

時間:2021-06-15 18:46:33 詩歌 我要投稿


  Address to the Haggis


  By Robert Burns

  (Translation into standard English)

  Fair is your honest happy face

  Great chieftain of the pudding race

  Above them all you take your place

  Stomach, tripe or guts

  Well are you worthy of a grace

  As long as my arm

  The groaning platter there you fill

  Your buttocks like a distant hill

  Your skewer would help to repair a mill

  In time of need

  While through your pores the juices emerge

  Like amber beads

  His knife having seen hard labour wipes

  And cuts you up with great skill

  Digging into your gushing insides bright

  Like any ditch

  And then oh what a glorious sight

  Warm steaming, rich

  Then spoon for spoon

  They stretch and strive

  Devil take the last man, on they drive

  Until all their well swollen bellies

  Are bent like drums

  Then, the old gent most likely to rift (burp)

  Be thanked, mumbles

  Is there that over his French Ragout

  Or olio that would sicken a pig

  Or fricassee would make her vomit

  With perfect disgust

  Looks down with a sneering scornful opinion

  On such a dinner

  Poor devil, see him over his trash

  As week as a withered rush (reed)

  His spindle-shank a good whiplash

  His clenched fist…the size of a nut.

  Through a bloody flood and battle field to dash

  Oh how unfit

  But take note of the strong haggis fed Scot

  The trembling earth resounds his tread

  Clasped in his large fist a blade

  He'll make it whistle

  And legs and arms and heads he will cut off

  Like the tops of thistles

  You powers who make mankind your care

  And dish them out their meals

  Old Scotland wants no watery food

  That splashes in dishes

  But if you wish her grateful prayer

  Give her a haggis!


  羅伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)是蘇格蘭人的驕傲,很多中國人都熟悉的《友誼地久天長》歌詞被認為是他的不朽之作。每年1月25日,在紀念他誕辰的彭斯之夜(Burns Night)晚宴上,這首詩歌頌的Haggis(即羊雜碎小肚或羊雜布丁,或音譯為哈吉斯、哈革斯)一定是主菜之一。












