

時(shí)間:2021-06-12 13:56:43 禮儀常識(shí) 我要投稿


  Onlineetiquette: The ultimate guide to social media manners網(wǎng)絡(luò)禮儀:社交媒體禮儀的終極指南

  Here’s a status that’s hard to ignore: Social networks and online apps are suddenly among today’s most popular communications tools, with over 1.23 billion people now logging in daily to connect with friends, family, and colleagues on Facebook alone.如今有一股難以忽視的新趨勢(shì),那就是社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)和在線應(yīng)用成為相當(dāng)受歡迎的通信工具,每天有超過12.3億人用Facebook與朋友,家人和同事聯(lián)系。

  Which rules of conduct should you be following when connecting and communicating with others online, or reaching out regarding potential business opportunities via social networks? As we discovered while researching new book Netiquette Essentials: New Rules for Minding Your Manners in an Online World, the answers may surprise you:在與他人聯(lián)系和溝通時(shí),或通過社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)了解潛在的商業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)時(shí),您應(yīng)該遵循哪些行為規(guī)范?我們研究新書《網(wǎng)絡(luò)禮儀:網(wǎng)絡(luò)世界中您應(yīng)該遵守的禮儀規(guī)則》時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)那些規(guī)則可能會(huì)讓您驚訝:

  Social networks may seem like informal settings, but they should be treated with the same respect as any public place of business. Professionalism is imperative — if you wouldn’t say it in a social or work setting, don’t say it online, in the most public of forums.社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)可能看起來像是非正式的環(huán)境,但我們應(yīng)當(dāng)像對(duì)待公共商業(yè)場(chǎng)所那樣尊重社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)。專業(yè)性是必須的——如果您在社交或工作環(huán)境中不會(huì)談?wù)撃硞(gè)話題,那么也請(qǐng)不要在網(wǎng)上,或是公開論壇上談?wù)撍?/p>

  Be advised that conversational nuances and subtle shifts in tone or personality may be lost in the translation to digital, and that individual users may interpret messages differently: Consider how posts will be read and perceived before sending. Note to outspoken individuals: Sharing extremely-opinionated viewpoints (e.g. political leanings or thoughts on controversial topics) can be a lightning rod online. Think twice before liking supporting status updates or posting such opinions, which can incite and aggravate others (and live on in perpetuity).請(qǐng)注意,日常對(duì)話中的細(xì)微差別,或者語調(diào)或個(gè)性細(xì)微的調(diào)整在轉(zhuǎn)化為書面語時(shí)可能會(huì)丟失,不同的人對(duì)于信息可能有不一樣的解讀:發(fā)送信息前請(qǐng)仔細(xì)考慮閱讀者將怎樣解讀,看待它。說話直接的人需注意:分享非常主觀、偏見的觀點(diǎn)(例如政治傾向較強(qiáng),或個(gè)人對(duì)爭(zhēng)議性較強(qiáng)話題的感想)可能在網(wǎng)絡(luò)中招來爭(zhēng)議或批評(píng)。因此,點(diǎn)贊這類更新狀態(tài)或發(fā)布此類意見前,需要三思而行,因?yàn)檫@些信息可能煽動(dòng)他人或加劇他人想法。

  Note that images can easily be taken out of context online as well: Posting embarrassing, revealing or negative photos of yourself should be avoided at all costs. Remember: Pictures you share may be taken at face value, and/or viewed as representative of your character – not to mention live on forever on the Internet. What seems cute in high school or college may not seem quite so endearing to potential employers.請(qǐng)注意,(人們)可能會(huì)脫離上下文解讀圖片,因此必須全力避免上傳難堪的,自我暴露性的,負(fù)面消極的個(gè)人照片。記。簞e人可能從您分享的照片去判斷您,或?qū)⒄掌醋瞿愿竦拇怼挥谜f照片會(huì)一直存在于互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上。您大學(xué)時(shí)候認(rèn)為可愛的照片可能在潛在雇主看來并不是那么招人喜歡。

  Before connecting with your colleagues on social networks, consider if you’d still want to be connected to them if they weren’t your coworkers, i.e. if you ever leave the position. Prior to requesting or accepting connections from colleagues, think about material you’re apt to share as well – is it appropriate for their consumption?在社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)上和同事聯(lián)系之前,請(qǐng)仔細(xì)考慮如果他們不是您的同事了,比如您離職之后,是否還想和他們保持聯(lián)系。 在發(fā)送或者接受好友申請(qǐng)時(shí),同時(shí)也要想一想您要分享的內(nèi)容——這些內(nèi)容是否也適合他們閱讀?

