds to it in the activity.

  Four. Talking about the process of activity

  According to the content of the teaching material and the ability of the children to accept, I divide the teaching process into three parts.

  (1) understanding of color

  The event began, I take "the mysterious box" to introduce the activities to attract childrens attention, when the first red box show in front of children, so I can not open the form, to guide children to say: "red box red box open, use the same method to guide the children to say:" the green box green box fast open the "yellow box" yellow box open ", to strengthen childrens understanding of color. When three sun babies are found in the last box, red, yellow and green, do they guide children to find the color of the body? Tell me what youve seen in this color. Here, I create a very relaxed language environment for children, so that every child wants to speak, dare to speak and organically say, in developing childrens interest in color, at the same time, developing childrens oral English.

  (two) looking for color

  In this part I designed a "Sun baby" of the game, I will be the sun baby anthropomorphic into a short story, inspire children to find the sun babys interest, in order to let the children can experience the pleasure of looking for the sun baby, I arranged a big garden, let the children in this enjoyable environment to perception, to find, when children find the sun baby, to guide children to say the sun baby color, to help children of the sun baby stick in the body.

  In this part, I have always been the helper and guider of childrens development, and let children understand and understand the color further through finding and looking for children in games.

  (three) looking for the corresponding color

  This part is the difficulty of this activity, in order to break through the difficulty, I designed a "wolf" of the game, just for admission only two months of small children, to stop the music of the moment, and quickly find themselves, big sun baby of the same color, there is a certain degree of difficulty, therefore, I pay attention to childrens individual differences. In the game I prepare for each child a piece of old newspapers, old newspapers were painted round red, yellow and green three colors, the weak ability of children, timid children, I will go to help them find problems, solve problems; the ability of the child, I encouraged him to bravely to find the great circle corresponding to their color, so that every child has the pleasure of success.

  Five. Teaching method

  In the course of the whole course of teaching, I used the teaching methods, such as the telling method, the game method, the enlightening association method and so on. Make the whole teaching activity combined, let the young children learn in a relaxed and happy environment, and make fun of them.

  Six, learning method

  In the teaching activities, I let the children know and distinguish red, yellow and green by guiding, observing, telling and playing. And try to create a relaxed atmosphere of learning to encourage young children to find out the corresponding color. Cultivate and develop childrens expressiveness and discernment.

  Seven. Extension activities

  Let the children use the method after painting in the art area, each area to make different colors of signs; placing a variety of colors in the puzzle area items, let the children in accordance with the classification of color

  幼兒園英語顏色說課稿 2


  《What colour do you like? I like blue》






  理解“What colour do you like? I like blue.”這個句型的意思,并能在生活中運用。






  Step1 Greetings(問好)

  T:Hello babies.

  C:Hello Miss Huang.

  Step2 Warming up(熱身運動)

  T:Ye Let’s begin our class. Are you ready?

  T:First ,let’s read a chant. “Shake” Stand up .Ready? Go!

  Step3 Rrvision(復習)出示神奇的五彩盒

  (1)小朋友們,Miss Huang要告訴大家一個壞消息。上次,光線寶寶們偷偷溜出來玩,回去以后,就被太陽公公關(guān)到了這個五彩盒里,他們可難受了(手托著五彩盒),想請小朋友把他們救出來。你們愿意嗎?好,Miss Huang 來告訴你們方法。如果你們想救藍寶寶,就大聲喊:blue blue 快出來。這樣blue 就會被救出來啦。OK?

  (2)一起把 chant 讀一讀。Follow me!(師指著磁板上的各種光線寶寶有節(jié)奏地帶讀)

  Step 4 Telling a story (講故事《神奇的色彩國》)

  T:哇,小朋友太棒啦,所以Miss Huang決定要帶大家去一個好玩的地方,它就是——神奇的色彩國。

  通過創(chuàng)設(shè)神奇的色彩國里的'仙女姐姐姐幫助小鳥、小山羊和小猴子變成它們各自喜歡的顏色這樣一個情境,讓幼兒在這樣的情境中感知、學習“What colour do you like? I like blue.”這個句型。

  Step 5 Practice(練習,操練)

  (1)復習“What colour do you like?”

  (2)復習“I like……”


  仙女姐姐準備下個星期在神奇的色彩王國里開個森林舞會。你們想?yún)⒓訂?那就得記住今天學的魔法英語,我們再來把仙女姐姐和小動物說的魔法英語大聲讀讀吧!Follow me!

  幼兒園英語顏色說課稿 3






  小貓木偶 彩色樹葉若干,彩色魚若干,魚桿人手一把。



  1、Hello boy and girls

  2、Can you introuduce youself?

  3、Now , I’ll throw thi boll the perso who catch the boll stand u and tell u your english name .


  1、Today We’ll lear the colour.

  “呼 呼 呼”,北風爺爺來了,他帶來了許多樹葉,我們來找找都有什么顏色的樹葉啊/




  2、在我們把所有樹葉都放到MI SUN的籮筐里來,每個樹葉拿上來的時候我們一起把他的'顏色來說3遍。OK ONE BY ONE !我們請有樹葉的小朋友一個接一個的上來吧。COME ON!

  3、“MI SUN 還請來了一個小客人?纯凑l來了”。


  “那我?guī)銈內(nèi)ィ驮谇懊娴男『永。不過你們得說出它們的顏色,是RED YELLOW BLUE ,才可以帶走。記住每人只能釣一條。”





  幼兒園英語顏色說課稿 4














  2、Who wants to try? ----- Let me try!反復大聲練習幾次

  3、u dow Stand up ! Sit down!反復操練幾次后學習兒歌

  Left,left,right,right,up and dow

  Left,left,right,right,turning around;


  Left,left,right,right,we are strong.


  Hello,hi,how are you手偶模仿

  表演:Hello,hello,how are you? Fine,fine,fine,thank you

  Hello,hello,how are you ? Oh,oh,just so so.

  Hello,hello,how are you ? No,no,I’m terrible.


  red yellow blue gree


  2、小游戲:將卡片放在地上,讓兩個學生根據(jù)老師說出的單詞,以最快速度拍擊相應(yīng)的顏色卡片,并大聲讀出來.,勝者發(fā)小獎品.,玩兩到三組,不能決出勝負者用rock paper sci ors

  3、老師提問:What color is it?幼兒回答:It’s … (回答時擊打卡片.one by one)


  Are you sleeping?

  Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?

  Brother John? Brother John?

  Morning bells are ringing,morning bells are ringing,ding,ding dong,ding,ding dong.










