

時間:2022-08-19 14:30:17 簽名 我要投稿




  唯美的女生英文微信個性簽名 篇1

  1、I left because you never asked me to stay. 我離開是因為你從未叫我留下。

  2、So what if we fall down? At least we are still young. 摔倒了又怎樣,至少我們還年輕。

  3、There are something wrong with my head,so i love you.我的腦子有問題,所以我愛你。

  4、He does not even know I exist. 他甚至,都不知道我的存在。

  5、Life is funny if you know how to laugh at it 【若懂得笑看人生,生活其實很有趣!

  6、沒經(jīng)歷過才笑別人的疤 Never had to laugh at other people.

  7、I love you is always a secret 我愛你 一直都是個秘密

  8、Do not follow the crowd,let the crowd follow you.不要隨波逐流,要引領(lǐng)潮流。

  9、來我城堡,當(dāng)我的王 Come to my castle, when my king

  10、You are my Achilles heel . [ 你是我無法抗拒的弱點。]

  11、Life must be lived with love, happiness, and dreams——活著一定要有愛,有快樂,有夢想。

  12、I am me, a happy crazy, is not happy to keep quiet.——我就是我,一開心就瘋瘋癲癲,不開心就安安分分

  13、藍(lán)天都開始變得渾濁,眼淚怎么會清澈。 Are beginning to become cloudy sky, how the tears will clear.

  14、夢里的我們還是舊時的模樣有著最美好的時光 Old dream we had the best time of appearance

  15、你是一場盛大的夢 夢醒了我能怪誰 You are a grand dream wake up I can blame

  16、知道ABCDEFG是什么意思嗎 A boy can do everythings for girl(一個男孩可以為一個女孩做任何事情)

  17、just like the Christmas Day - EXO

  18、你的名字是我久治不愈的病Votre nom est ma maladie en permanence.

  19、他說愛你,又不是只愛你。He said I love you, not only love you.

  20、誰寄言 :Angel lips,I got my Iost in youth in the hickey

  21、I apply to get into your life . 我申請,加入你的人生。

  22、Softhearted is sick, but you are life. 心軟是病,可你是命

  23、if you are missing someone 如果你在想念某一個人

  24、The older I get, the less people I trust. 越長大,我發(fā)現(xiàn)能信任的人越少。

  25、曾經(jīng)那么瘋狂如今這么迷惘 Once so crazy now so confused

  26、YOU must leam to look after yourselveS —————你們必須學(xué)會照顧自己。

  27、我以為開了燈的房間就不會黑 I think that turned on the light in the room would not be black

  28、她在你面前完美無瑕,我在你面前丑態(tài)畢露 Her flawless in front of you, I am utterly shameless in fron

  29、沒有做不成的夢 只有不早醒的'人 Nothing is impossible dreams only people who do not wake up early

  30、Even if you bad i also love you .即使你不好我也愛你。

  31、Laughing is the most touching mask.【笑是最動人的面具】


  33、傷口上撒鹽是為了消毒還是痛得更徹底 Add salt to the wound to disinfection or pain more thoroughly

  34、我想依賴而你卻都不在 I want to rely on and you are not

  35、香蕉banana叫笨奶奶 蘋果apple叫阿婆 tomato番茄這個厲害叫偷馬桶

  36、Move feeling,Into the heart (動了情,入了心)

  37、不要因為沒有掌聲而丟掉自己的夢想 Not because there is no applause and lost their own dreams

  38、請把我留在最好的時光里 please send me to stay in the best time

  39、我也曾以為世界美到不像話 I had thought that the world of beauty to not words

  40、I want to love you all the time. 我要的愛無非你們一直都在。

  唯美的女生英文微信個性簽名 篇2

  Strong desire is the starting point of all achievement——強(qiáng)烈的欲望是取得任何成就的第一步。

  Gray memories when I come to watch other peoples tragedy.灰色的回憶,我當(dāng)別人的悲劇來觀看。

  If you do not think about your future, you cannot have one. 如果你不思考自己的未來,你就不會有未來。

  There will be an angel to love you for me 會有天使替我愛你

  We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. 我們必須接受失望,因為它是有限的,但千萬不可失去希望,因為它是無窮的。

  You said, I do not want you, you must not marry, let my life-long guilt.你說,哪天我不要你了,你一定終身不嫁,讓我內(nèi)疚。

  唯美的女生英文微信個性簽名 篇3

  1、不會低頭不懂挽留不善言辭這可能就是我 Do not lie down and do not understand the words that I may be.