  Avoid posting on social networks unless you have a tight grasp over your privacy settings, and are completely comfortable with the group of online friends that your updates will be shared with. Also note that anything shared online, although designated as private and confidential, has the possibility to become public at any time – if it’s best left unsaid, don’t say it.除非您對(duì)于隱私設(shè)置有很強(qiáng)的把握,或者對(duì)于分享信息的社交圈里的朋友很放心,否則不要在社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)上傳信息。還要記住盡管有些內(nèi)容被設(shè)定為私人的、機(jī)密的信息,也可能被隨時(shí)公開——如果有些信息最好不要說,那么就別說了。

  Understand that various online forums (social networks, blogs, digital communities) have their own rules of conduct, social norms and methods of interaction. Before utilizing one, take a moment to step back and observe how interactions take place, so you can discern appropriate rules of posting, sharing and behavior.要明白各種在線論壇(社交網(wǎng)絡(luò),博客,數(shù)字社區(qū))都有相應(yīng)的行為準(zhǔn)則,社交規(guī)范和互動(dòng)方法。 在使用之前,花一點(diǎn)時(shí)間回顧并觀察下這里社群是如何互動(dòng)的,這樣可以分辨出恰當(dāng)?shù)?方式來發(fā)布、共享信息,進(jìn)行互動(dòng)。

  Relationship or personal drama is best kept private. If you cannot resist the urge to share, do so sparingly – and in the most vague, unspecific terms possible – for the sake of involved parties, or friends uninterested or unwilling to participate in the situation.情感關(guān)系或個(gè)人戀愛情況最好保密。如果您忍不住分享的沖動(dòng),那么要小心謹(jǐn)慎。要知道關(guān)系中涉及的其他人,或者有些朋友不想或者不愿意參與其中,因此表達(dá)應(yīng)以含糊的,非具體的話語為主。

  With rare exceptions, if a prospective online contact wanted to be pitched, you would already have their email address – contacting them out of the blue on social networks with a direct sales pitch is inappropriate.除非特殊情況,一般來說如果您想要聯(lián)系某個(gè)潛在聯(lián)系人,您會(huì)有他們的電郵地址,如果突然在社交網(wǎng)絡(luò)上直接向他們推銷是不合適的。

  Under no circumstances should you pitch a product, service, or prospective business opportunity on someone’s public wall or profile. Some users will, however, provide professional contact information on their public profile – using it to contact them may be acceptable in some cases, though reaching out via any personal contact details is not.在任何情況下,您都不能在別人公共頁面直接推銷產(chǎn)品,服務(wù)或者潛在商業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)。有一些用戶可能在其公共頁面留下了工作聯(lián)系方式,在一些情況下通過工作聯(lián)系方式聯(lián)系他們是可被接受的,但是通過個(gè)人聯(lián)系方式聯(lián)系則不太合適。

  Should you choose to email, keep communications short, and be sure to quickly get to the point, including a general summary and any key questions or queries in the first couple lines. Also be sure to include your name and contact information in all communications, and be respectful with e-mail and message signatures.如果您選擇電子郵件溝通,那么表達(dá)要言簡(jiǎn)意賅,內(nèi)容要包括簡(jiǎn)短的梗概,并在開頭幾行提出關(guān)鍵問題或詢問問題。并且要在電郵中提到您的名字和聯(lián)系方式,郵件內(nèi)容和簽名要顯得尊重對(duì)方。

  Bear in mind that more employers and job recruiters are turning to online search engines to research prospective partners and hires – be aware of the results that come up, including potentially damaging or embarrassing content and links. It will help you in your efforts to build and maintain a positive online reputation to post helpful, high-quality content that’s of service to others, and do so frequently.請(qǐng)記住,大多數(shù)雇主和招聘人員會(huì)用搜索引擎來了解潛在合作伙伴和員工,所以您要注意網(wǎng)頁上關(guān)于自己的內(nèi)容,包括潛在的損害形象的尷尬內(nèi)容和鏈接。多上傳一些有益的,高質(zhì)量的,對(duì)他人有用的內(nèi)容有利于幫您建立并維持正面的形象。









