



標簽:英語作文 時間:2022-10-14
【ruiwen.com - 英語作文】



  Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a holiday celebrated in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November.

  It has officially been an annual tradition since 1863, when, during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be celebrated on Thursday, November 26. As a federal and popular holiday in the U.S., Thanksgiving is one of the major holidays of the year.

  Together with Christmas and the New Year, Thanksgiving is a part of the broader holiday season.


標簽:感恩節(jié) 時間:2022-10-13
【ruiwen.com - 感恩節(jié)】


  寫感恩節(jié)的英語作文 篇1

  Today is Thanksgiving Day, I decided to give my mom a foot

  Night, I finished my homework, the mother is watching TV, said: "Mom, you come to the bathroom to look!" Mother puzzled and asked: "What thing, why should the bathroom say?" I pointed to the stool, said: You please sit! "Mom looked puzzled to sit down. I poured some hot water in the foot basin, and then squatted down and said: "Please lift your feet!" I gave my mother off the shoes and socks, my mother did not understand what I sold in the gourd.


標簽:節(jié)日類英語作文 時間:2022-10-09
【ruiwen.com - 節(jié)日類英語作文】


  感恩節(jié)的英語作文 篇1

  Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November. Americans eat on Thanksgiving Day is always a special dinner, they will eat roast Turkey and pumpkin pie.

  First of all, we would like to thank our parents. They gave us life, food and clothes... So we would like to thank them. We want to give them poured a glass of water, help them wash their clothes, wash dishes, sweep the floor... Make a card for them, give them a surprise...

  On Thanksgiving Day we'll be grateful!

初中英語作文:感恩節(jié) Thanksgiving Day(通用22篇)

標簽:其他類英語作文 時間:2022-09-06
【ruiwen.com - 其他類英語作文】

  在平日的學(xué)習(xí)、工作和生活里,許多人都有過寫作文的經(jīng)歷,對作文都不陌生吧,作文是人們以書面形式表情達意的言語活動。那么你知道一篇好的作文該怎么寫嗎?下面是小編收集整理的初中英語作文:感恩節(jié) Thanksgiving Day,僅供參考,大家一起來看看吧。

  初中英語作文:感恩節(jié) Thanksgiving Day 篇1

  Thanksgiving DayAmericans look forward to the last Thursday in November every year.It is one of the greatest holidays in the U.S.:Thanksgiving Day.The first Thanksgiving Day was held in Massachusetts in 1621.After a year of great hardship,the first English settlers wanted to thank God for giving them their first summer crops.They invited their Indian friends to join them in a big feast.

  In 1863 President Lincoln made this day a national holiday so as to unify the people.From then on,Thanksgiving Day became one of the greatest American holidays.Today the holiday is a day of family reunion.On this special day Americans always have the traditional dinner of turkey,sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie.Often friends are invited to this big meal.


標簽:感恩節(jié) 時間:2022-03-15
【ruiwen.com - 感恩節(jié)】



  Thanksgiving is a day when people send loving messages and warm wishes to their relatives, colleagues at work place, superiors and subordinates, near and dear ones. It is a day of conveying their feelings through Thanksgiving cards.



  Thanksgiving is a time to decorate homes with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers. People beautify their homes, give the interiors a whole new look and feel. They light lamps to brighten the environment. Tables are adorned with best china and antique silver cutlery to mark the occasion.


標簽:其他類英語作文 時間:2022-01-18
【ruiwen.com - 其他類英語作文】










標簽:感恩節(jié) 時間:2022-01-18
【ruiwen.com - 感恩節(jié)】



  We are supposed to express our gratitude to others on Thanksgiving Day。 However,we should feel gratitude every day。

  God has two dwellings,one in heaven,and the other in a meek and thankful heart。 Be grateful to others is a way to show your love。 In our daily life,we often receive help from our parents,friends,colleagues and strangers。 Perhaps it is a little thing,pick up the pen you drop,lift a heavy box for you or offer you a seat in the bus。 We should be thankful to them for whatever they have done。 The more love you give,the more love you receive。


標簽:感恩節(jié) 時間:2022-01-17
【ruiwen.com - 感恩節(jié)】


  Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.

  In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.

  During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of[1] starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.

高中英語作文|感恩節(jié) Thanksgiving Day

標簽:高中作文 時間:2022-01-12
【ruiwen.com - 高中作文】

  無論是身處學(xué)校還是步入社會,大家都寫過作文吧,作文是人們把記憶中所存儲的有關(guān)知識、經(jīng)驗和思想用書面形式表達出來的記敘方式。你所見過的作文是什么樣的'呢?下面是小編幫大家整理的高中英語作文|感恩節(jié) Thanksgiving Day,希望能夠幫助到大家。

  Thanksgiving Day


  Thanksgiving Day is coming soon, it is on the fourth Thursday in December.


  Thanksgiving Day is very popular in western country, on that day, people will make a big turkey to eat.


  The day is to in honor of Indian people's great kindness.


  A long time ago, some puritans took the boat May Flower to Americafor freedom, but they suffered from starvation and illness, the Indian people helped them, gave them food and treat them.

高中英語作文|Thanksgiving Day 感恩節(jié)

標簽:感恩節(jié) 時間:2022-01-12
【ruiwen.com - 感恩節(jié)】

  在學(xué)習(xí)、工作乃至生活中,大家都寫過作文吧,作文一定要做到主題集中,圍繞同一主題作深入闡述,切忌東拉西扯,主題渙散甚至無主題。相信寫作文是一個讓許多人都頭痛的問題,以下是小編收集整理的高中英語作文|Thanksgiving Day 感恩節(jié),供大家參考借鑒,希望可以幫助到有需要的朋友。

  Thanksgiving Day is one of the most important festivals in America. It’s most closely connected to the earliest history of the country.


  The dinner of Thanksgiving Day is totally a feast, because it’s a day to celebrate and give thanks to the blessing of harvest.


  A roast turkey is essential. It is usually stuffed with bread and vegetable to absorb the tasty juices.