  2、習(xí)慣像永不愈合的固執(zhí)傷疤 Habit is like a never healing stubborn scars

  3、我開始相信開始害怕開始敏感開始忘記 I began to believe that began to be afraid to sensitive began to

  4、我不會原諒任何形式的背叛 I would not forgive any form of betrayal

  5、現(xiàn)在開始,我相信我一個人可以很好! Now, I believe that I am a person can be very good!

  6、Always waiting for you.總是在這里等著你

  7、So close, you so far. 那么近又那么遠(yuǎn).

  8、I will remember you forever - 永遠(yuǎn)記住我

  9、Have we loved so very reskless. 曾經(jīng)我們那么放肆的愛過.

  10、The wind blows like flowers of the time.風(fēng)吹著如花般破碎的流年.

  11、Be with you.和你在一起

  12、你那么好 「When you smile Sun shine 太燦爛得讓我都說不出話」

  13、you know that I will love you till I die。你知道我將愛你直到我死。

  14、If I say leave me alone,actually I need you more than at any time. 如果我說我想一個人靜一靜,

  15、The most known person,the warmest partner 最懂的人,最暖的伴。

  16、i will be waitting for you 這句話我還可以說給誰聽。

  17、As is our confidence, so is our capacity. 人有多自信,能力就能有多大。

  18、Wish everyone of you Merry Christmas °

  19、Waiting for your concern, until I shut the Heart

  20、I want to be with you. 若相惜 永不棄。

  21、just want to say - no one knows what i am thinking

  22、No words are necessary between two loving hearts.

  23、If I see you next to never,how can we say forever.

  24、- I love money so so much,

  25、We believe, our future.(我們相信、我們的未來。)

  26、C. Go with you in this life (這輩子和你一起走)

  27、__________Fate/stay night Unlimited

  28、ChenTian Christine 你若愛看雪、我便愛看雪。

  29、- Please do not take my sunshine away。

  30、Memories of the clear smile.(回憶里清澈的笑容)

  31、you are always my baby 聽到海的聲音。

  32、Fee1My Word 怎樣愛你才好。

  33、好多不經(jīng)意的時刻都會覺得, You are my sun shine,你是我的陽光


  35、有生之年, 峩都會叫沵親愛的。my love

  36、About us, I really had intentions

  37、ZQ、 I care about you more than care about myself .

  38、You Are My Sunshine Boy 未情竇初開 卻相濡以沫

  39、My man ‘ {hsl} … 伱__ 敢天長 , 我__ 就敢地久./

  40、GZC、My heart has been the existence of your,

  唯美的女生英文微信個性簽名 篇4

  1、Better by far you should forget and smile than that you shouldremember and be sad.


  2、What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.


  3、If you don’t fight for what you want, don’tcry for what you lose.


  4、Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.


  5、Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one.


  6、Laugh, make, quarrel, cry, now I need is indifferent.


  7、Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.


  8、If he's stupid enough to walk away, be smart enough to let him go.

  能被別人搶的走的男人,都不是你的Mr. Right。

  9、There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills.


  10、Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people.


  11、The thorough revenge is to forgive and forget.


  12、I’ve finally found that life goes on withoutyou.


  13、You said, love is too deep but don't let their destruction.


  14、You cannot appreciate happiness you have known sadness too.


  15、The only tocommandeer a man can be violent memories, is the live better.


  16、Someday you will understand, were the first to love yourself.


  17、Crouch down, hold your knees when you are depressed. Forgive othersand yourself.


  18、Don't look back, just haven't found leave your reasons.


  19、Who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too.


  20、Life has no rehearsals, only performances.


  21、When there's no expectation, losing won't bring hurt, gaining makesyou surprised.


  22、Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy withwhat you have.


  23、My heart is not open 24 hours, not the restaurant at any time,welcome to.


  24、Life's like a play: It's not the length, but the excellence of theacting that matters.

  生命 如同一個劇本:重要的不是它有多長而是演出是否精彩。

  25、A silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart.


  26、Don't say sorry, because we never mind.


