

時間:2021-06-13 17:43:23 優(yōu)美句子 我要投稿




  R: Beauty costs, dear! What do you think of this dress? Do you think it suits me?

  K: yeah, it's lovely, but to be frank, it's not the most practical. You don't have many formal events in your calendar, do you?

  R: come on, you sound like my Mom.Look at that, it's beautiful!

  K: when you buy clothes, you must think about the material, quality and price.

  R: maybe you have a point.

  K: make sure you buy what you need and your clothes can be worn for various occasions.

  R: all right. How about this black shirt? It can be worn for anything---a party, a job interview and even a funeral!

  K: that's true, but you already have two balck coats and one black sweater.

  R: oh! Hey, look, that's the same shirt Britney wore in her concert.

  K: exactly! Oh, my god! I love Britney! I'm going to get it.

  R: why not try it on?

  K: it's just the right size--a perfect fit! I'll take it. Oh, no,I'm a little short. Did you bring your credit card?

  R: yes.

  K: I promise I'll pay you back as soon as we get home.


  輪到你洗碗了。It’s your turn to wash the dishes。

  吃完飯你洗碗嗎?Will you do the dishes after the meal?

  把你的'餐具放到水槽里。Put your dishes in the sink。

  我來洗碗,你來擦/烘干。I’ll wash and you dry。

  把椅子放回去。Put the chairs back。

  這些污漬怎么洗都洗不掉。These stains just won’t come out。

  我把每一樣餐具都整理得井井有條。I keep every dishware organized。

  餐桌布臟了。The tablecloth is dirty。

  你清理爐灶時用點力。Use a little muscle when you clean the stove。

  在我看來,洗碗很無聊。The way I see it, to do the dishes is boring。

  你洗碗時要小心。Be careful when you wash the dishes。

  Clearing the Table and Doing the Dishes

  Frank:Do you like cooking?

  Jane:Yes, I do a lot. But I don’t like doing dishes. What about you? Do you like cooking and then cleaning up afterwards?

  Frank:To be honest, I don’t really like doing either one. I can’t cook and I hate cleaning。

  Jane:Suppose you have to do one of the two, which do you prefer?

  Frank:I would rather do the dishes than cook。

  Jane:I prefer the opposite. The way I see it, to do the dishes is boring。

  Frank:Let’s make a deal。


  Frank:I’m going to buy some vegetables and you cook。

  Jane:Will you do the dishes after the meal?

  Frank:Fair enough。


  O: oh, I love him too. He not only sings well but shows perseverance when he encounters difficulties in the contest.

  G: yeah, he got booted after his initial performance in the audition, but he did not give up. He then tried at another two auditions.

  O: he had barely survived the third audition and finally got a chance to advance in the contest. Fortunately, in the third audition, he has won

  popularity among the audience. And that's when I started to notice him.

  G: me too.

  O: before he made the top three, I was so nervous. I just fear that he might be knocked out.

  G: yeah,there're so many excellent candidates out there. Who knows which one will make it to the final?

  O: absolutely. That's why when he entered the final, I was so excited.

  G: he really did a great job in the finale, especially in the PK round. He perfored so well that the majority of the audience cast their votes for him.

  O: and the host announced that he won it all!


  J: but you said your dream was to be an entrepreneur, to be your own boss.

  S: I'll do it someday. But it's not the right time now. I have to learn a lot by working as an employee.

  J: it sounds like you've got a perfect plan.

  S: you could say so.I'll work hard in that company and try to understand as much as possible about how to run an enterprise.

  J: it can save you lots of time and effort to simply copy a successful business model.

  S: yeah,the success stories of that company might be useful for me. And their customers may become the potential ones for my own company.

  J: that's right. You should establish good relationships with them. what else are you planning to do while working for that company?

  S: well, I'll come up with a detailed business plan to attract the investors.

  J: sounds perfect. I think with all that you have in mind, you'll become a successful businessman. By then,perhaps, I'll join in as a partner of your company.


  B:everything's great.I've just returned from my office.

  E: your office?Aren't you a freelancer?

  B: sure I am. I work for myself, but I've rented a virtual office at an office building in the downtown area.

  E: a virtual office?

  B: yeah, an office that runs efficiently by using nothing other than online communication technologies. I pay the rent and share office services with others in the same building.

  E: what kind of services do they offer?

  B: a separated office, internet access, phone services, fax services, mail & courier services, and almost everything you have in a conventional office.

  E: sounds fun.what else?

  B: I get a business address at an expensive location, and I can share the receptionist and secretary with other offices in the same floor.

  E: oh, that helps a lot to promote your "corporate image".

  B: you bet it!


  你刷牙了嗎?Have you brushed your teeth?

  我看上去怎么樣?How do I look?

  我要是早半小時起床就好了。If only I had got up thirty minutes earlier。

  把垃圾拿出去。太臭了。Take out the garbage. It stinks。

  快點兒,要不我們就遲到了。Hurry up, or we’ll be late。

  不要著急,還早呢。Don’t hurry. It’s still early。

  我得趕緊走了。I have to rush。

  記得帶上你的包。Remember to take your bag。

  別忘了鎖門。Don’t forget to lock the door。

  糟糕,我把鑰匙鎖在房子里了。Damn, I have locked the key in the house。

  Before Leaving Home

  Carter:Susan, good evening. Why are you so dressed up?

  Susan:I am on my way out to a New Year’s banquet. How do I look? Is my make-up OK?

  Carter:You look great. Your make-up is perfect。

  Susan:Do you think I should wear a different dress?

  Carter:No, the one you have on looks fabulous, especially with your hair like that。

  Susan:Thanks for saying. Do you have any ideas which necklace I should wear?

  Carter:With that dress I’d say your white diamond necklace would look perfect。

  Susan:Thanks for helping out. Now that I’m ready, what are you doing tonight?

  Carter:Not much, just a house party with some friends。

  Susan:Sounds fun. Anyone I know is going?

  Carter:Yeah, most of the people are from our office。

  Susan:Sounds Like I'm missing out on a good time. Oh, well, there is always next year。

  Carter:I’m sure you’ll have fun no matter where you go. Remember to take your bag。