  27、Nothing in the life is to be feared, it is only to be understood.


  28、Smile everyday from today. Nothing really matters except to live ordie.


  29、It's not about what you say, its about what you do.


  30、Some people are like dark clouds. When they disappear, it's abrighter day.


  31、The only way to meet the right one is to be what you really are.


  32、It take courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.


  33、Real girls aren’t perfect. Perfect girlsaren’t real.


  34、Pain changes people. Experience creates people.


  35、Every day is a beginning. Take a deep breath and start again.


  36、The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.


  37、So what if we fall down? At least we are still young.


  38、A really good friend will make you feel comfortable being who youare.


  39、Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keepmoving.


  40、Don't let the fear for losing keep you from trying.


  41、A relationship built on lies won't last.


  42、You see the world all wrong, may be you stand slanting.


  43、Empty promises will wear.


  44、If one knows what he lives for,he can bear all kinds of life.


  45、Don’t let a bad day make you feel like youhave a bad life.


  46、Don't touch ambiguity when you are in love.


  47、Delay is the deadliest form of denial.


  48、How to be happy: stop comparing yourself to others.


  45、There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.


  46、If someone truly loves you, they will never give you a reason todoubt it.


  47、Sometimes we feel tired because we are lost in our life.


  48、I'm fine, thanks for not asking.


  49、Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.


  50、Someday you will understand, were the first to love yourself.


  唯美的女生英文微信個性簽名 篇5

  1、all or nothing, now or never 。要么沒有,要么全部。要么現(xiàn)在,要么永不。

  2、Love does not require you to be perfect, but it does require you to be forgiving——愛情并不需要你處處完美,但需要你變得寬恕。

  3、Victory wonot come to me unless I go to it——勝利是不會向我們走來的,我必須自己走向勝利。

  4、You will never understand why I have that mighty proud (你們永遠(yuǎn)不懂,我為何擁有不可一世的驕傲 )

  5、Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship.比起談著充滿欺騙的戀愛,單身反而更好

  6、Is it possible you still love me?———有沒有能夠,你還愛我?

  7、The ones that love us never really leave us, and you can always find them in..here.那些愛我們的人其實從未離去,妳可以在妳的心裏找到他們。

  8、Trust is the easiest thing in the world to lose,and the hardest thing in the world to get back.信任是這個世界上最容易失去的東西,也是最難挽回的東西

  9、if I could make days last forever 如果我能把時間化作永恒

  10、Thank you for standing behind me感謝你一直支持著我

  11、We share so much together我們分享生命中的每一天

  12、I want to kiss you my baby我要親吻你我的愛人

  13、is to save every day until eternity passes away把每一天都存下來直到永恒


  15、I am not rejecting you, I am protecting me.我不是在拒絕你,我是在保護(hù)我自己。

  16、In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing——愛情的方程式:一加一等于一切,二減一等于零。

  17、※ Love is a joke smile dead somenoe huyts himself/愛是一個笑話 笑死了別人 笑疼了自己。

  18、If you feel sad for buring it in your heart, then just smile and let it go. 如果放在心里會覺得難過,那么就請微笑著放手吧。

  19、I am on my way to future, where you are there. 我要去有你的未來。

  20、Believe is one kind of love. For loving you, so I believe you ------ 信任也是一種愛。愛你,所以相信

  21、For you, I came into this world. 為了你,我來到了這個世界上。

  22、Don’t be easy to get, or you’ll be easy to forget. 不要輕易讓人得到你,不然你會很容易被忘記。

  23、You made my life ,Holly,but i‘m just one chapter in yours 你完整了我的人生,但我卻只是你人生中的過客。

  24、For every love there is a heart to receive it.每一份愛,總會有一顆心會感受到。

  25、I just need someone who never lets me down-我只是需要一個永遠(yuǎn)不會放棄我的人

  26、If love, time and distance, will not hinder.若愛,時間和距離,都不會是阻礙。

  27、You are in my heart.你在我心里

  28、My attitude is based on how you treat me. 我對你的態(tài)度取決于你怎么對待我。

  29、You are the one,in particular.I care,I treasure. 你是唯一,是特定的。我在乎,我珍惜。

  30、Miss a person, two people of the picture. 一個人的想念,兩個人的畫面。









